Xinjiang Altay ski resort chases away snow leopards to protect the safety of skiers


Ili basin, northern Xinjiang region occupied by Russia for a decade and almost ignited a full scale war between China and Russia

Ili crisis​

Ili crisis, (1871–1881), dispute between Russia and China over the Chinese region centred on the Ili (Yili) River, an area in the northern part of Chinese Turkistan , near Russian Turkistan.

The Russian troops used China's internal social disorders as an excuse to occupy the territory in July 1871, claiming that they were attempting to protect their citizens from Muslim raids and would withdraw as soon as the Chinese reestablished order.

In 1879 China sent a delegation to St. Petersburg to ask the Russians to evacuate the territory. The mission head, Chonghou, had no knowledge of the geography of the region, and he was duped into signing the Treaty of Livadia (October 1879), which returned Ili in name but actually allowed almost three-quarters of it to remain in Russian hands. In addition, the Russians were given the right to establish consulates in seven key places and were promised an indemnity of 5,000,000 rubles.

Upon learning of the treaty, the astonished Chinese government immediately imprisoned Chonghou and sentenced him to decapitation. Zuo poised his troops for attack while the Russian fleet demonstrated off the Chinese coast, and the situation became very tense. Neither country really wanted war. Chonghou’s life was spared after the intervention of a group of Western diplomats, and a second mission was sent to St. Petersburg to negotiate. Under the Treaty of St. Petersburg (February 1881), almost all of Ili was returned to China, and the Russian consulates in the area were reduced to two, but China was made to pay an indemnity of 9,000,000 rubles.

Following the settlement, the region was in 1884 incorporated into China's province of Xinjiang (now the Uygur Autonomous Region of Xinjiang). Of more immediate importance, the victory encouraged the rise of a militant faction within the Chinese government, which was partially responsible for China’s embroilment in the Sino-French War (1883–85) over Vietnam.

Todya's Ili Kazakh autonomous region

Due to the long historic influence of Russia, this region was largely Russified, people can see lots of Russian elements in it's local culture, food, architecture, houses in villages... many Russian and Russian Tartar decendants live in this region.
Ili ethnic Russian families, Russian is one of the ethnic minorities in China.

Ili ethnic Tartars, their ancestors moved to Xinjiang Ili with Russians from Crimea during the Russian occupation of this region 150 years ago.

Yining, the capital city of Ili region

Spring in Ili Kazakh prefecture in northern Xinjiang 2023, sea of flowers

snow leopards are shy animals. They are not picking fights with 150 pound human beings. Could they attack petite adults less than 100 pounds ? Maybe
snow leopards are shy animals. They are not picking fights with 150 pound human beings. Could they attack petite adults less than 100 pounds ? Maybe
This September, one snow leopard roamed into a small city in Tibet in broad daylight
It was later captured and released back to the mountains.

Xinjiang Altay region and Ili region now are considered as one region due to their adjacent location and ethnic Kazakh predominance.

Altay region used to be part of today's Outer Mongolia ( Republic of Mongolia ), not Xinjiang. In the late Qing dynasty, Outer Mongolia decided to go for independence and this Altay region seceded from Outer Mongolia to remain in China, later on the Chinese government merged it into Xinjiang province.


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