Iranian Foreign & Resistance Front Strategy & Operations

All the planes are in arriving.

Iran by waiting is allowing its enemies to prepare as a way to limit the counter attack on itself. And it’s doing that on purpose actually. US intelligence already said most of the Iranian weapon launchers and capability from April was still left set up, so Iran should have a much shorter reaction time. Hajizadeh openly bragged round 2 would be so much worse and he “hopes” he gets the chance. Well now he does. Salami and Bagheri redline they set got violated a few months after.

The thinking goes if you cannot stay silent then make sure the enemy has enough time to prepare that any damages is their own fault and thus not worthy of a stronger counter response.

I bet you that is what Iran is doing. Giving every so much time to prepare to lessen the risk of a bad counter strike. Basicsllly a HUGE courtesy given to your enemy.

Iran is soft as cotton under Khamenai. Hard to believe the Khomeini Iran was blowing up Marine barracks, Israeli diplomatic outposts and buildings, US/Western facilities in the 80’e and 90’s and helped assassinate Lebanon’s PM Hariri

I get it’s “revolutionary fervor” days are long in the rear view, but this is absurd. Remove the Quds force and it’s shadow war and Iran is basically a pacifist country.
I like reading bad analysis, bad interpretation here. Iran has a fantastic and huge war logistics with a colossal number of diversified weapons, it must be extremely complex to manage all that.

Let Israel prepare for the USA to bring weapons, planes, ships and more, it will make more weapons to attack and destroy and hurt the USA very badly. Iran is very eager to destroy F-22s and especially F-35s, they dream of it every day. And to put in place in addition a concerted action with the resistance, it must be incredibly well structured
Obvious and correct analysis on Zionia’s deep strategic defeat (for correct thinkers only):

I wonder how much this autonomy of this network of alliances of Iran in Iraq, Syria and Lebanon will be even more aggressive in the future because of Iran's passivity. As we have seen here, the networks of Iran's supporters in Iraq and Lebanon wanted to retaliate immediately against Israel-US after the death of Soleimani. I have no doubt that also after the death of Hezbollah commanders in Lebanon and the Hamas leader in Tehran, Hezbollah wanted to retaliate immediately against Israel, Iran ends up delaying the response to any escalation provoked.

The Axis of Resistance will be increasingly decentralized from Iran and not because of Tehran's will, but because of Iran's lack of military/political will to actually be the direct active agent of this resistance. The result is that the “Axis of Resistance” which I jokingly refer to as the “Axis of Passivity” is now changing from a hierarchical network centered on Iran to a horizontal decentralized structure that facilitates greater autonomy for its members. The collapse of Tehran’s control could lead its partners to take uncoordinated actions that threaten Iranian interests, which is why full decentralization is not the path Tehran wants, but it will end up being what happens, although even decentralization could offer benefits to Iran and the network. More autonomy gives Iran the plausible deniability to distance itself from its partners’ provocations, while still seeking their support when needed.

There’s a whole article on this:

By the way:
I believe the Iranians would learn a lot by associating closely with Russian counterintelligence services.
The article that best exemplifies this deficiency in Iran's intelligence and counterintelligence:
I wonder how much this autonomy of this network of alliances of Iran in Iraq, Syria and Lebanon will be even more aggressive in the future because of Iran's passivity -- <!CLIP!>
Iran created The Resistance that's currently destroying Zionia. Iran isn't 'passive'. Far from it.
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Iran created The Resistance that's currently destroying Zionia. Iran isn't 'passive'. Far from it.
Passivity is not the absence of action/reaction. It is the patience that Iran demonstrates, contradicting its own statements. Here we have a proverb that a dog that barks a lot does not bite.
Passivity is not the absence of action/reaction. It is the patience that Iran demonstrates, contradicting its own statements. Here we have a proverb that a dog that barks a lot does not bite.
...I wouldn't use the term 'passive' since it means 'absence of action or reaction'. 'Patient' is sufficient.
. Iran isn't 'passive'. Far from it.


...I wouldn't use the term 'passive' since it means 'absence of action or reaction'. 'Patient' is sufficient.

Very incorrect!

Here we have a proverb that a dog that barks a lot does not bite.

Correct! And the enemy now firmly knows that after they struck your forces in Syria over 300 times, killed over 100 Iranian officials around the Middle East, and caused $5B+ in damages to various weapons, bases, buildings, etc. in the last decade

But some say that Iran is doing fine! Amazing even! Oskhols they are! Bani Sadr’s lacking honor.
For 5 decades the zionists got screwed by our invincible proxies and now it is IRAN's turn to turn them into the poorest crowd on earth thanks to their wrong decision

Now overlord will play himself and soldiers will watch

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