Iranian Foreign & Resistance Front Strategy & Operations

Yes ‘damned if you do’ after 300 strikes on Iranian forces and over 100 Iranians killed have gone unanswered for a decade.
Other than Damascus attack which Iran missilesd back and slapped/humiliated them even worse than 7 Oct give names of 10 Iranian militants who got directly martyred by zionist strikes
Other than Damascus attack which Iran missilesd back and slapped/humiliated them even worse than 7 Oct give names of 10 Iranian militants who got directly martyred by zionist strikes

That’s just in the last 12 months by the way.
There is no way Iran would be able to avoid a major war ... even if Iran doesn't retaliate this time , Israel and America will find some other excuse to attack Iran ......the end goal is to once for all neutralize the threat of nuclear Iran ......Iran's only hope is Russia and Pakistan come to her rescue .....China will give lip service that's it .....Arab countries will pop up bottles of champagne
China never really does anything. Russia is single-handedly challenging the existing international order alone with an ongoing open war in its neighbor.
China never really does anything. Russia is single-handedly challenging the existing international order alone with an ongoing open war in its neighbor.

Don’t give the idiot Putin any credit.

China is doing exactly the same strategy that got Putin into this mess.

Putin constantly threw allies (or I should say client states) under the bus to save his country (Iraq, Iran, Syria, Libya) and constantly pandered to the US to curry favor for his own oligarchs while the US kept moving chess pieces closer and closer to Russia and Russian interests.

Every time Putin complained, US used Iran as the excuse for why they are doing it (placing missile interceptors in Poland for example under the excuse to defend Europe from Iranian BMs - a laughable justification).

Meanwhile CIA staged a color revolution in Ukraine which finally woke Putin up to his treacherous foreign policy. Then he invaded the dysfunction and non existent Ukrainian post revolution army, but again boneheaded made a stupid move: signed the Minsk accords.

He listened to that fat Dyke Merkel of Germany and signed the deal giving time for the West to train and arm the new post revolution Ukraine army. And suddenly the Russian army that was steamrolling Ukraine in 2014 and could have taken Kiyv with minimal effort hit a brick wall in 2022.

So don’t give any credit to Putin.

And Xi is making the same mistake pandering to US over Taiwan. And the west is slowly turning the screws into China by getting the world to turn against China and forcing Xi to choose between a functional export economy or territorial integrity.

It’s time for our daily game: “Will the Paper Lion Attack?” Hosted by The IRGC & Iranian leadership

It is approaching 11 PM in Tehran as we move into Friday early morning hours the window of military action is between midnight at 2 am. If we don’t see any action by then, then we will play this game tomorrow! And the next day! And the next day!

It’s time for our daily game: “Will the Paper Lion Attack?” Hosted by The IRGC & Iranian leadership

It is approaching 11 PM in Tehran as we move into Friday early morning hours the window of military action is between midnight at 2 am. If we don’t see any action by then, then we will play this game tomorrow! And the next day! And the next day!
You’re ‘playing with yourself’.⛹️‍♀️

The response is in Iran’s prerogative. Let the israeli’s stress, run to shelter, await…. This increases anxiety and uncertainty in all aspects. It is best to prepare well for a potential counterattack and also create a stressful environment for your opponent.
At first I was thinking, Iran was in some way preparing an answer with some acquiescence of the Pentagon... But maybe the reason it is more simple, Maybe Iran it is not fully prepared and it is importing some spares or munitions (TOR-M1) or even more ECM systems for the attack. I am reading wild thing on Internet. From some Iskander-M missiles to even S400 that are being deployed by Russians inside Iran to protect Bushrer and Natanz... But I prefer to keep silence. Something really big it is being prepared.
At first I was thinking, Iran was in some way preparing an answer with some acquiescence of the Pentagon... But maybe the reason it is more simple, Maybe Iran it is not fully prepared and it is importing some spares or munitions (TOR-M1) or even more ECM systems for the attack. I am reading wild thing on Internet. From some Iskander-M missiles to even S400 that are being deployed by Russians inside Iran to protect Bushrer and Natanz... But I prefer to keep silence. Something really big it is being prepared.
Irans attack will be fatal to Israel this time around. There’s a lot of activity to temper it down. Another Oct 7th or worse, and it’s all over.

Hezb makes a 30 to 50 mile deep incursion, it will knock the wind out of Israel’s lungs……They won’t be able to push them out, no matter what.

It will be the beginning of the end
Israel assassinates top Hamas official (Saleh Arouri) via drone strike in Beirut

Iran has zero deterrence against this campaign of targeted assassinations of leaders of the Axis of Resistance, and now Hezbollah's deterrence faces a grave threat. Quite frankly, they must escalate to a very serious level and accept the cost of this, otherwise Israel will become emboldened and Hezbollah will lose even more deterrence over time.

Arouri was considered the head of the Resistance in the West Bank and the number 2 official in Hamas overall (behind only Sinwar).

Nasrallah recently promised a "severe reaction" to any Israeli assassination in Lebanon - now he must deliver

“For any Israeli assassination against a Lebanese, Palestinian, Iranian person or anyone else, that is carried out on Lebanese territory — there will be a severe reaction and we will not be silent about it,” Hassan Nasrallah said.

“We will not allow a return to assassinations in Lebanon and we will not accept changes to the rules of conflict. Israel must understand this,” Nasrallah continued.
this didn’t age well…

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