Iranian Foreign & Resistance Front Strategy & Operations

There are reports of significant GPS interference in southern Lebanon, northern Jordan and Iraq.
It was supposed to happen 6 days ago according to US centcom officials

Then 2 days ago and now tommorow according to random osints

So who can we trust? This smells the classic method to promote themselves, to pray that it happens during the "predicted time" then say "I was right it happened like i said" or invent an excuse if nothing happens

So i will wait until the first bombs explodes at Israeli sites
Would Iran take out Jordanian airfields to stop them from interfering in the operation for the USAF fighters operating from Jordan aswell as the Jordanian airforce?
Would Iran take out Jordanian airfields to stop them from interfering in the operation for the USAF fighters operating from Jordan aswell as the Jordanian airforce?
To be honest i wouldn't be surprised if this happens after multiple warnings issued, i hope that Jordan will not interfere once again as targeting neighbors , especially Jordan which population is very dense, is not wanted, this should be done at a very last resort and with limited strikes

If there is another plot for Jordan to intercept projectiles using US contractors and its air force, it would just mean that Jordan is ready to protect Israel at the cost of its own national security, just for the sake of Israelis
Best is to prepare for a possible retaliation, pit everything in place and get Russian weapons to assist. Then strike and be ready to defend/strike again.

The zionist regime will try to get the US to fight their war as the christian zionist crazies believe this is a prophecy.
Would Iran take out Jordanian airfields to stop them from interfering in the operation for the USAF fighters operating from Jordan aswell as the Jordanian airforce?
King Playstation needs to be pulled away from constantly playing COD and reminded that he's the king of his country. Check his medals tally:

Will Iran arm Russia with Fath360 and Ababeel missiles?

These missiles will be much more fatal than Shahed family drones

It was supposed to happen 6 days ago according to US centcom officials

Then 2 days ago and now tommorow according to random osints

So who can we trust? This smells the classic method to promote themselves, to pray that it happens during the "predicted time" then say "I was right it happened like i said" or invent an excuse if nothing happens

So i will wait until the first bombs explodes at Israeli sites

I’d say it’s greater than 50/50 chance Hezbollah attacks tomm.

Iran the window is Sunday-Tuesday with Monday and Tuesday being Jewish holidays.

However, with the negotiaitons supposedly coming up the US/Arabs are trying to outmaneuver by saying that you should let negotiations have a chance.

The Russians did the same with Obama’s infamous red line when Assad was alleged to have conducted the infamous gas attack on the Syrian town. Russia quickly stepped in and offered for Assad to get rid of his chemical stockpile as a good will gesture and hence the famous Obama red line was crossed.

Iran is more than happy to have an excuse not to attack. And given the delay it sounds like there is clashing inside the Republic between more liberal sects and conservatives aligned with the military over what the response should be
I’d say it’s greater than 50/50 chance Hezbollah attacks tomm.

Iran the window is Sunday-Tuesday with Monday and Tuesday being Jewish holidays.

However, with the negotiaitons supposedly coming up the US/Arabs are trying to outmaneuver by saying that you should let negotiations have a chance.

The Russians did the same with Obama’s infamous red line when Assad was alleged to have conducted the infamous gas attack on the Syrian town. Russia quickly stepped in and offered for Assad to get rid of his chemical stockpile as a good will gesture and hence the famous Obama red line was crossed.

Iran is more than happy to have an excuse not to attack. And given the delay it sounds like there is clashing inside the Republic between more liberal sects and conservatives aligned with the military over what the response should be

I think Iran is tired of israeli aggression in the region and the decision to retaliate has already been made. Now, the severity of the attack will depend on how much Iran will get in return, as far as their regional objectives are concerned. Pull out of Rafah? Sure, we’ll spare the Knesset. Get my point?

A few days ago Iran attackd a US base whilst Biden was in the situation room, talk about timing. This resulted in 7 casualties and the US did nothing or the controlled media machine barely mentioned it. This shows a lack of regional deterrence in the face of an Iranian spider web of resistance.

I am sure it has gotten annoying having to run to a bunker in israel and having to re-buy your preps due to the delay, lol. If America wants to go fight a war due to AIPAC then so be it, the entire region is tired of the west and israel (puppet leaders excluded).

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