Iranian Foreign & Resistance Front Strategy & Operations

Don’t give the idiot Putin any credit.

China is doing exactly the same strategy that got Putin into this mess.

Putin constantly threw allies (or I should say client states) under the bus to save his country (Iraq, Iran, Syria, Libya) and constantly pandered to the US to curry favor for his own oligarchs while the US kept moving chess pieces closer and closer to Russia and Russian interests.

Every time Putin complained, US used Iran as the excuse for why they are doing it (placing missile interceptors in Poland for example under the excuse to defend Europe from Iranian BMs - a laughable justification).

Meanwhile CIA staged a color revolution in Ukraine which finally woke Putin up to his treacherous foreign policy. Then he invaded the dysfunction and non existent Ukrainian post revolution army, but again boneheaded made a stupid move: signed the Minsk accords.

He listened to that fat Dyke Merkel of Germany and signed the deal giving time for the West to train and arm the new post revolution Ukraine army. And suddenly the Russian army that was steamrolling Ukraine in 2014 and could have taken Kiyv with minimal effort hit a brick wall in 2022.

So don’t give any credit to Putin.

And Xi is making the same mistake pandering to US over Taiwan. And the west is slowly turning the screws into China by getting the world to turn against China and forcing Xi to choose between a functional export economy or territorial integrity.

Usa is a mastermind chess player, so far we haven't witnessed any genuine rival after the Soviets. China is slowly being surrounded by Usa allies whilst China keeps on claiming they are neutral. If China wants to save itself they must form strategic alliances like the Usa, and protect their allies. They have formed a formidable army but they need alliances in order to safeguard their future, economy etc. Usa maybe declining but they are still relevant because of their alliance with EU, Quad.

Russia thought the same but now Nato is in their backyard causing a war which affects Russia but not Nato, they are in big trouble, good for them China is a rising power. They made big mistake not defending Libya and Iraq, for Syria they came to the rescue which is still half baked as usa has presence and Israel bombs Syria when it feels like.

Iran on the other hand is fighting Usa empire with proxies, which are weak compared to a nation/economy and army. Iran should dump India and form a defence alliance with Russia and China, possibly allow one joint military base so they would be confident no attack will take place on Iranian soil, their economy will grow if Asian/Middleeast/ASEAN/Africa rises otherwise its a big struggle when Usa/EU/GCC/Quad are allies.
Usa is a mastermind chess player, so far we haven't witnessed any genuine rival after the Soviets. China is slowly being surrounded by Usa allies whilst China keeps on claiming they are neutral. If China wants to save itself they must form strategic alliances like the Usa, and protect their allies. They have formed a formidable army but they need alliances in order to safeguard their future, economy etc. Usa maybe declining but they are still relevant because of their alliance with EU, Quad.

Correct, China also has biological clock. It has negative population growth and by 2040 it’s population will have dropped by 300M people! By 2100 it will be less than 800M people! US on the other hand gets huge influx of people (both legal and illegal) so even if it’s population birth rate dramatically dropped, the amount of immigrants more than enough makes up. No one is emigrating to China in droves.

Xi doesn’t have a huge window of opportunity next 10 years I reckon and then it becomes much harder. Of course no one can see the future and some event could happen that swings things in favor of China, but how likely is that to happen?

Russia thought the same but now Nato is in their backyard causing a war which affects Russia but not Nato, they are in big trouble, good for them China is a rising power. They made big mistake not defending Libya and Iraq, for Syria they came to the rescue which is still half baked as usa has presence and Israel bombs Syria when it feels like.

Syria they only came to rescue because Solemani had to fly and show Putin a map and tell him how *****ed he was going to be.

Even then Putin slowly came.

Iran on the other hand is fighting Usa empire with proxies, which are weak compared to a nation/economy and army. Iran should dump India and form a defence alliance with Russia and China, possibly allow one joint military base so they would be confident no attack will take place on Iranian soil, their economy will grow if Asian/Middleeast/ASEAN/Africa rises otherwise its a big struggle when Usa/EU/GCC/Quad are allies.

The saddest thing is Iran-China-Russia would have been the most powerful axis and trumped the German-Italian-Japanese axis.

Iran and Russia are #1 & #2 in natural gas reserves and big oil producers. Which solves the energy issue (that crippled Imperial Japan —lack of reliable energy source) and China has one of the largest manufacturing and economies in the world with a military that can actually come close to the US.

But Putin wanted to become friends with Americans and Xi is loner.

So iran was stuck cultivating among its own groups because Putin and Xi are lone wolves.

A massive missed opportunity, oh well maybe in some other timeline that axis exists, not in this one tho.

It’s time for our daily game: “Will the Paper Lion Attack?” Hosted by The IRGC & Iranian leadership

It is approaching 11 PM in Tehran as we move into Friday early morning hours the window of military action is between midnight at 2 am. If we don’t see any action by then, then we will play this game tomorrow! And the next day! And the next day!
Fools rush in where angels fear to tread.....Iran has neither the capacity nor the will to take on Israel and America.... what does Iran have ? .. let's assume 10000 drones and 5000 missiles ...throw all of them on Israel , let's assume again 20 percent hit the target , how much damage would they cause ?.... would that destroy the war making capabilities of Israel and America ? .......when Israel and America retaliate with full force you will find yourself in stone age .....grin and bear , bide your time .
Usa is a mastermind chess player, so far we haven't witnessed any genuine rival after the Soviets. China is slowly being surrounded by Usa allies whilst China keeps on claiming they are neutral. If China wants to save itself they must form strategic alliances like the Usa, and protect their allies. They have formed a formidable army but they need alliances in order to safeguard their future, economy etc. Usa maybe declining but they are still relevant because of their alliance with EU, Quad.

Russia thought the same but now Nato is in their backyard causing a war which affects Russia but not Nato, they are in big trouble, good for them China is a rising power. They made big mistake not defending Libya and Iraq, for Syria they came to the rescue which is still half baked as usa has presence and Israel bombs Syria when it feels like.

Iran on the other hand is fighting Usa empire with proxies, which are weak compared to a nation/economy and army. Iran should dump India and form a defence alliance with Russia and China, possibly allow one joint military base so they would be confident no attack will take place on Iranian soil, their economy will grow if Asian/Middleeast/ASEAN/Africa rises otherwise its a big struggle when Usa/EU/GCC/Quad are allies.
Correct, China also has biological clock. It has negative population growth and by 2040 it’s population will have dropped by 300M people! By 2100 it will be less than 800M people! US on the other hand gets huge influx of people (both legal and illegal) so even if it’s population birth rate dramatically dropped, the amount of immigrants more than enough makes up. No one is emigrating to China in droves.

Xi doesn’t have a huge window of opportunity next 10 years I reckon and then it becomes much harder. Of course no one can see the future and some event could happen that swings things in favor of China, but how likely is that to happen?

Syria they only came to rescue because Solemani had to fly and show Putin a map and tell him how *****ed he was going to be.

Even then Putin slowly came.

The saddest thing is Iran-China-Russia would have been the most powerful axis and trumped the German-Italian-Japanese axis.

Iran and Russia are #1 & #2 in natural gas reserves and big oil producers. Which solves the energy issue (that crippled Imperial Japan —lack of reliable energy source) and China has one of the largest manufacturing and economies in the world with a military that can actually come close to the US.

But Putin wanted to become friends with Americans and Xi is loner.

So iran was stuck cultivating among its own groups because Putin and Xi are lone wolves.

A massive missed opportunity, oh well maybe in some other timeline that axis exists, not in this one tho.
Don't be sad. Tighten your belt and smile, sunshine!
The blood and lives of those children at that school in Gaza lie on the hands of Khamenai and his IRGC stooges (Salami, Hajizadeh, and Bagheri) for their inaction and incompetence.

All they can do is make speeches. Men of words not Men of the battlefield.
Here's my observation/Analysis.

1. Israelis are trying to bring the war to Iranian territory to avenge the destruction being done/ongoing within Israel. They knew Iranians would have no choice but to retaliate on this assassination and yet they did. Iranians need to plan well on how to tackle Israeli response.

2. Israelis hit you in Tehran. Now, Iran will go for Tel Aviv.

3. Russian and Chinese help/intelligence will play a crucial role in favor of Iran/Resistance.

4. China might take a shot at Taiwan in all this chaos.

5. Jordan might face uprising if this time she sides with Zionists.

6. Hamas might get the opening shot as the first one to attack Zionists as this whole thing started due to assassination of their leader.

7. Iranians need to plan specifically for Israeli Airforce and on internal security front - sorting out Western/Zionists moles and agents.

8. Iranians might end up doing counter assassination of a Zionist official.

9. The ideal day for Iran to attack Zionists is on the Jewish holiday Tisha B’Av on August 12-13

10. The heat of Palestinian blood will reach Tel Aviv, sooner or later.

Hopefully, Zionists will get their own medicine this time and will realize that they are not as clever as they think they are. In fact, these zionists are/will realize they are fukin cursed...

Go Iran, strike them where it hurts, right in their soul.
Unless Iran has let the west know when and how it will attack like last time, this is just more guess work. They no doubt have every spy satellite, drone, awecs, whatever they can put up in the sky to see Iran.

I wonder if Iran needs to increase its missle silos, so it can carry out strikes without its enemies knowing. By the time the hatch opens and the missiles are fired it would leave little time to respond compared ti where we are today.
Unless Iran has let the west know when and how it will attack like last time, this is just more guess work. They no doubt have every spy satellite, drone, awecs, whatever they can put up in the sky to see Iran.

I wonder if Iran needs to increase its missle silos, so it can carry out strikes without its enemies knowing. By the time the hatch opens and the missiles are fired it would leave little time to respond compared ti where we are today.

It’s tonight (and tomorrow night)

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