Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

AND YET, people like you will still say "what can us Arabs do against superior American and Israeli military technology " WHEN:

1. The bravery and determination of Gaza alone is impossible for Israel to quench or defeat (so Egypt can use that as inspiration and confirmation that it can successfully challenge Israel).

2. These 0 willpower and low self esteem lost Sunni Muslim govts like Egypt and Turkey ALREADY have enough weapons and technology to fight and beat Israel, but what they lack is the willpower to do it and survive without daddy America's "support".

3. Rag-tag militia Houthis from far distance used 1 hypersonic missile and some drones to damage Israel and its aura of invincibility forever.

4. Rag-tag militiat Houthis used reverse-engineered donated missiles donated by Iran to enforce a naval blockade and control of the Red Sea even US can't break (a fact).

5. All it takes is for the weakest and most useless Arab govts like Egypt to call the IRGC to acquire an HGV that Israel cannot intercept. Iran will give it to any Muslim or Arab country as long as they promise to use it only against Israel (and US allies) and never against Muslims (or their interests).
Palestinians aren't fighting just the Israelis but fighting the US , UK, Germany , France etc by Proxy their Israel.
I think other than Israelis, just about every knows this for MONTHS: Israel wants an escalation to the point of dragging the Americans in. They keep failing on that attempt so far but they keep trying.
What a $ussy army!

I am feeling it hard to feel any sympathy for Hezbollah.

They were sitting around while IDF killed tens of thousands of Gaza civilians. What were they waiting for all this time?

Those reports of 'bombed X place' were worthless without a significant body count to make the IDF retreat from Gaza and take them seriously. Then they made a truce with Israel.

Israel keeps killing people and they keep vowing revenge and making truces.

P.S. All I can think of is that both Iran and Hezb received warnings from the US and European countries not to get involved. The warnings were probably accompanied by evidence showing how much the West knows about their operations and how vulnerable they would be if the West got involved.
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Please come here and clean up the religion talk. Not only is it completely WRONG assumptions based upon ignorance and lack of knowledge, but it's also against forum rules I believe.
Just report the posts that you find offensive and we will sort it
I am feeling it hard to feel any sympathy for Hezbollah.

They were sitting around while IDF killed tens of thousands of Gaza civilians. What were they waiting for all this time?

Those reports of 'bombed X place' were worthless without a significant body count to make the IDF retreat from Gaza and take them seriously. Then they made a truce with Israel.

Israel keeps killing people and they keep vowing revenge and making truces.

P.S. All I can think of is that both Iran and Hezb received warnings from the US and European countries not to get involved. The warnings were probably accompanied by evidence showing how much the West knows about their operations and how vulnerable they would be if the West got involved.

Why is it beholden upon Hezbollah a non-state actor to fight a full scale war against a global military power singlehandedly whilst other Aram countries remain silent???

It looks like the supply chain in Lebanon is controlled by people who work for Mossad. Here you have cars, phones, laptops, solar panels, etc exploding on people. How is that possible if the people who import them are not working for Mossad?

Lebanon has many conflicting groups, both Muslim and non-Muslim who would be happy to sabotage Hezbollah’s supplies for money.

Every single conflict and terrorist activity in Muslim countries happens because there are local people who join up with foreign states to fight their local enemies. For example, the Northern Alliance in Afghanistan helped the US invade their country to get rid of the Taliban.
So politician decision to respond hasn't been taken, it appears. Not good.
If you are talking about Hezbollah, forget them.

It's a scammy rethoric group. Blame Hamas for thinking they (Hezbollah) would actually involve themselves for the sake of Palestine.

And no, being engaged in a choreographed low level conflict on the borders is not being involved, it's to keep the scammy picture alive.
The United Nations accuses Israel of violating a treaty to protect the children of Gaza

Technically all Un arm Civilians should be protected
Including Elderly , Women and Children

An unarmed person is an unarmed person

Untill Muslims will not say in one voice

"Blood of Muslims is not water , or cheaper then any other race"

The carnage will continue

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