Reports: Bajwa agreed to curtail Pakistan’s ballistic missile program

Not even MIRV can deter India because India has the capability to neutralize missiles in their boost phase anywhere in Pakistan, along with air superiority and extensive on-ground and satellite intelligence to locate and destroy Pakistani nuclear installations. These systems will only improve as India's economy grows and research and development advance. That's why I maintain that Pakistan can never have a credible nuclear deterrence against India.
The only way to deliver nuclear weapons onto Indian territory is through a submarine-launched nuclear missile, and that too only if the submarine is nuclear-powered, has long-range capabilities, and is stealthy enough to evade detection by the Indian Navy’s submarine hunters.

Something Iran claimed until their missile were knocked out.
They got dozens of ballistic missiles, cruise missiles and drones through (from 1200 km's away), without breaking a sweat. Let me tell you, a big sqd of Su-30's, Rafales or Mirage-2000's has zero chance of getting through the multi layered IDF defense system or getting past their air force.
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Not even MIRV can deter India because India has the capability to neutralize missiles in their boost phase anywhere in Pakistan, along with air superiority and extensive on-ground and satellite intelligence to locate and destroy Pakistani nuclear installations. These systems will only improve as India's economy grows and research and development advance. That's why I maintain that Pakistan can never have a credible nuclear deterrence against India. In fact, even Afghanistan is not deterred by Pakistan's so-called nuclear deterrence, let alone India.
The only way to deliver nuclear weapons onto Indian territory is through a submarine-launched nuclear missile, and that too only if the submarine is nuclear-powered, has long-range capabilities, and is stealthy enough to evade detection by the Indian Navy’s submarine hunters.

OK saar
Not even MIRV can deter India because India has the capability to neutralize missiles in their boost phase anywhere in Pakistan, along with air superiority and extensive on-ground and satellite intelligence to locate and destroy Pakistani nuclear installations. These systems will only improve as India's economy grows and research and development advance. That's why I maintain that Pakistan can never have a credible nuclear deterrence against India. In fact, even Afghanistan is not deterred by Pakistan's so-called nuclear deterrence, let alone India.
The only way to deliver nuclear weapons onto Indian territory is through a submarine-launched nuclear missile, and that too only if the submarine is nuclear-powered, has long-range capabilities, and is stealthy enough to evade detection by the Indian Navy’s submarine hunters.
Man, Stfu. I can smell the poop and paan through my phone screen reading your crap
The Pak Deep State is a maestro in "spy games" - deception, diversion, double games, double crossing etc. They usually don't do what they say, and usually do what they don't say. Therefore, look at the trendline, not the headlines......
You have last five COAS having the intimate knowledge of Pakistan strategic assets settle abroad! all in the sphere of west or western influenced countries. Dont need rocket science to understand what they have been doing during their tenure.

Its a bloody 220 million strong nation, all sorts of BS is discussed 24*7, yet this has never been highlighted and people ask these rats as to how they accumulated such wealth to live the life style after retirement on a grade 22 officer salary!
Or, they don't have that much intimate knowledge at the first place! I'm just trying to insinuate at some "despicable" probabilities! Once a US delegation, at the height of the WOT, was complaining that the Pak side looked so much completely lost at the discussions which were taking place that they thought the Pak intelligence had sent some dummies into that meeting! The US side couldn't figure out what the Pak side wanted for the folks had no clues...
It may not be politically correct to say but the truth must be told ......Bajwa is son in law of ahmedis and the interest of ahmedis lies in the west , so are the interest of Nawaz family . ..the present military dispensation , so far , has no assets in the west ...if they are buying assets now it will come out after their retirement .,... people don't realize Asim Munir is no friend of Nawaz family ....he is using them to make difficult but necessary structural reforms ....once the job is done the patwaris will be either in jail or the lucky ones in London .
Unfortunately - the issue isn’t with one particular sect but if your leadership (for various historical reasons and maybe even injustices) is abroad and has undue influence on your life - then you cannot decide the fate of millions at home. And this is not confined to one sect.

Again, I am not promoting them as the “chosen ones” or right path but one thing the local denominations (Barelvi, Deobandi, various sufi sects) have going for them is that at least their religious leaders/mentors/guidance is local and organic in its nature so any interests are local as well.
As the story goes, when some foreign officials, from Sandia if I remember correctly, visited Gen. Kidwai in the late 2000s, he had models of missiles on shelf’s on two of his walls, but the other two walls had empty shelfs. Asked by the visiting officials, what this means, the general alluded to Pakistan’s desire for new designs of missiles in the future.

So in the Mushraff era, the 2750 km limit was a self imposed limit, so as to stay out of having anything to do with the Middle East. That is where it should have been left. The less said on the matter the better.

Going out and making some kind of official commitment to curtail the progra is a slippery slope Bajwa should not have gone toward. Even if future missiles stay within the 2750 km limit, you will have foreigners looking in, per what ever secrecy agreement.

Besides, by now Pakistan has learned not to assume leadership on the Palestine issue, when neighboring nations aren’t willing to fight kinetically. Pakistan was India focused, primarily in a defensive stance, and Bajwa should have left well enough alone, on this issue and others as well. If true, Bajwa’s actions would undermine the credibility of deterrent and endanger the country, raising the risk India might indulge in a miscalculation.

This is making it even more necessary that the social contract between the state and the people needs to be rebuilt. secret deals and national interests sold out for what? Pakistan is in desperate need for a third republic, and economic stability to regain some semblance of independence.

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Man, Stfu. I can smell the poop and paan through my phone screen reading your crap
Kargil War is the perfect example of Musharraf’s delusion that the myth of nuclear deterrence would stop India from bombing Pakistani positions and retaking the Kargil heights. In reality, Pakistan had to request U.S. intervention to protect itself from the advancing Indian military, fearing that India would escalate the conflict further.
If there had been no U.S. intervention, India would have crossed the LoC and international border, invading Pakistani territory just as it did in previous wars. India’s policy is not to use nuclear weapons against Pakistan, even if Pakistan attempts to use them, because India is confident that any such attempt can be neutralized. Additionally, India has the capability to destroy all of Pakistan’s nuclear installations.
“In conversations with U.S. officials around that time, Bajwa agreed to a longstanding U.S. demand to curtail Pakistan’s ballistic missile program in order to alleviate Washington’s concerns about the possibility that Pakistani long-range missiles could one day threaten Israel. This concession was previously reported by Pakistani journalists and later confirmed by sources to Drop Site News.”

time revealed who the real traitors were...
Bajwa did more harm to Pakistan then any Indian would have dreamed of

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