Reports: Bajwa agreed to curtail Pakistan’s ballistic missile program

That's stupid

Pakistan not only has MIRV capable missiles, but ballistic missiles that are manoeuvrable to bypass A.D
Missiles going at Mach 15-20 which can also manoeuvre are near impossible to stop

An Iranian missile fired from Yemen last week punched through multiple Israeli A.D without being stopped, the same as when Iran launched it's attack which was mostly drones
It took multiple states to try to stop the attack and even then many missiles got through
Both Pakistan and India have experimental MiRV technology in the present. Hype material for both camps but not something that I will hype in the present.

But yes, ballistic missiles are difficult intercept because they are fast at very high altitudes and RV have a small RCS. India does not have a comprehensive BMD in place, only two Indian cities are well-protected in the present. Indians seem to develop and test different BMD interceptor variants but testing is different from deployment and integration.

Pakistan can also use cruise missiles and drones to attack Indian radar systems to reduce Indian line of sight in some places before using ballistic missiles. It is important to have a strategy. Perhaps there is some thought given to this matter.

Not even MIRV can deter India because India has the capability to neutralize missiles in their boost phase anywhere in Pakistan, along with air superiority and extensive on-ground and satellite intelligence to locate and destroy Pakistani nuclear installations. These systems will only improve as India's economy grows and research and development advance. That's why I maintain that Pakistan can never have a credible nuclear deterrence against India. In fact, even Afghanistan is not deterred by Pakistan's so-called nuclear deterrence, let alone India.
The only way to deliver nuclear weapons onto Indian territory is through a submarine-launched nuclear missile, and that too only if the submarine is nuclear-powered, has long-range capabilities, and is stealthy enough to evade detection by the Indian Navy’s submarine hunters.
And how can you do all that? How many BMD systems have you deployed and where? Let's have a look.

Or, they don't have that much intimate knowledge at the first place! I'm just trying to insinuate at some "despicable" probabilities! Once a US delegation, at the height of the WOT, was complaining that the Pak side looked so much completely lost at the discussions which were taking place that they thought the Pak intelligence had sent some dummies into that meeting! The US side couldn't figure out what the Pak side wanted for the folks had no clues...
I appreciate your sentiment but the US have a variety of methods to collect information about defenses of "any" country in the world. Pakistan is a country of limited resources and there is a limit to concealing things on the ground. The US have had sufficient time to collect information during WOT days. There is also the possibility of influencing or manipulating officers to provide information as happened to Gen Iqbal. Nevertheless, Pakistan has a well-developed nuclear infrastructure and sufficient conventional defenses to counter India. India also collects information but its capacity to attack Pakistani defenses is limited. So all is good for now.
Kargil War is the perfect example of Musharraf’s delusion that the myth of nuclear deterrence would stop India from bombing Pakistani positions and retaking the Kargil heights. In reality, Pakistan had to request U.S. intervention to protect itself from the advancing Indian military, fearing that India would escalate the conflict further.
If there had been no U.S. intervention, India would have crossed the LoC and international border, invading Pakistani territory just as it did in previous wars. India’s policy is not to use nuclear weapons against Pakistan, even if Pakistan attempts to use them, because India is confident that any such attempt can be neutralized. Additionally, India has the capability to destroy all of Pakistan’s nuclear installations.
They are being blackmailed into making poor foreign policy decisions. All government officials and their families must be barred from owning assets outside the country.

Been saying this for donkey years.
Even there is a brilliant officer and no question over patriotism, if there is any personal or family interest outside the borders of Pakistan, that is the liability to the state, which state cannot afford.
Or, they don't have that much intimate knowledge at the first place! I'm just trying to insinuate at some "despicable" probabilities! Once a US delegation, at the height of the WOT, was complaining that the Pak side looked so much completely lost at the discussions which were taking place that they thought the Pak intelligence had sent some dummies into that meeting! The US side couldn't figure out what the Pak side wanted for the folks had no clues...

Bro, they may not have intimate knowledge or even they are exposed to it, they might know what to make of it, after all these generals are not much educated. But what they could have done is to stop, scuttle or worse, reverse some programs. Father of Pakistan nukes, AQ Khan was on record that Musharraf didnt authorized development of Ghauri-3 citing Israel as the issue.
And unfortunately, their cluelessness is not by some grand design, its by default. When they removed IK they thought he had lost all the popularity!
Kargil War is the perfect example of Musharraf’s delusion that the myth of nuclear deterrence would stop India from bombing Pakistani positions and retaking the Kargil heights. In reality, Pakistan had to request U.S. intervention to protect itself from the advancing Indian military, fearing that India would escalate the conflict further.
If there had been no U.S. intervention, India would have crossed the LoC and international border, invading Pakistani territory just as it did in previous wars. India’s policy is not to use nuclear weapons against Pakistan, even if Pakistan attempts to use them, because India is confident that any such attempt can be neutralized. Additionally, India has the capability to destroy all of Pakistan’s nuclear installations.
Saarr! okay saar, tea is fantastic saar
Saarr! okay saar, tea is fantastic saar
Just because India isn’t storming into Pakistan like it did in 1971 doesn’t mean it’s scared of some so-called ‘super-duper’ islam powered Aladin bombs of Pakistan. If needed, India would step in, accomplish its objectives, and then leave—no intention of adding Pakistan as a new state.

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