Discussion: Electronic devices based attack in Lebanon

U think Israel can win against Iran in a war? America will not fight a war against Iran when they have Russia and china to deal with. U are just living in a different universe.
Uhhh. Yes. And America will fight a war with Iran very willingly. It may even go nuclear against Iran to quickly deal with it. Why? OIL.
So Israel made them and supplied them using some shell companies.
Gold Apollo probably have no plays/connection in this, they were as dumbfounded as the other company that had their stuff being used as bomb, things like Casio watch or Sharp sensor, both of which were very popular with bomb maker.

There issue here is, for Gold Apollo to actually get involved, that would mean they are supplying those pagers to Hezbollah direct, that's mean they are violating department of commerce sanction, unless they don't care about US market, they aren't dumb enough to violate US sanction.

Another issue is, if they were the one that put the explosive in those pagers, then they will have to ship it to either Israel or a third-party country, that extended the risk of getting caught with smuggling explosive.

Usually things like this, Mossad bought these pagers using a shill and then ship it to them and "modify them" and then deal with Hezbollah. The issue I read that BAC is actually an empty address on an apartment building, that make BAC looks a lot like the Israeli shill company that bought the pager and send them somewhere.
Gold Apollo probably have no plays/connection in this, they were as dumbfounded as the other company that had their stuff being used as bomb, things like Casio watch or Sharp sensor, both of which were very popular with bomb maker.
Either Apollo supplied all the components of this model to Israel, or modification was done on the Taiwan production line.

Need modified source code on firmware, need to make the change on the circuit.
100% Apollo involved, maybe not knowing it would literally turn into a bomb.

Apollo is a long-time No.1 pager supplier to FBI, gov agency and firefighters in US and EU markets.
Either Apollo supplied all the components of this model to Israel, or modification was done on the Taiwan production line.

Need modified source code on firmware, need to make the change on the circuit.
100% Apollo involved, maybe not knowing it would literally turn into a bomb.

Apollo is a long-time No.1 pager supplier to FBI, gov agency and firefighters in US and EU markets.
First of all, a working functioning company is not likely to be a shill, because they would need to carry on their business, and whatever the IDF does hurt their business.

Second of all, if Gold Apollo is actually like you said supplies FBI and other government agency their pager, then more likely than not Hezbollah will not even touch it. Unless they are really, REALLY dumb

And finally, it's pretty common for bomb maker to use off the shell stuff, and you are thinking of the triggering and detonating mechanism was build into the pager, what if the bomb is a stand alone item with its own tracker, sensor or trigger?? All you need is space inside that pager to house that explosive device.
Gold Apollo probably have no plays/connection in this, they were as dumbfounded as the other company that had their stuff being used as bomb, things like Casio watch or Sharp sensor, both of which were very popular with bomb maker.

There issue here is, for Gold Apollo to actually get involved, that would mean they are supplying those pagers to Hezbollah direct, that's mean they are violating department of commerce sanction, unless they don't care about US market, they aren't dumb enough to violate US sanction.

Another issue is, if they were the one that put the explosive in those pagers, then they will have to ship it to either Israel or a third-party country, that extended the risk of getting caught with smuggling explosive.

Usually things like this, Mossad bought these pagers using a shill and then ship it to them and "modify them" and then deal with Hezbollah. The issue I read that BAC is actually an empty address on an apartment building, that make BAC looks a lot like the Israeli shill company that bought the pager and send them somewhere.
I thought so. It sounded very much like a hole in the wall kind of company.

From Gold Apollo's point of view, it is very much likely that they were unaware of who the actual customer was. So did a lot of other companies. Its like blaming Toyota for all the ISIS propaganda vehicles. Most were second hand market stuff.
I thought so. It sounded very much like a hole in the wall kind of company.

From Gold Apollo's point of view, it is very much likely that they were unaware of who the actual customer was. So did a lot of other companies. Its like blaming Toyota for all the ISIS propaganda vehicles. Most were second hand market stuff.
If I have to guess, BAC have had a lot of work with Gold Apollo during that 3 years "partnership" to get their product out, 3 years is a long time, more than enough to score 5000 pagers, and that earn their trust, normally communication company knows very well what their equipment is for, because of the monitoring requirement (like FCC RF Requirement) it seems like either those pager were left over from previous contract or they just didn't bother to follow up on, or a real outside chance that those were counterfeited from Gold Apollo
The Jews want a short quick conflict and entry into South Lebanon, but they risk Israeli forces being heavily bombed by short range rocket attacks

They are trying to remove them to limit the damage Hezbollah can do, most of its just bullshit but Hezbollah needs to be in full preparation and supply and forces around the region need to be ready

Israel needs to be kept in constant conflict to allow the demographics to play out against the jews

Israel believe Hezbollahs best rockets are actually Iranian controlled for their defence

They would like these to be used up, take the hit


Go after Irans nukes directly

According to this


Israel believe Hezbollahs best rockets are actually Iranian controlled for their defence

They would like these to be used up, take the hit


Go after Irans nukes directly

According to this


We all have questioned WHY? does Hezbollah not fire it's major arsenal of missiles and rockets

The answer is simple, it's taken a long time to build up that arsenal, and it can't even with Iranian support build up stocks quickly enough especially in the case of war

So whilst Hezbollah will have reserve's and back ups etc,, ISRAEL WANTS Hezbollah to fire at Israel and for Israeli troops to be OUT OF THE WAY and for Israeli A.D to take a lot of the pain out

If Israel moves thousands of troops to the north, they for the majority will be WITHOUT air defense, THEY CAN'T move all their A.D just to protect the troops

But Hezbollah isn't falling for the trick, so Israel remains stuck
At the same time Iran takes time to have a major multi drone/missile strike and it's been ready for weeks BUT HASNT FIRED,
So Israel knows Iran can fire at any time, THIS IS WHY IRAN WAITS

because if Israel moves it's troops and starts a invasion, then Hezbollah will have full sticks to rain hell on Israeli forces
And then Iran is waiting fully stocked as a knock out punch when Israeli AD becomes depleted
We all have questioned WHY? does Hezbollah not fire it's major arsenal of missiles and rockets

The answer is simple, it's taken a long time to build up that arsenal, and it can't even with Iranian support build up stocks quickly enough especially in the case of war

So whilst Hezbollah will have reserve's and back ups etc,, ISRAEL WANTS Hezbollah to fire at Israel and for Israeli troops to be OUT OF THE WAY and for Israeli A.D to take a lot of the pain out

If Israel moves thousands of troops to the north, they for the majority will be WITHOUT air defense, THEY CAN'T move all their A.D just to protect the troops

But Hezbollah isn't falling for the trick, so Israel remains stuck
At the same time Iran takes time to have a major multi drone/missile strike and it's been ready for weeks BUT HASNT FIRED,
So Israel knows Iran can fire at any time, THIS IS WHY IRAN WAITS

because if Israel moves it's troops and starts a invasion, then Hezbollah will have full sticks to rain hell on Israeli forces
And then Iran is waiting fully stocked as a knock out punch when Israeli AD becomes depleted
This sounds very logical to me.

With each provocation Israel is breaking yet another international norm

They don't want to admit it in the West but what happened in Lebanon caused terror within the whole country and it becomes that bit harder to extend support, unless Israel has other methods to ensure cooperation
We all have questioned WHY? does Hezbollah not fire it's major arsenal of missiles and rockets

The answer is simple, it's taken a long time to build up that arsenal, and it can't even with Iranian support build up stocks quickly enough especially in the case of war

So whilst Hezbollah will have reserve's and back ups etc,, ISRAEL WANTS Hezbollah to fire at Israel and for Israeli troops to be OUT OF THE WAY and for Israeli A.D to take a lot of the pain out

If Israel moves thousands of troops to the north, they for the majority will be WITHOUT air defense, THEY CAN'T move all their A.D just to protect the troops

But Hezbollah isn't falling for the trick, so Israel remains stuck
At the same time Iran takes time to have a major multi drone/missile strike and it's been ready for weeks BUT HASNT FIRED,
So Israel knows Iran can fire at any time, THIS IS WHY IRAN WAITS

because if Israel moves it's troops and starts a invasion, then Hezbollah will have full sticks to rain hell on Israeli forces
And then Iran is waiting fully stocked as a knock out punch when Israeli AD becomes depleted

Or maybe....just maybe....Hezbolla isn't as strong or powerful as they loudly bragged about. And maybe Israel is even more powerful than it clais=ms......

This is Hamas 'air force attack'

Mark my words ....... whole of middle East drama is nearing the curtain call ...... outcome will be like this . ... .1) end of Iranian theatrics and sectarian nonsense it peddled in the guise of fighting evil west .....2 ) statehood for Palestinians ......3 ) recognition and assimilation of Israel in the body politics and economy of middle East....... it's a good omen for the entire Islamic word .
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I would like to inform you that in uprising od Bosnian unit of German Army. Villefranche was the first European city liberated, albeit temporarily in the Western Europe.
You are not even European, even if you are Jew , you are a foreign element but you are just little Indian.
That's all , nothing to notice even if someone pass by you 1000x.
It seems your brain is dysfonctionning.
I'm french, from french origin at list since Louis XIII, and atheist.
Or maybe....just maybe....Hezbolla isn't as strong or powerful as they loudly bragged about. And maybe Israel is even more powerful than it clais=ms......

This is Hamas 'air force attack'

Hezbollah is a irregular force, it's not a military or a state military with a states resources

It's taken time to build up massive stocks that can hit Israel hard, but it's major weapon is its missile force and irregular tactics

Israel wil be most at risk when it has thousands of troops on the border with weapons and lacking A.D or when it starts a invasion
That is when Hezbollah can try to unleash and cause maximum damage

Israel will hit Lebanon infrastructure and Hezbollah can try to hit Israeli infrastructure even it's gas rigs
Israel needs to call up hundreds of thousands of reservists hitting it's economy

As Israeli A.D becomes depleted that is the time forces from Yemen, Syria or Iraq also start firing at targets

Once again they will either hit or Israeli A.D will be depleted

Iran is always waiting in the wings with a full load waiting to unleash at a time when Israel isn't fully prepared and depleted

How long will this scenario go on? Who know, how many months can everyone take?
Israel will of course try to drag everyone especially the Americans in

But stopping Israel from being at peace, normal or functional is essential and waking the Arabs up is truly the crux of getting Israel out of the middle east
Hezbollah is a irregular force, it's not a military or a state military with a states resources

It's taken time to build up massive stocks that can hit Israel hard, but it's major weapon is its missile force and irregular tactics

Israel wil be most at risk when it has thousands of troops on the border with weapons and lacking A.D or when it starts a invasion
That is when Hezbollah can try to unleash and cause maximum damage

Israel will hit Lebanon infrastructure and Hezbollah can try to hit Israeli infrastructure even it's gas rigs
Israel needs to call up hundreds of thousands of reservists hitting it's economy

As Israeli A.D becomes depleted that is the time forces from Yemen, Syria or Iraq also start firing at targets

Once again they will either hit or Israeli A.D will be depleted

Iran is always waiting in the wings with a full load waiting to unleash at a time when Israel isn't fully prepared and depleted

How long will this scenario go on? Who know, how many months can everyone take?
Israel will of course try to drag everyone especially the Americans in

But stopping Israel from being at peace, normal or functional is essential and waking the Arabs up is truly the crux of getting Israel out of the middle east
Nothing of the sort is happening .....you can good bye to hezbulla .

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