Chengdu J-20 5th Generation Aircraft News & Discussions

@Hendarto Please calm down and take thsi as a final very clear warning! This BS musat end and I explain to you WHY!
Deino you don't maintain neutrality as moderator You let your bias show in this thread. You condone name-calling and are angry with my post why? name me any other engine that can produce Supercruise Please! Be even handed

Yes I am biased, but not against you not in a negative way against the J-20 - in fact f you would know me, I'm probably one of the biggest supporters and admirer in the West following this program since day one! - but I'm biased against BS, lies, propaganda and fabricated stories like yours.

This mess started all with your bombastic claim "Anyone still saying J20 is not made for sir superiority just watch this video really kick-ass fighter" (#73) and all I did was explaining to you, that "No one denies this, but to rate this demonstration as prove for being a „really kick-ass fighter“ is not justified… in fact in comparison to several other fighters this is a rather lame display but I’m sure we still haven’t seen its full potential" (#74). your initial claim

In fact there are several types which provided much more impressive aerial displays at air shows so far than the J-20 and this is not an opinion but a fact; in fact I attended this display myself! Just look at the Su-57, F-22, Flankers and even the F-15EX recently ... and it is not shameful but just an observation, since an air show display is not that relevant for combat, but the facts are:

- this was neither an impressive demonstration you portrayed
- and most likely we still haven’t seen the J-20's full potential yet. We can assume a lot, but it hasen't clearly shown it yet.

So much on the facts:

You then replied with a lot of useless text about the "WS10C is only an interim engine" and that "they will have the production model with WS 15" (#77).

Again fact check: Yes, the WS-10C is an interim engine, not on par with the F119 as you want to portray it and the WS-15 - which in fact will be - is not yet ready. Aka the current J-20 is not the hyper-fighter you claim!

Then you continued with "J 20 with WS 10 C CAN SUPERCRUISE is that enough? All your statement is just your own opinion and not based on fact!" which in fact - so much on facts is irrelevant - since supercruise is not the same as your initial claim of "being a „really kick-ass fighter“" (#74).

Then a lot of BS followed in long text passages all irrelevant to the initial claim you made and no-one disagrees that the PLAAF is satisfied ... but again that does not equal to "being a „really kick-ass fighter“" (#74).

Additionally, you claim:

How do you know the thrust of WS10 c PLA never publishes their engine data Whatever you find on Wiki is a guess or shot in the dark in the dark. Nobody knows the real thrust. But there is an official statement from PLA that J20 can supercruise and has good handling and situation awareness.

Chinese engine has improved a lot in the last 5years but a lot of sceptics still lived in the past and worshipped Western tech as GOD No they are not god Ukraine prove it once for all

and yes, the PLAAF never published any official data but reliable posters and analysts all over did, so that at least a rough estimate is possible and NONE of them - including Chinese sources - say it is on par with the F119. The WS-10C - since it never was to be - is a very good engine, a tremendous improvement of the original WS-10 but still not an F119-level engine since otherwise the WS-15 could have been cancelled. Yes, the WS-15 most likely will be that engine.

In return however - and my my point here as a moderator - on the one side you spread unfounded claims as facts and deny any critical thinking or at least to be careful with hyperboled and bolt claims as anti-China and that's in fact trolling!

You guys are quibbling with facts because you guys delude yourself by believing in the hype of Western superiority! And can't accept the fact that Chinese engine is as good as anything that the west can't produce!

Therefore I kindly ask you to calm down, no-one wants to downrate or belittle the J-20 or the Chinese achievements in engine development, but on the one side making bolt unproven claims, bash all critis down as "anti-China" and when faced with facts or pointed towards the absence of them to divert to irrelevant BS like bashing the F-35 (which was never the initial point) is shameful.

As such, all your initial claim of "being a „really kick-ass fighter“ which is unfounded has led to a long and most useless discussion on anything, discussion on semantics and the lame attempt to divert to a "supercruise" discussion ... and this MUST END!

As such, yes I am biased, but not against you but against unfounded, unproven chest bumping and claims.
Not everything that glitters is gold. J-20 has been designed to resemble a fifth-generation fighter jet, but it does not meet that classification, as the IAF Chief has also stated in an official press conference.
Not everything that glitters is gold. J-20 has been designed to resemble a fifth-generation fighter jet, but it does not meet that classification, as the IAF Chief has also stated in an official press conference.
IAF chief stated 😂😂😂
Who is IAF chief to claim such thing?
If someday IAF cheif says tejas is a 7th generation fighter, Indian fan boys will also believe this 🙄
Not everything that glitters is gold. J-20 has been designed to resemble a fifth-generation fighter jet, but it does not meet that classification, as the IAF Chief has also stated in an official press conference.
Yes for illiterate Indian consumption, USA is developing its 6th gen jet aka NGAD because of J20 😆 🤣 😂 😹 😆
Not everything that glitters is gold. J-20 has been designed to resemble a fifth-generation fighter jet, but it does not meet that classification, as the IAF Chief has also stated in an official press conference.
Not everything that glitters is gold. J-20 has been designed to resemble a fifth-generation fighter jet, but it does not meet that classification, as the IAF Chief has also stated in an official press conference.

What is a 5th generation fighter in your opinion?

In the end what matters, is the capability of a aircraft. Classification is just a way of describing capabilities.

J-20 is probably excellent for its role in the PLAF.
Thats why 100 are being produced every year.
Is it better or on par with F-22, F-35? Well, it depends on what measuring stick you are using.
Deino you don't maintain neutrality as moderator You let your bias show in this thread. You condone name-calling and are angry with my post why? name me any other engine that can produce Supercruise Please! Be even handed
No amount of logic or argument will convince you because your religion worshipped the god of the West on the altar and denigrate China's achievement because you cannot accept it period!

Thats what you posted and quite rightly had your post removed. I havent checked the rest as i trust the mod. Now focus on the thread and calm down...........
Guys ... can we come back and stick to the topic please? In the same way any further discussion on claiming the WS-10C being capable to supercruise makes it equally capable and comparable to the F119 or some strange and in fact stupid propaganda comments from an Indian Air Chief, the J-20 would not be a fifth generation fighter are irrelevant and any further posts will be rated as off topic derailing the thread.

As such stop this or face the consequences.
Any indication China is planning a model of the J-20 without canards? Removing the canards along side necessary modifications of the tail is a considerable effort, if the higher thrust of the engines can compensate along side improvements to the tail design, it seems a likely interim step towards a sixth gen fighter, and a design that can best exploit the improvement in thrust with the WS-15.

If there is such a design, there must be indications of these modifications being in the works.

See this thread of some rough RCS calculations.

Any indication China is planning a model of the J-20 without canards? Removing the canards along side necessary modifications of the tail is a considerable effort, if the higher thrust of the engines can compensate along side improvements to the tail design, it seems a likely interim step towards a sixth gen fighter, and a design that can best exploit the improvement in thrust with the WS-15.

If there is such a design, there must be indications of these modifications being in the works.

See this thread of some rough RCS calculations.

View attachment 59179

No, this makes no sense since it would mean de facto to be a new aircraft ... and with the J-XY coming along "soon", I don't think such an effort would be done on top of the J-20A.
A note on the J20's use of multiple engines:

1. When the J20 project was established, the engine performance parameters were benchmarked against the F119 engine of F22. In order to speed up the development progress, the development of the airframe and the engine was carried out simultaneously. Therefore, the AL-31FN engine was used in the early stage to complete the development of the entire airframe.

2. While developing WS15, the upgrading and improvement of WS10 has also been carried out. When WS15 reached the expected target and passed the test, the performance of the latest improved version of WS10C, WS10, reached the level of F119, which is the preset target for WS15.

3. After the first version of WS15 and WS10C passed the J20 computer test. PLAAF final decision: the current version of J20 uses WS10C; WS15 continued to be developed, the target parameters were changed to the benchmark F135, and the equipment was given to the subsequent new version of the J20.


I know that PDF has many friends who do not believe that WS10C reaches the level of F119. PLAAF will not officially announce the performance specifications of the WS10C.

However, PAF's J10C uses the WS10B engine, and they have announced the performance specifications of the J10C and WS10B. Friends can compare this parameter with the parameter of F119. Think about WS10C again.
Why would the IAF Chief make any statement just for public consumption, especially in an official press conference? Indian Air Force is a professional institution, not a political party or a defense forum.
The same airforce which states it will take on J-20s with 4th generation Rafales?
Recently, PLA broadcast the "King of Guns Challenge", which displayed a large number of the latest high-tech equipment of PLA special forces.

Different from the equipment you provide this link to show: the high-tech equipment you provide this link to show is still in the PPT or technical promotion stage; The high-tech equipment displayed in the "King of Guns Challenge" is the high-tech equipment that the PLA has already served.

For this kind of special tactical equipment, the PLA usually announces it through some interviews, competitions, and life videos, and usually does not directly announce these tactical equipment.

You provide the equipment shown in this link, and the PLA is already equipped with a lot of similar high-tech equipment.

You can try looking for these videos on Youtube. If you can't find it, I can provide links to these videos. But............. I can only provide links to videos in Chinese, you need to be able to visit Chinese websites and understand Chinese.
Recently, PLA broadcast the "King of Guns Challenge", which displayed a large number of the latest high-tech equipment of PLA special forces.

Different from the equipment you provide this link to show: the high-tech equipment you provide this link to show is still in the PPT or technical promotion stage; The high-tech equipment displayed in the "King of Guns Challenge" is the high-tech equipment that the PLA has already served.

For this kind of special tactical equipment, the PLA usually announces it through some interviews, competitions, and life videos, and usually does not directly announce these tactical equipment.

You provide the equipment shown in this link, and the PLA is already equipped with a lot of similar high-tech equipment.

You can try looking for these videos on Youtube. If you can't find it, I can provide links to these videos. But............. I can only provide links to videos in Chinese, you need to be able to visit Chinese websites and understand Chinese.
What anduril represents is not high tech equipment - DARPA already tested this years ago but scale to have it fielded fast - this was the edge the US was missing - the ability to scale production at a massive level.

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