16 years old Bangladeshi Hindu girl killed by BSF

Huh? Have you ever seen how police in USA works?

They do not take chances and shoot first! Because you never know if the guy you are dealing with is armed or not.

Any party entering illegally could be anything. Armed militants, smugglers etc. You try to stop them and get closer and they shoot you.

Err no.

There must be a clear and identified imminent danger to the officer or members of the public before they are allowes to shoot.

Look this "any party entering could be anything" can be the same as "anyone walking the streets of India at night could be anything".

It is ridiculous reason and that is why apart from crazy N Korea and some other exceptions, no country shoots illegal.

It is immoral and does the pass the basic test of proportionately.

You may have got a pass with Hasina but BD will now be picking you up on this behaviour now.
Dhaka has lodged a strong protest over the killing of a minor Bangladeshi Hindu girl by BSF.

We need to start retaliating in the future. An eye for an eye
Go ahead and kill every Indian who tries to enter Bangladesh illegally.
You cannot shoot someone on a "maybe".

That is not the way it works in life buddy.

Unless they are clearly identified as an imminent threat the right course of action is to try to make an arrest and then deport.

If BGB can do it, then why cannot BSF? It seems that this is the actions of a weak and insecure state than anything else.

India has serious issues if it cannot deal with illegals that cross the border apart from shoot on sight policy.
It's a international border. With barbed wire to keep people out. Anyone crossing barbed wire in middle of night is shot. The people crossing know this. Why are they even sending a 13 year old girl across the border. The dangers are well known.
How do you know those crossing the borders are not carrying weapons? I heard cattle smugglers are often armed.

I am sure the BSF jawan could identify that it was a child he is shooting at. This is not the first case of BSF killing children. The infamous case of Felani, another teenaged girl, who was shot on her back while she was climbing the fence. Her dead body lay on top of the fence. Is it that BSF jawans can't differentiate between who is facing them and may pose a threat or who they can apprehend?

Besides BGB apprehends all the time. Just recently they arrested 5 Indian adult male.
It's a international border. With barbed wire to keep people out. Anyone crossing barbed wire in middle of night is shot. The people crossing know this. Why are they even sending a 13 year old girl across the border. The dangers are well known.

Read the article. She went to Tripura with her mom to visit her brother. These are poor people with no passports. That's not a crime enough to be killed.
Go ahead and kill every Indian who tries to enter Bangladesh illegally.

Well, I thought you were one of the sensible ones. On 11th August five Indian nationals were arrested by BGB after they entered BD territory. Arrested, not shot dead. No need to escalate to the use of lethal force, when you can control the situation without it. Specially if it involves minors.
It's a international border. With barbed wire to keep people out. Anyone crossing barbed wire in middle of night is shot. The people crossing know this. Why are they even sending a 13 year old girl across the border. The dangers are well known.

My point is that this is not normal and accepted practice around the world. Only real crazies think this behaviour is acceptable.

International border and barbed wire fence does not then make it ok to shoot on sight anyone that may cross for whatever reason.

You have no idea whether you are shooting armed smugglers, terrorists, children or even those that are being forced to cross against their will.
Read the article. She went to Tripura with her mom to visit her brother. These are poor people with no passports. That's not a crime enough to be killed.

Anyone that supports the killing of a child is a monster. Period.

It was so simple to arrest that family and deport them like BGB regularly does but no they need to act like savages without an ounce of humanity in them.
These guys don't understand what being diplomatic is.
My point is that this is not normal and accepted practice around the world. Only real crazies think this behaviour is acceptable.

International border and barbed wire fence does not then make it ok to shoot on sight anyone that may cross for whatever reason.

You have no idea whether you are shooting armed smugglers, terrorists, children or even those that are being forced to cross against their will.
And my point is that it is well known that the BSF does not check to see if it armed smugglers, terrorists or children. They see and they shoot. And this is well known. So why send children across barbed wires after dark. I wouldn't send my child there even in broad daylight.

The BSF have previously been shot at by smugglers. You get shot at once and you start shooting first and asking questions later.

The barbed wires are well within Indian territory. If you are crossing them, you are already well inside where you should just not be. The Bangladesh government and the BGB need to make the people near the border understand that crossing the border is dangerous.

There were two agents who were helping. Are they also not responsible. Where are they. Are they arrested. Why no hue and cry against those two agents that led the girl into a dangerous position.
Well, I thought you were one of the sensible ones. On 11th August five Indian nationals were arrested by BGB after they entered BD territory. Arrested, not shot dead. No need to escalate to the use of lethal force, when you can control the situation without it. Specially if it involves minors.
Was that in daylight or at night. If it was at night, you should have shot them. They could have been armed smugglers. It is dangerous. The BGB personnel also have families to which they would like to return. Just like the BSF. You should take no risk.

We live in cities and do not understand darkness. You should try going into the countryside and taking a walk outdoor at midnight. You will realize what the border forces on both sides face and why they take no chances.
Err no.

There must be a clear and identified imminent danger to the officer or members of the public before they are allowes to shoot.

Look this "any party entering could be anything" can be the same as "anyone walking the streets of India at night could be anything".

It is ridiculous reason and that is why apart from crazy N Korea and some other exceptions, no country shoots illegal.

It is immoral and does the pass the basic test of proportionately.

You may have got a pass with Hasina but BD will now be picking you up on this behaviour now.
Look, if you are driving in US and are stopped, better keep your hand where police can see it. Getting shot because police man panicked is very much a thing. Infact veteran police folks tell rookies to shoot first because many police men have lost their life in past. Its much easier to deal with legal fallout of killing an innocent than being dead.

Its same everywhere police is nervous about their own safety. There has been incidences of smugglers carrying weapons on India Bangladesh border. And BSF is a police force and not army, so they are not really trained like an army and more like a police force.
You risk your life crossing borders illegally into India. Especially since BSF had encounters with gun weilding smugglers. Not even sure if BSF fired at them but if they did, it's not their fault.
A lot of illegals who cross onto here are send back without them getting shot. Maybe don't cross illegally.
Read the article. She went to Tripura with her mom to visit her brother. These are poor people with no passports. That's not a crime enough to be killed.
I totally agree that it is a tragedy.

And it repeats. I feel your authorities need to make the people understand the dangers.

I feel the two agents need to be made an example of. International border crossing is not a walk in the park. I feel the anger you feel towards the BSF should also be directed and the two agents who are leading people into danger for money.

These are the steps you can take. The BSF is not in your control. If you want to save lives, you have to do what is in your hands to prevent this. If you want to just play the blame game, you can keep blaming BSF and innocent lives will keep getting lost.
Was that in daylight or at night. If it was at night, you should have shot them. They could have been armed smugglers. It is dangerous. The BGB personnel also have families to which they would like to return. Just like the BSF. You should take no risk.

We live in cities and do not understand darkness. You should try going into the countryside and taking a walk outdoor at midnight. You will realize what the border forces on both sides face and why they take no chances.

I cannot believe that anyone can be that ignorant.

Does the BSF not have access to searchlights? You can even use cheap drones with infrared sensors and identify any trespassers clearly by the searchlights on them.

Again note that no country apart from N Korea does this and so try to think for yourself than what Hinduvta turds like Modi and the Indian media tell you.

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