2024 Airshow China, Zhuhai.China


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Jan 5, 2024
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15th Airshow China, Zhuhai.China 2024.11.12-17

It's still a while before the airshow starts, but there is some news that has started to emerge. This thread has been started to make it easier to access the news and discuss it.
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PLAAF official news, I release the original Chinese version first.

【空军副司令员俞庆江发布空军参展筹备情况】 今天上午,第十五届中国国际航空航天博览会新闻发布会在北京召开。中国空军副司令员俞庆江介绍本届航展空军参展亮点。






I didn't find an official English version. I had to use machine translation.

[Air Force Deputy Commander Yu Qingjiang releases preparations for the Air Force's participation in the exhibition] This morning, the 15th China International Aviation and Aerospace Exhibition press conference was held in Beijing. Yu Qingjiang, deputy commander of the Chinese Air Force, introduced the highlights of the Air Force's participation in this year's air show.

First, the display of weapons and equipment. On the basis of previous airshows, the Air Force will continue to increase the number of air and ground equipment displays and flight demonstrations. First, in the static display, will distinguish between ‘air combat and air strikes, unmanned and anti-unmanned combat, strategic delivery and airborne, early warning and detection and air defence and anti-missile defence’ 4 plates, into a system to show the strength of the air force, many of the equipment is the first time to debut; secondly, in the flight demonstration, the air force in recent years the development of the new aircraft will be openly exposed! The first is that the new fighter planes developed by the Air Force in recent years will be openly displayed to show the capability of long-distance strategic delivery and air strikes. We will bring out the equipment that you have always wanted to see and can show you at this stage, and share with the community the achievements of the development of China's air force. In addition, the army, navy and other sister forces will also send equipment to the exhibition.

Second, extensive exchanges. During this year's airshow, the Air Force will focus on playing a strategic leading role in high-level exchanges, and interact with all parties at multiple levels and in multiple fields. First, the Air Force will continue to hold the International Exchange Conference on Military Flight Training, and air force leaders from many countries will lead delegations to participate in the airshow and conduct in-depth discussions on topics of common concern; second, the Air Force will follow the development trend of the new domain and new quality of power, and organise unmanned intelligence seminars and exchanges and the annual meeting of the Unmanned Aircraft Association to talk about the future development of unmanned and intelligent airspace; third, it will sum up the beneficial experience of recent years, and organise the Air Force's Youth Flight School Construction Exchanges and the Military Thirdly, summing up the beneficial experience in recent years, we will organise exchanges on the construction of the Air Force Youth Flight School and the Military Aeromedical Theme Forum to expand the channels of exchanges and co-operation between the military and the local government, so as to make the voice of the Chinese Air Force spread further.

Third, enrich the exhibition pattern. This year's airshow will see the Air Force set up the largest number and area of booths ever. While continuing to do a good job in the Air Force recruitment booth, will also be the first time around the Air Force air traffic control, Air Force ground colleges and Air Force equipment repair technology and other areas, respectively, to set up independent booths, forming a unique Air Force characteristics of the display matrix, aimed at multi-dimensional popularisation of the Air Force branch of knowledge, the promotion of Air Force reform results for the community to better understand our flying branch of the military to provide a different window.

Fourth, show the military culture. The Air Force's ‘August 1’ Air Show Team and ‘Red Eagle’ Air Show Team will go to Zhuhai again and dance with many foreign air show teams. At the airshow, we will launch promotional and creative products reflecting the Air Force's red genes, heroic models and the development of the military service. In addition, the Air Force Military Band, which is composed of grassroots officers and soldiers, will also make its debut in Zhuhai, playing blue sky music with the exhibition audience, and will also go into local art centres and universities to perform military music recitals and communicate and interact with citizens and students.

Finally, Yu Qingjiang, deputy commander of the Air Force, said that this year is the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Air Force, as a military service that grew up under fire, we are aware of the hard-won peace of our country and the preciousness of a peaceful life, and we are deeply committed to defending the country's sovereignty, security, and development interests. We hope that through the airshow, we can fully demonstrate the capability and confidence of the Chinese Air Force in resolutely safeguarding national sovereignty and territorial integrity, and actively convey the vision and voice of the Chinese Air Force in safeguarding peace, openness and cooperation, and equal exchanges. The People's Air Force will always be a force that the Party and the people can trust.
Unfortunately I cannot attend this year :cry: ... but anyway it's interesting to see in which directions the rumours are spreading immediately after the announcement!

I'm personally hoping for the J-20, J-20A (a J-20AS would be great), the Y-20/YY-20B and a dream would be the J-35, J-15B and KJ-600, but I personally think that's unlikely.

Unfortunately I cannot attend this year :cry: ... but anyway it's interesting to see in which directions the rumours are spreading immediately after the announcement!

I'm personally hoping for the J-20, J-20A (a J-20AS would be great), the Y-20/YY-20B and a dream would be the J-35, J-15B and KJ-600, but I personally think that's unlikely.

View attachment 67089

And - I am hoping for H-20!!! Time for all the projects under the -20 series to be unveiled.
Unfortunately I cannot attend this year ... but anyway it's interesting to see in which directions the rumours are spreading immediately after the announcement!:cry:

I'm personally hoping for the J-20, J-20A (a J-20AS would be great), the Y-20/YY-20B and a dream would be the J-35, J-15B and KJ-600, but I personally think that's unlikely.
Chinese military fans don't care about these planes you're talking about, they only care if the H20 is coming .............

Air Force Vice Commander's original statement: the Air Force's new fighter aircraft for long-range strategic delivery will be publicly revealed

I saw this too, but really ... how likely is it, we will see a H-20?

IMO the chance is ZERO
This is the single most accurate statement in all official language to date. It does make it hard to believe.

I think the biggest shock to the world is not the H20 if it shows up in Zhuhai.
How China suddenly appeared this huge aircraft under the close surveillance of global reconnaissance satellites ............

重磅官宣!中国空军副司令:新型战机即将公开露面 会把大家一直想看的拿出来​


重磅官宣!中国空军副司令:新型战机即将公开露面 会把大家一直想看的拿出来​

Well, but isn't thsi the typical game? Telling all "重磅官宣!中国空军副司令:新型战机即将公开露面 会把大家一直想看的拿出来" aka "Major official announcement! Deputy Commander of the Chinese Air Force: New fighter jets will be unveiled soon and will show what everyone has been wanting to see" and especially the typical un-reflected media & press overhypes it as "J-20A/B, J-35 & H-20 will be unveiled ... we know know it based on sources close to the PLA which want to remain anonymous" ... and in the NOTHING of them will be shown?!
I saw this too, but really ... how likely is it, we will see a H-20?

IMO the chance is ZERO
Agree, H-20 is not possbile.
Y-20 with new engine I bet.
And - I am hoping for H-20!!! Time for all the projects under the -20 series to be unveiled.
guess Z-21 could be possible in the Zhuhai airshow this year. J-15B, KJ-600 and J-31/35 are possible too.j-20 with ws-15 engine
New warplanes to make debut at Airshow China
Experts expect unveiling of next-gen fighters, indigenous engines

Global Times
By Liu Xuanzun and Guo Yuandan
Published: Sep 25, 2024 10:50 PM
Two J-20 stealth fighter jets attached to an aviation brigade of the PLA Air Force take off for a flight training exercise in early February of 2024. (eng.chinamil.com.cn/Photo by Liu Weipeng)

Two J-20 stealth fighter jets attached to an aviation brigade of the PLA Air Force take off for a flight training exercise in early February of 2024. (eng.chinamil.com.cn/Photo by Liu Weipeng)

The Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) Air Force announced on Wednesday that China will unveil some of its latest warplanes at the country's prominent airshow, with experts predicting the debut of China's next-generation fighter jets and indigenous aero engines.

Lieutenant General Yu Qingjiang, vice commander of the PLA Air Force, said at a press conference on Wednesday that newly developed warplanes will make their first public appearance during a flight performances at the upcoming 15th Airshow China, to be held in Zhuhai, South China's Guangdong Province from November 12 to 17, displaying their capabilities in long-range strategic delivery and air combat.

A range of new equipment featuring in static displays will be under the public eye for the first time, as they will systematically display the PLA Air Force's capabilities in air combat, air strike, unmanned and anti-unmanned warfare, strategic delivery and airdropping as well as early warning and air defense, Yu said.

"We want to display the PLA Air Force's capabilities and confidence in firmly defending national sovereign unity and territorial integrity, and positively convey its vision and voice of safeguarding peace, openness for cooperation and equal communication," Yu said.

China had made rapid progress in new warplane development, Fu Qianshao, a Chinese military aviation expert, told the Global Times on Wednesday.

While military enthusiasts are eager to see the unveiling of the H-20, China's next-generation stealth bomber, Fu said the strategic aircraft is not yet ready for a debut. He referenced a medium-sized stealth fighter jet developed based on the FC-31, unmanned stealth drones, new special operations aircraft, and modified versions of previously known aircraft such as the Y-20 equipped with new domestically developed engines as potential candidates.

Other PLA services and branches including the Army and the Navy will also bring their equipment to the airshow, according to Yu.

According to a China Central Television documentary aired in mid-September, a new type of warplane was tested earlier this year on the PLA Navy's aircraft carrier Liaoning, with media speculating that the new aircraft could be the long-expected J-35, China's next generation carrier-borne stealth fighter jet, developed based on the FC-31.

Fu noted that the original version of the FC-31 was displayed in previous editions of Airshow China, and it will be interesting to see if new versions of the aircraft make their public bow at the event.

Media reports suggested that the FC-31 could spawn different variants, including a carrier-based version and a land-based version.

This event will herald the unprecedented participation of the PLA Army, Navy and Air Force, Fu said, noting that the Chinese expo is among the most anticipated of its kind around the world.

I need to point out something here.
The speaker was the Deputy Commander of PLAAF. the J35, J15B, and KJ600 belong to the PLA Navy, and the Z-21 belongs to the PLA Army. So the new fighters he is talking about would not be referring to those. If it is the FC-31 series, then it is referring to the J-31, the air force version of the FC-31.

As for the new J20, it is also possible. J20A / J20S

The probability of H20 appearing is very low indeed. As for the Y20 with a domestic engine, it will hardly make a big splash.

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