23 travellers offloaded, shot dead in Balochistan’s Musakhail after identity check:

Why would I cry for wignats ? Is my flag not visible or you missed your daily meds.

Man, I don't think they care, you black ass is going to be treated even worse, atleast Muslims will fight
Balochistan was an independent entity in 1947 and was not originally intended to be a part of Pakistan.

You need to get your facts straight. In 1947, there was no province of "Balochistan" as we know it today. The province was formed by the Pakistani government in 1970, following the dissolution of the One Unit system, through the merger of various territories. Prior to 1947, there existed a Balochistan Agency consisting of the Chief Commissioner's Province and three major princely states, including Kalat. The Chief Commissioner's Province acceded to Pakistan in 1947 through the decision of the Shahi Jirga, as did the princely states. Kalat, contrary to popular misconceptions, also voluntarily acceded when its ruler signed the Instrument of Accession.

Despite claims to the contrary, the ruler of Kalat never renounced or challenged this decision, and he even went on to serve as the Governor of the province of Balochistan from 1974 to 1977. In fact, his grandson, when interviewed, confirmed that while his grandfather initially hesitated to join Pakistan, he ultimately decided to do so after the Prophet Muhammad appeared to him in a dream, advising him to support Jinnah's Pakistan. There was no coercion or force involved in this decision. Therefore, from a legal standpoint, there is no irregularity or illegality in this accession

Also, outsiders mostly are unaware of fact that the Baloch make up only about half of Balochistan's population, with the other half primarily consisting of Pashtuns. And that there are more ethnic Baloch living in Sindh and Punjab than in Balochistan itself. Even more significant is the fact that Gwadar, the main CPEC port and a key point of contention, was never part of British India or Balochistan. It was actually an Omani territory, which the Pakistani government purchased in 1958. Therefore, the ethnic narrative of an independent Balochistan state based on the current province is fundamentally flawed.
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I don't care about your assumptions man. But pattern is clear. Your child rapist gangs have made a good reputation for your people.
Despite some media labeling them as "asian/South Asian". Commoners know which relgion real culprits belong to.

Did the grandad shout, "wait, I'm a Hindu" as he was being beaten to death by bricks?????😂
Cheerleading doesn't mean I care if something happens to them.😂
And who is invested in Pakistani scam center ?! OSP are funding this😂.
This company even has Google review page

Are you comparing the scamming industry of India with one isolated incident in Pakistan?

Don't make me post social media channels dedicated to Indian scamming industry. Your Indian brothers and sisters get hacked and cry like babies. Like I said, Indians have literally invented digital scamming. Rape too by the way. You guys are champions and have perfected both.
I don't care about your assumptions man. But pattern is clear. Your child rapist gangs have made a good reputation for your people.
Despite some media labeling them as "asian/South Asian". Commoners know which relgion real culprits belong to.

You and your far-right friends can't do shit. LOL All your far-right friends managed to do is loot and destroy their own country. The whole world witnessed it. Now fake Tommy boy is again back to agitating through social media LOL Looks like his plan to start riots failed.
Stop trying to change history
Indus valley was ancient India
There was no. Site of islam.
It was his more Hindu or bhuddists which are ancient religions far older than islam
Indus valley is ancient Hindu culture

God you talk rubbish man.

Indus valley civilization was in PAKISTAN,, it was from this land

The people here are ancient, Kashmir, Punjabi Sindhi, Baloch, Pashtun and more, these people live on their own land

Their were cities and civilization here when you people were living naked in jungles

India was never one nation, do NOT connect our land and people to random ethnicities and people in India today

What horrible world you have described
Thank god I will not be here when this happens
I hope the Europeans retain their culture and ethnic race and hope that Indian civilisation once again rises to be the richest and most at successful in the world as it once was...
Islamic radical regardless of birhrate should deported back to their Pakistan syria Yemen Libya which ever dump they came from .
Australia has it right below the ship up. After one warning

Keep you islamic radicalism.in yor own deserts back.home
Stop creating trouble in India and in Europe
I agree with the europeans

The Muslim world will rise ,it's not a question of if, it's a question of when

This is all we have wanted, SEPARATION from people we consider enemies, people we hate and distrust like Sikhs and Hindus

Their should be no friendship, or single state crap

INDIA was a mistake, rather then partition it properly, they pulled this secular crap of one India for all rubbish

And that's what it was,, Rubbish

Now India is a communal dump, hindutva extremists and a hindutva state with hundreds of millions of minorities stuck with their enemies

What we want is a COMPLETION of partition, so our populations never have to see your goofy turban wearing people ever again and everyone can get on with life without each other

For that to happen we need to partition India....

Europe can get back it's continent, but it needs to take back white people from all ethnic lands and not before
Like I said you need to sort your own mess out first before formenting trouble in India
Your on verge of complete collapse
You people have been wishing and hoping that since 1947.
Check the latest statics, escape Indians are only second to Mexicans for illegally entering America ۔
In fact in some years they even exceed Mexicans.
The era of call centers is over.
You people have been wishing and hoping that since 1947.
Check the latest statics, escape Indians are only second to Mexicans for illegally entering America ۔
In fact in some years they even exceed Mexicans.
The era of call centers is over.

The clip carefully
It looks like china or Singapore but it's INDIA
Our manufacturing is reaching Germany and Japan levels

That call centre jibe is 20 years old
Today our info tech is artficial Intelligence and software driven giving us 200. Billion dollars a year income for India that's ten times your annual total exports in Pakistan
You see the disparity it's a joke
WOT is soo early 2010's but jeets desperately want whites to clinge on it forever. Constant humiliation on social media of jeets way of life is taking a heavy toll on likes of harpy1.

Indians who played role of cocunut in western countries thinking their anti-muslim bigotry will make them the good ones among racist whites are waking up in new world.
If India is
Dump communal hate
What business is it yours
Your Pakistani
Why don t you sort your shit out first
Indians whether sikh
Or moslems or Christians or bhuddists have no connection with your people
How about you mind your own business
Leave us alone

We dont want to resort to showing our financual and military muscle again like 71 or 99 your country as it's own issues
All Muslims of South Asia are connected,

We want what you want, which is separation

I hate Sikhs, I hate Hindus even more, I don't want to be your friend, I don't want to see your face or say hello

I want the separation of our people's and the most peaceful way of doing this was Partition of India

But YOU GUYS fucked it up,, you spun this bullshit about secular India for all

And THEN you slowly pushed the Hindu extremist crap and mythology on all of India

So India today does not represent hundreds of millions of its population, that includes kashmiri

YOU are the ones that made separation difficulty and impossible, and ow want hundreds of millions just to accept some crap hindutva extremist state

No, this ends with a proper partition of India

Pakistan has its own issues but Pakistan will expand militarily and economically, it's a 250 million population, with a geo strategic position, it's a matter of time
All Muslims of South Asia are connected,

We want what you want, which is separation

I hate Sikhs, I hate Hindus even more, I don't want to be your friend, I don't want to see your face or say hello

I want the separation of our people's and the most peaceful way of doing this was Partition of India

But YOU GUYS fucked it up,, you spun this bullshit about secular India for all

And THEN you slowly pushed the Hindu extremist crap and mythology on all of India

So India today does not represent hundreds of millions of its population, that includes kashmiri

YOU are the ones that made separation difficulty and impossible, and ow want hundreds of millions just to accept some crap hindutva extremist state

No, this ends with a proper partition of India

Pakistan has its own issues but Pakistan will expand militarily and economically, it's a 250 million population, with a geo strategic position, it's a matter of time

Expand all you like
But you will live In the shadow of regional super power called India that will call the shots in this region
We are now recognised and respected globally because economic might is the single most important measure of a nations strength
As for Pakistanis hating Indians trust me it has never been more unpopular unwanted unappreciated by the modern world to be a Moslem.
Islamaphobia is rife all over the world
USA Europe Israel even India Japan Australia etc
You people don't belong future modern secular or multi cultural nations
You should stick living amongst yourselves in your deserts

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