23 travellers offloaded, shot dead in Balochistan’s Musakhail after identity check:

So Pakistan which is on its knees virtually bankrupt had internal civil war between the sindi Baluchistanis and pashtuns
Is suggesting that India the fastest growing economy in the world be divided on grounds of religion

And that comes from a islamic Pakistani living in Christian Europe full of multi cultural people where the indengious people want him and his kind deported back to Pakistan

You see how messed up you look now the 🤣🤣

You do realise that Indians are the biggest group of immigrants living in many Western countries and stealing white jobs? It isn't as if white people are celebrating Indians in Western countries.
Maharaja Hari Singh of Kashmir signed the accession to India because Pakistan attacked Kashmir. As for Junagarh and Hyderabad, the Nawab of Junagarh and the Nizam of Hyderabad fled to Pakistan, so these states automatically became part of India.

Who cares? Borders have been drawn and this is 2024. Deal with it. There is no point going back to 1700. As if that will change anything. Just focus on now instead of lingering in the past.

Most of you Hindutvatis are retired grandpas. You have a lot of time on your hands. Even in this old age you log into forums to fantasise about more territory for Hindustan. It isn't going to happen. Just let it go now and die in peace. Just some innocent advice.
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I would learn to stand in your own feet for a few seconds first
You are in noi position to take advantage of a regional super power like India

Ignoring the huge disparity in economic and financial might India could turn your country into desert over night by shutting down the water supply from himlayers

India dominates this region economically diplomatically and culturally .

Your propped up.with Chinese loans and even they are getting fed up with your performance in gwader.
The Baluchistanis are sabotaging that project it's just desert really..

My point being your bold talk of taking advantage of this mythical communal violence is just pipe dream and rather pathetic and typical of a person who realises there is no hope for change so lashes out at the world

Very sad defeating attitude
No pride no hope no direction just aimless blame at others ie India the west USA Russia just every body but yourselves

I would learn to stand on your own feet he says.

Why don't you follow your own advice and stop being part of various camps? You are an ally of the US and the entire world knows that the Americans have designated India the role of containing China. Of course you don't even come close to containing China, but that is another debate. In the process, India gets all the preferential treatment to be an equal of China. At the same time, India cannot refrain from being part of BRICS, QUAD etc.

You preach Pakistan to stand on its own feet, but your own country is deeply involved in various blocks and what not.

Your advice are hollow words. They don't even have a meaning.
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I would learn to stand on your own feet he says.

Why don't you follow your own advice and stop being part of various camps? You are an ally of the US and the entire world knows that the Americans have designated India the role of containing China. Of course you don't even come close to containing China, but that is another debate. In the process, India gets all the preferential treatment to be an equal of China. At the same time, India cannot refrain from being part of BRICS, QUAD etc.

You preach Pakistan to stand on its own feet, but your own country is deeply involved in various blocks and what not.

Your advice are hollow words. They don't even have a meaning.

America has not created our 4 trillion gdp or 680 billion Forex
We Indians did this ourselves
USA did not build our nuke subs or carriers
USA wants us as allies due to our strength and huge potential

Now in contrast nobody wants to listen too or have the headache of a basket case

This is reality for states and normal human life
Getting back to topic you guys have alot of internal.issues in Baluchistan and sindi
Your not united nation and have deep rooted factions
The very ideology you try and associate and fuel India in the hope of dividing India and stagnating Indian growth is infact infested and rife in your own country itself ....
The break up of India you wish and you wish you could instigate...
Is far fetched ....but above all hypocritical .....because Pakistan is far more unstable and ripe for baulkinisation...in the future ...

In other words your break up is far more likely than India s due to your economic woes your ethnic divide and religious factions within islam itself

Secular India was designed and built historically with Hindus and Sikhs Muslims bhuddists Christians all Indian first ..This secular state is similar to multi cultural states of western world

But you islamic countries only know internal factions war between yourselves
Be it Sunni v Sharia
Be it Pakistan be it Kurds v Turks or other middle east divisions on their respective states

For some reason your religion tolerates no peace or harmony and is stuck in a medieval.time warp of division and war within islam itself

This is why the world in particular the western world wants islam removed from .Europe and west for ever now. It's like a repeat of the crusades
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I would learn to stand in your own feet for a few seconds first
You are in noi position to take advantage of a regional super power like India

Ignoring the huge disparity in economic and financial might India could turn your country into desert over night by shutting down the water supply from himlayers

India dominates this region economically diplomatically and culturally .

Your propped up.with Chinese loans and even they are getting fed up with your performance in gwader.
The Baluchistanis are sabotaging that project it's just desert really..

My point being your bold talk of taking advantage of this mythical communal violence is just pipe dream and rather pathetic and typical of a person who realises there is no hope for change so lashes out at the world

Very sad defeating attitude
No pride no hope no direction just aimless blame at others ie India the west USA Russia just every body but yourselves

That's like saying India has to resolve it's rape crisis
Or overpopulation crises
Or mass communalism crises
Or poverty crises
Before it can do anything else

Every country has issues to resolve,
India is behind All the regional countries in hunger
You could say why don't you feed your people before, planning anything

Fundamentally, Pakistan can't and won't ignore it's strategic interests or it's enemies and completion of partition of India is a long term aim to defend the Muslims of south Asia

So we utilise hindutva and slowly but surely let it cool India from within, already the region is far more friendly towards China then it is towards India

No that Indian Muslims have very little representation, now is the time to push for a coalescence of ideas, with Hasina gone that's becomes easier

America has not created our 4 trillion gdp or 680 billion Forex
We Indians did this ourselves
USA did not build our nuke subs or carriers
USA wants us as allies due to our strength and huge potential

Now in contrast nobody wants to listen too or have the headache of a basket case

This is reality for states and normal human life

It is you who was lecturing Pakistan to stand on its own feet. Now that I have shown you a mirror about India relying on other powers to get favors and preferential treatment you are entirely changing discussion.

We know how India got its nukes and carriers just like its so-called indigenous hypersonic missile. You didn't build them yourself. You got a lot of assistance from Russia. No point denying this fact.

USA wants you as a counterweight against China. USA doesn't have a love relationship with India. Your role is very clearly defined. You are supposed to thwart China on behalf of the US and Western powers. Something you have failed at and will continue to fail at miserably. The West is hoping against all hope that India delivers and pressures China.

It is funny you say that. If Pakistan is such a basket case, why does the US continue to have diplomatic and economic economic relations with Pakistan? There are many Western diplomatic missions in Pakistan that want to remain there despite accusing Pakistan of duplicity etc. Your theory doesn't add up. If the Western world doesn't want to deal with Pakistan it would have sanctioned, boycotted and isolated Pakistan long ago. Again, you are just making up BS.
Getting back to topic you guys have alot of internal.issues in Baluchistan and sindi
Your not united nation and have deep rooted factions
The very ideology you try and associate and fuel India in the hope of dividing India and stagnating Indian growth is infact infested and rife in your own country itself ....
The break up of India you wish and you wish you could instigate...
Is far fetched ....but above all hypocritical .....because Pakistan is far more unstable and ripe for baulkinisation...in the future ...

In other words your break up is far more likely than India s due to your economic woes your ethnic divide and religious factions within islam itself

Secular India was designed and built historically with Hindus and Sikhs Muslims bhuddists Christians all Indian first ..This secular state is similar to multi cultural states of western world

But you islamic countries only know internal factions war between yourselves
Be it Sunni v Sharia
Be it Pakistan be it Kurds v Turks or other middle east divisions on their respective states

For some reason your religion tolerates no peace or harmony and is stuck in a medieval.time warp of division and war within islam itself

This is why the world in particular the western world wants islam removed from .Europe and west for ever now. It's like a repeat of the crusades

India was supposed to be a secular state, but today it is run by a Muslim hating dictator Modi. That is no secret to anyone. You are just a fanatical simpleton follower of Modi. Nothing more nothing less. No wonder you sprout so much hatred against Islam and Muslims. That is because your Hindutva leader Modi has taught you to so.

India is a country where Dalits, Naxalites, Muslims and all other minorities live in fear. Rape is rampant. Even female doctors are gang raped by vile Hindu men. This is part of your culture and religion. We don't need any lecturing from a vile person like you.

Europe doesn't like Hindus stealing their tech and other jobs. Indians are the largest group of immigrants in almost every Western country. You outnumber almost every other immigrant group. Why are you in Western countries stealing jobs of the natives if India is prospering? Shouldn't you guys be moving to India and contribute there?

You Hindutvatis can only dream of Pakistan breaking up. You and your forefathers have been claiming such shit for many decades. Keep dreaming though.

You guys keep claiming that Pakistan is irrelevant and not worth the time. Yet you Indians are the most obsessed about Pakistan. All you guys do is discuss Pakistan 24/7. Not only that, you log into Pakistani forums to hand out lectures and discuss Pakistani issues on a daily basis. That doesn't rhyme. That is pure obsession.
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You know whats ironic?

During the anti migrant riots, ***** supported the right and guess what is happening now? Its the jeets who are at the recieving end.

1 barny stanson or whatever his name is humiliating over a billion of you with the same far right taking a dump on you.
LoL even uniformed men know who is their main target. Save yourself first. Look at this youtuber crying 😂
Getting back to topic you guys have alot of internal.issues in Baluchistan and sindi
Your not united nation and have deep rooted factions
The very ideology you try and associate and fuel India in the hope of dividing India and stagnating Indian growth is infact infested and rife in your own country itself ....
The break up of India you wish and you wish you could instigate...
Is far fetched ....but above all hypocritical .....because Pakistan is far more unstable and ripe for baulkinisation...in the future ...

In other words your break up is far more likely than India s due to your economic woes your ethnic divide and religious factions within islam itself

Secular India was designed and built historically with Hindus and Sikhs Muslims bhuddists Christians all Indian first ..This secular state is similar to multi cultural states of western world

But you islamic countries only know internal factions war between yourselves
Be it Sunni v Sharia
Be it Pakistan be it Kurds v Turks or other middle east divisions on their respective states

For some reason your religion tolerates no peace or harmony and is stuck in a medieval.time warp of division and war within islam itself

This is why the world in particular the western world wants islam removed from .Europe and west for ever now. It's like a repeat of the crusades

Pakistan is largely homogeneous, our ethnicities have lived in this part of the world for thousands upon thousands of years
The Indus valley civilization was here over 8000 years ago

We are largely the same faith

There are far more ethnic, religious fault lines in India that rear up every single day

India was supposed to be secular, BUT ITS NOT its a communal shit hole, some Jinnah foresaw

A hindutva extremist state is a threat to the region, that's why India is distrusted across this region

Islam is the fastest growing faith in the world, it has lowest median age of any religion so the next century or two will see a massive expansion of the Muslim population across the world
Of course we are going to absolutely hate our enemies like Sikhs and hindus and white nationalists and extremists

Muslims hold the demographic future and when the Muslim world rises their will be hell to pay

I will say it again, when white people leave native lands then they can cry about Europe
Do you think white nationalists won't go after you brown Sikh ass😂😂😂 being a loyal slave won't get you anything
LoL even uniformed men know who is their main target. Save yourself first. Look at this youtuber crying 😂

Are you sure?

Aren't you going to cry two tier policing? Your side is such a victim, isn't it?
India was supposed to be a secular state, but today it is run by a Muslim hating dictator Modi. That is no secret to anyone. You are just a fanatical simpleton follower of Modi. Nothing more nothing less. No wonder you sprout so much hatred against Islam and Muslims. That is because your Hindutva leader Modi has taught you to so.

India is a country where Dalits, Naxalites, Muslims and all other minorities live in fear. Rape is rampant. Even female doctors are gang raped by vile Hindu men. This is part of your culture and religion. We don't need any lecturing from a vile person like you.

Europe doesn't like Hindus stealing their tech and other jobs. Indians are the largest group of immigrants in almost every Western country. You outnumber almost every other immigrant group. Why are you in Western countries stealing jobs of the natives if India is prospering? Shouldn't you guys be moving to India and contribute there?

You Hindutvatis can only dream of Pakistan breaking up. You and your forefathers have been claiming such shit dor decades. Keep dreaming though.

You guys keep claiming that Pakistan is irrelevant and a not worth the time to Indians. Yet you Indians are the most obsessed about Pakistan. All you guys do is discuss Pakistan 24/7. Not only that, you log into Pakistani forums to hand out lectures and discuss Pakistani issues on a daily basis. That doesn't rhyme. That is pure obsession.

"Was supposed to be secular" who decided that ?? People's will is supreme. World is coming to the reality how two faced people like you are and reciprocation has just begun. Now just enjoy the outcome.
"Was supposed to be secular" who decided that ?? People's will is supreme. World is coming to the reality how two faced people like you are and reciprocation has just begun. Now just enjoy the outcome.

Yeahhhhhh Indian Muslims should totally not hate you guys as enemies 😂😂😂😂
"Was supposed to be secular" who decided that ?? People's will is supreme. World is coming to the reality how two faced people like you are and reciprocation has just begun. Now just enjoy the outcome.

India is a hateful colony where minorities are lynched and raped. Don't make me post headlines. Everyone knows exactly just how tolerant India is.
Are you sure?

Aren't you going to cry two tier policing? Your side is such a victim, isn't it?
Why would I cry for wignats ? Is my flag not visible or you missed your daily meds.

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