23 travellers offloaded, shot dead in Balochistan’s Musakhail after identity check:

You Pakistanis love to hate and spout venom to all non Muslims
You even spread this in Europe where you have migrated too in your millions
Now the white far right has awoken to this and is demanding an end to migration
Closing borders
Closing mosques
Reducing the right to wear hijabs

You have trouble in your own country
And yet you have the cheek to lecture Indians on secular India.
You need to keep your strict islamic only culture ...to yourselves within your own borders.....
Stop trying to change Europe or indeed India keep that in Pakistan

Thank god India is detached from you people and your culture and mindset which is medieval to the 21st century
Let me tell you one thing and remember this.
If the Far Right ever succeed (unlikely) in deporting millions of Foreigners in Europe, Indians WILL be first in the queue to be kicked out (whilst pleading to stay)
Pakistanis on the other hand will be LAST in the queue to leave and will leave fighting, not begging.
Punjabi Muslims adopted Urdu over Punjabi because Punjabi is seen as a language associated with Hinduism.
Funny post by a retard.

I bet you never have been to Pakistani Punjab or you would know Punjabi is lingua franca of the province apart from Posh places of Lahore or other cities.
Meanwhile in parts of India, Drones are being liberally used between the Fighting faction, no sign of any government writ there but oh wait....For Bakhtoras India only exists in New Delhi or Mumbai, whatever happens anywhere else doesn't concern them ... except when some incident takes place in Pakistan.

You Pakistanis love to hate and spout venom to all non Muslims
You even spread this in Europe where you have migrated too in your millions
Now the white far right has awoken to this and is demanding an end to migration
Closing borders
Closing mosques
Reducing the right to wear hijabs

You have trouble in your own country
And yet you have the cheek to lecture Indians on secular India.
You need to keep your strict islamic only culture ...to yourselves within your own borders.....
Stop trying to change Europe or indeed India keep that in Pakistan

Thank god India is detached from you people and your culture and mindset which is medieval to the 21st century
This hate towards non Muslims makes them kill each other, because there are different Islamic sects with each sect considering other sects as "kafir" or Non-Muslims. However, this doesn’t reflect the views of the entire Muslim world. hatred towards Hindus and Sikhs is specific to Indian, Pakistani, and Bangladeshi Muslims only. Muslims from rest of the world, even Afghans, generally don’t share hostility towards India or its people. Interacting with Muslims from different parts of the world could give you a broader perspective on Islam.
This hate towards non Muslims makes them kill each other, because there are different Islamic sects with each sect considering other sects as "kafir" or Non-Muslims. However, this doesn’t reflect the views of the entire Muslim world. hatred towards Hindus and Sikhs is specific to Indian, Pakistani, and Bangladeshi Muslims only. Muslims from rest of the world, even Afghans, generally don’t share hostility towards India or its people. Interacting with Muslims from different parts of the world could give you a broader perspective on Islam.

I'm talking about the vibe of UK Indengious people towards islam.
Pakistanis are representing a big part of this group and we have massive islamaphobia in UK and Europe in general.

Your point about Pakistani hatred of Sikhs and Hindus that is deep rooted insecurity and Inferiority of Pakistani leadership towards regional super power India.. They hate the rise of India and the huge universal international respect and admiration modi and
Indians are getting right now in 2024

For them.they describe India as a existential threat to Pakistan which is a farce yes India is a super power relative to Pakistan but they wish no harm to Pakistanis just wish they would stop their constant terror activities and get on with what should be their absolute priority of getting on their own two feet..
I'm talking about the vibe of UK Indengious people towards islam.
Pakistanis are representing a big part of this group and we have massive islamaphobia in UK and Europe in general.

Your point about Pakistani hatred of Sikhs and Hindus that is deep rooted insecurity and Inferiority of Pakistani leadership towards regional super power India.. They hate the rise of India and the huge universal international respect and admiration modi and
Indians are getting right now in 2024

For them.they describe India as a existential threat to Pakistan which is a farce yes India is a super power relative to Pakistan but they wish no harm to Pakistanis just wish they would stop their constant terror activities and get on with what should be their absolute priority of getting on their own two feet..
Just listen to your self
You creatures need a Pakistani forum to have any voice else you be running up and down some slumdog street chasing a poor Dalit or a Muslim.
If India was worth it salt, you despite getting repeatedly humiliated by both members and MODS, still wouldn't be lingering here.
Your Pakistan Obsession brings you here but your Indian nature of boxing above your own weight takes the better of you.
How many Pakistanis visit your forums which are nothing more than echo Chambers. Do you ever listen to common white folks...what they say about Indians...oh wait, they must also be jealous of your Modi. 😆
You Pakistanis love to hate and spout venom to all non Muslims
You even spread this in Europe where you have migrated too in your millions
Now the white far right has awoken to this and is demanding an end to migration
Closing borders
Closing mosques
Reducing the right to wear hijabs

You have trouble in your own country
And yet you have the cheek to lecture Indians on secular India.
You need to keep your strict islamic only culture ...to yourselves within your own borders.....
Stop trying to change Europe or indeed India keep that in Pakistan

Thank god India is detached from you people and your culture and mindset which is medieval to the 21st century

😂😂😂😂😂 Man, do you think we give a crap about the far right😂😂😂 the white man has spread destruction across the world and now they face a demographic crisis in Europe and are forced to bring in migrants they are losing their shit

Sit back and enjoy it😂😂😂😉

The people with the problems will be the white wannabes like Sikhs and hindus, who think they can scrub the brown off themselves and call themselves Tim to fit in

We don't want to change India, it's a crap hole,, we want the completion of PARTITION so the Indian Muslim population can be free and independent and away from sanghi crap
😂😂😂😂😂 Man, do you think we give a crap about the far right😂😂😂 the white man has spread destruction across the world and now they face a demographic crisis in Europe and are forced to bring in migrants they are losing their shit

Sit back and enjoy it😂😂😂😉

The people with the problems will be the white wannabes like Sikhs and hindus, who think they can scrub the brown off themselves and call themselves Tim to fit in

We don't want to change India, it's a crap hole,, we want the completion of PARTITION so the Indian Muslim population can be free and independent and away from sanghi crap
Indian Muslims understand that any country created solely for Muslims, like Pakistan, would likely face internal conflict, with people killing each other in the name of Islam—the very basis on which the country was founded. Beyond religion, divisions over language and ethnicity would also lead to violence. Once a country is built on hatred, it’s easy for that hatred to be redirected internally. This is why Indian Muslims don’t advocate for a separate nation. The same applies to Kashmir. A Shia, Ahmadi, or Sufi Muslim in Kashmir is unlikely to support independence or joining Pakistan, and even Sunni Kashmiris, in their right mind, wouldn’t favor secession from India.
Indian Muslims understand that any country created solely for Muslims, like Pakistan, would likely face internal conflict, with people killing each other in the name of Islam—the very basis on which the country was founded. Beyond religion, divisions over language and ethnicity would also lead to violence. Once a country is built on hatred, it’s easy for that hatred to be redirected internally. This is why Indian Muslims don’t advocate for a separate nation. The same applies to Kashmir. A Shia, Ahmadi, or Sufi Muslim in Kashmir is unlikely to support independence or joining Pakistan, and even Sunni Kashmiris, in their right mind, wouldn’t favor secession from India.

They are doing it already, hundreds of millions of Indian Muslims have next to nothing representation, this is unacceptable and INTOLERABLE

This is exactly why partition happened in the first place, it's EXACTLY why partition of India will happen again, you can't keep hundreds of millions of people trapped in a hindutva extremist state
They are doing it already, hundreds of millions of Indian Muslims have next to nothing representation, this is unacceptable and INTOLERABLE

This is exactly why partition happened in the first place, it's EXACTLY why partition of India will happen again, you can't keep hundreds of millions of people trapped in a hindutva extremist state
The lower representation of Muslims in Parliament is partly due to the fact that most Muslims choose to vote for non-Muslim candidates, believing they will represent their interests better than a Muslim leader. This was especially evident in the 2019 elections, where a significant number of Muslim women voted for the BJP. The party’s actions, such as banning triple talaq and halala, along with welfare programs focused on Muslim women’s education, healthcare, and subsidies on fuel and food, garnered their support.
The lower representation of Muslims in Parliament is partly due to the fact that most Muslims choose to vote for non-Muslim candidates, believing they will represent their interests better than a Muslim leader. This was especially evident in the 2019 elections, where a significant number of Muslim women voted for the BJP. The party’s actions, such as banning triple talaq and halala, along with welfare programs focused on Muslim women’s education, healthcare, and subsidies on fuel and food, garnered their support.

It's due to the fact that the state is run by hindutva extremists who actively target Indian Muslims

Let me say again 200-250 MILLION Indian Muslims, and they barely have ANY representation
A INTOLERABLE situation, and EXACTLY what Jinnah said would happen, that Indian Muslims must partition and gain independence, because if they don't they will live in a communal cesspit like India where India will push only Hindu crap and culture as representative of the state

Even when you look at Indian ships, jets, programmes anything it only reflects Hindu crap,
Not Indian Muslims, Sikhs, Christians have any representation

For the sake of freedom for hundreds of millions India MUST be partitioned
perspective of Indian Hindus or Sikhs on Islam is largely shaped by their interactions with Muslims from India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh. when Hindus interact with Muslims from other parts of the world, their view of Islam tends to shift, as there is generally no hatred towards Hindus in the Muslim world outside the subcontinent.
That's changing, hindutva is our biggest weapon to rip India apart, the hindutva have been vocal for the Zionists slime that has woken up people across the Muslim world on why south Asian Muslims hate Hindus so much
So Pakistan which is on its knees virtually bankrupt had internal civil war between the sindi Baluchistanis and pashtuns
Is suggesting that India the fastest growing economy in the world be divided on grounds of religion

And that comes from a islamic Pakistani living in Christian Europe full of multi cultural people where the indengious people want him and his kind deported back to Pakistan

You see how messed up you look now the 🤣🤣
He lives in Lalaland !

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