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A relative of an oligarch in Crimea ran over a child with an electric scooter


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Oct 2, 2013
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A relative of an oligarch in Crimea ran over a child with an electric scooter 16:52​

July 3, 2024


In Crimea, a relative of oligarch Joseph Faingold crashed into a baby carriage on an electric scooter and fell on a child. About this reports Telegram channel Baza.
“In Simferopol, in Gagarinsky Park, three young girls were riding a scooter past the playground. Due to the large number of people, one of them started to turn the steering wheel, lost control and crashed into a baby carriage,” she says.
The teenager reportedly dropped the scooter on a 3-year-old girl, who then fell on top of him. The child suffered a cut. The victim’s mother tried to get the parents’ contact details from a 13-year-old SIM card user, but he got on a scooter and drove off. The child’s parents contacted the police, who found the culprit on a scooter in the same park. The mother apologized and the parents agreed that the teenager would be reprimanded and would no longer ride the scooter.
According to Baza, the culprit of the accident is a relative of the former Simferopol city council member, businessman and dollar millionaire Joseph Faingold.
Before that a child in St. Petersburg to cut glass during a storm. According to media reports, the boy was standing at a bus stop with his family during bad weather. Then the construction barriers hit and shattered the window. The boy ran to the side, but the pieces flew after him. As a result, the boy’s forearm was amputated.
Early morning in Moscow due to a new charger burned Electric scooter in the apartment.

Source: Gazeta

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