Afgan Taliban and Hezbollah team against Israel? Is Israel screwed?


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May 15, 2024
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Iranian and Taliban officials have discussed potential "joint action" against Israel amid the war in Gaza and chances of a war between the Lebanese Hezbollah and Israel escalating.

During a Monday phone call, Ali Bagheri Kani and Amir Khan Muttaqi, the respective Foreign Ministers of Iran and the Taliban, underscored the imperative of unified Islamic efforts to exert pressure on Israel, particularly through the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation.

Iran's ambassador in Kabul recently declared that "martyrdom" forces from the Taliban would also be dispatched to Gaza, where Iran-backed Hamas is fighting Israel, if necessary. This is while Israeli forces control the borders of the strip.

Despite Iran seeking the Taliban's support in the event of further escalation, Aminullah Habibi, a senior international relations analyst, indicated to Afghan International that while Iran might sway some Afghans, the Taliban as a cohesive entity is unlikely to engage in a war against Israel.

However, Iran has been funding the Taliban to support its fight against the US, as disclosed by former US Defense Department adviser Carter Malkasian, who revealed that since 2012, Iran has given annually funding in the region of $100 million.

The relationship between Iran and the Taliban has been fraught with tension, primarily due to water rights and border security issues. The Helmand River, crucial for Iran’s eastern provinces, has been a major point of contention. Iran accuses Afghanistan of violating the 1973 Helmand River Treaty by restricting the river's flow, impacting agriculture and drinking water. In May last year, late Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi warned the Taliban about disregarding Iran's water rights, but the Taliban dismissed the threat mocking him, leading to heightened tensions and fatal border clashes.
The poorly demarcated Iran-Afghanistan border has also become a hotspot for smuggling, illegal crossings, and skirmishes. The Taliban's resurgence has exacerbated such issues, with frequent incidents of violence and mutual accusations.
Adding to these challenges is the influx of Afghan refugees into Iran following the Taliban's takeover has strained Iran's resources and infrastructure, heightening security concerns.

Since October 7, Iran's proxies in Syria, Yemen, Iraq and Lebanon have been attacking the Jewish state in allegiance with Hamas. On the deadliest single day for Jews since the Holocaust, over 3,000 Hamas forces invaded Israel killing 1,200 mostly civilians and taking another 251 hostage.

Since then, in allegiance with Hamas, Hezbollah has launched over 3,300 projectiles towards Israel with around 200,000 people displaced both on Lebanon's southern border and in Israel's north.

Israeli political and military chiefs have declared that measures are now in place should a war in Lebanon be authorized, as tensions between the two nations are the worst since the second Lebanon war.

Recent warnings from US officials cautioned Israel against a "limited" or "regional" war in Lebanon, highlighting the risk of uncontrollable escalation and potential Iranian intervention.
On the deadliest single day for Jews since the Holocaust, over 3,000 Hamas forces invaded Israel killing 1,200 mostly civilians and taking another 251 hostage.

850 military and about 300 civilians. 'Mostly' military.

And most of the civilians were killed by the Israelis.
850 military and about 300 civilians. 'Mostly' military.

And most of the civilians were killed by the Israelis.
400 military and 800 "civilian", no need to lie, just makes us look bad and stupid.
Wrong. check Al-Jazeera'a figures. always on their feed.

Early on October 7, Hamas fighters stormed communities along Israel’s southern fence with Gaza. At least 1,139 people, mostly civilians, were killed in the attack, according to an Al Jazeera tally based on official Israeli statistics, and about 240 others were seized as captives

Early on October 7, Hamas fighters stormed communities along Israel’s southern fence with Gaza. At least 1,139 people, mostly civilians, were killed in the attack, according to an Al Jazeera tally based on official Israeli statistics, and about 240 others were seized as captives
On their feed, as they broad cast, they breakdown the figures as I quote them.
Also 'civilians killed'. Al-Jazeera's own investigation says that many of the civilians were killed by the Israeli military.
Israel is lucky it has the neighbours it does. In the Afghanistan/Pakistan region it would have been a foot note in history. IF Mujahideen groups from around the world were to be supported logistically, then the battle would be in Tel Aviv not Beirut.
Israel is lucky it has the neighbours it does. In the Afghanistan/Pakistan region it would have been a foot note in history. IF Mujahideen groups from around the world were to be supported logistically, then the battle would be in Tel Aviv not Beirut.
Israel have been up against multiple countries in war since 1948. Hezbollah alone is far better equipped than Taliban in Afghanistan. Narratives aside, Israeli war-fighting achievements are very impressive for a state of its size. Israel have its fair share of motivated fighters and Israeli war-fighting tactics seem to be much better planned and executed than what we see in our region. And Israel also has foreign supply lines.

Thank God that Israel is not our neighbor or Pakistan's situation would be entirely different from what it is today.
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Israel have been up against multiple countries in war since 1948. Hezbollah alone is far better equipped than Taliban in Afghanistan. Narratives aside, Israeli war-fighting achievements are very impressive for a state of its size. Israel have its fair share of motivated fighters and Israeli war-fighting tactics seem to be much better planned and executed than what we see in our region. And Israel also has foreign supply lines.

Thank God that Israel is not our neighbor or Pakistan's situation would be entirely different from what it is today.
Afghans/Pashtuns are battle hardened and have a history of winning wars and defeating super powers. Israel is basically bombing multiple countries without any proportionate opposition. Sorry to say but Arabs can't put up a fight. Just look at the countries around them. Jordan is ruled by a half white, Egypt is ruled by a corrupt military dictatorship and Lebanon is a failed state politically and economically and designed by the French and the Brits to be divided on religious and sectarian lines. Syria was the only relatively stronger country but they created ISIS and pitched the Turks from the north against them to make them weaker.
Israel have been up against multiple countries in war since 1948. Hezbollah alone is far better equipped than Taliban in Afghanistan. Narratives aside, Israeli war-fighting achievements are very impressive for a state of its size. Israel have its fair share of motivated fighters and Israeli war-fighting tactics seem to be much better planned and executed than what we see in our region. And Israel also has foreign supply lines.

Thank God that Israel is not our neighbor or Pakistan's situation would be entirely different from what it is today.

Brother Give Pakistan Unlimited Resources From A Superpower Third Country And I Am Sure It Would Conquer The World
Afghans/Pashtuns are battle hardened and have a history of winning wars and defeating super powers. Israel is basically bombing multiple countries without any proportionate opposition. Sorry to say but Arabs can't put up a fight. Just look at the countries around them. Jordan is ruled by a half white, Egypt is ruled by a corrupt military dictatorship and Lebanon is a failed state politically and economically and designed by the French and the Brits to be divided on religious and sectarian lines. Syria was the only relatively stronger country but they created ISIS and pitched the Turks from the north against them to make them weaker.
Mate, let's have a look at some facts.

- Afghanistan has a large LANDLOCKED geography and the US cannot reach it directly.
- Afghanistan contain a large number of mountains that provide natural cover to fighters.
- Afghans/Pashtuns could also move to Iran and Pakistan and regroup in both countries. The US is not on good terms with Iran and Pakistan wanted to preserve Taliban for its interests.

The US had the option to come to terms with Pakistan's interests and focus on dismantling Al-Qaeda Network OR switch to the Pacific War Model to wipe out Afghans/Pashtuns in all areas. The Pacific War Model was very likely to expand to Pakistan due to the Pashtun belt factor and regional collapse.

Trump's decision was LOGICAL in view of all realities and options on the table. Trump decided to continue with the policy to dismantle Al-Qaeda Network in the region and find a way forward with Taliban and Pakistan in the region. All agreed to not allow Al-Qaeda Network or any other organization to use Afghanistan as a launchpad or base of operations against the US in Doha Accords in 2020. 9/11 case should not repeat.

Afghan/Pashtuns are brave and can create a resistance movement in Afghanistan and do very well in this context - no doubt about this. Taliban demonstrated absolutely superior fighting tactics and strategy than the Afghan National Army (ANA) when the two sides were on the level playing field in 2021. BUT Afghan/Pashtuns stand no chance in a war that would entail OCCUPATION of another well-armed country or against a superpower in open war. The war of OCCUPATION is an entirely different calculus. Afghans/Pashtuns don't stand a chance against Israel in its home turf.

Among Arabs, Saudi army might be lacking in strength and discipline but Iraq and Egypt are home to ancient civilizations and have fought other powers throughout history. The Middle East has also produced some of the most powerful and dangerous non-state actors in recent times that could exchange blows with professional armies rather openly. The US had been fighting in the Middle East since the 1980s. There are also Turks in the Middle East who can fight as well.

The assumption that the OTHERS cannot fight is grossly misleading.
Fighting is a pan-human trait, not a regional trait.
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Brother Give Pakistan Unlimited Resources From A Superpower Third Country And I Am Sure It Would Conquer The World
Pakistan had full support from the USA and NATO against India in 1971, yet 93,000 of its armed soldiers surrendered in just 12 days. The 1971 war remains one of the shortest in history.

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