Afghanistan plans to buy air defense system from Russia:

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Was it the TPP that was responsible for countless terrorists attacks in balochistan? Or from another group?

Its a combination, most of it was the TTP historically, but there is also the BLA, which is an Indian backed group. The recent attacks have mostly been them, targeting Chinese investments in Balochestan.
Iran and Pakistan should do a joint operation and intelligence sharing to deal with BLa groups in balochistan.
India should give some of its air defense systems to the Taliban. India believes in the good Taliban. Relations have improved very recently.
Bla is a bigger threat than the TPP in my opinion. They should be dealt with somehow. Pakistan can make a deal with India if u arm BLA we will arm khalistanis in punjab
regime is not a government. They have no recognition from international community of being a legitimate government in Afghanistan

Who cares what the international hypocritical community thinks. The Westerns government thinks Israel is a legitimate country. They have no right to speak about anything
Chinese never trusted the Talibs, that's why they purchased the mineral rights outright 🤣. Talibs didn't even know how to leverage what little leverage they had to get some serious international backers to prop up their feeble regime.

Sure. It's always a dicy proposition to deal with the Taliban. But Chinese position could be am Afghanistan that is engaged is better for regional peace. The same could be said of the Pakistani government/establishment. I wouldn't trust them as well.... Perhaps even worse than the Taliban.
Chinese never trusted the Talibs, that's why they purchased the mineral rights outright 🤣. Talibs didn't even know how to leverage what little leverage they had to get some serious international backers to prop up their feeble regime.
Yes lithium lol but TBH u want a friendly neighbor instead of a hostile one. The talibans are not dumb .they want to survive too. They get money Chinese get the mines but the reason why it took so long was because they were worried of terrorist attacks and they need guaranteed security provided by the taliban. China did provide aid to the people there like food mattresses just basic things to show good will . The problem with the Taliban is they banned women from education and workforce. And the men don't have jobs leading to kids begging on the street. That's fucked up stuff. China could probably turn that place into a rich country they do have critical components. China did so with inner Mongolian ( rare earth) and xinjiang(cotton ,natural gas). China could turn Afghanistan into a lithium powerhouse they could rich rich im not sure the Taliban knows what lithium is 😂 I don't think theyhave ever drive an ev before. Right now no one wants to invest in Afghanistan except for China. If u know anything about Chinese people, they are very money or entrepreneur driven no matter where. U see Chinese companies everywhere all over even Latin America , Africa somewhere far away u name it. The goal is to take risk and make money so the west blame China but they never ever want to invest in the first place remember 500 billion dollars build back better? yes u haven't heard of it ever since g7 cause they can't build shit lol
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Not that they can afford it, but in case they try, Pakistan should absolutely try and sabotage these efforts.
Bla is a bigger threat than the TPP in my opinion. They should be dealt with somehow. Pakistan can make a deal with India if u arm BLA we will arm khalistanis in punjab

No TTP is the bigger issue, the BLA is only 600 approximate operatives, the TTP is about 25,000 plus their resources are greater and they have explicit infrastructure in Afghanistan as well as other resources available.

There can be no deal with India, frankly there is good evidence that India is also helping the TTP, there was a recent report of India paying Talibs to kill Kashmiri separatists that are in Pakistan.
No TTP is the bigger issue, the BLA is only 600 approximate operatives, the TTP is about 25,000 plus their resources are greater and they have explicit infrastructure in Afghanistan as well as other resources available.

There can be no deal with India, frankly there is good evidence that India is also helping the TTP, there was a recent report of India paying Talibs to kill Kashmiri separatists that are in Pakistan.
They are creating a second Taliban in pakistan.theres no way to send them back somehow? I thought it was a few thousand 25k is quite a handle lot.
After latest bans on women rights i doubt that they have bright perspective in expanding their international relations in any field and this wish as someone already noticed bait for the west send some more money or to get their attention again.
Chinese air defense systems might be something the Afghan government should be looking into.
Like the HQ-22

They should also start looking at rebuilding their air force. Perhaps start with something like the J-10s.

Why do i feel that China's govt would not be really open to selling its HQ-22 to the Afghan govt aka Taliban? China pushes small + light weapons to militias and proxy groups, but complex air defense systems like S-300s? i dont think China will sell to any govt it doesnt trust and respect to a certain degree.
Interesting article about china involvement in Afghanistan mostly talking about security situation and why china is heavily in talks with the taliban. I also said that China should integrate cpec with Afghanistan. But the problem is investment tends to attract terrorist activities . That's one of Beijing concerns.

Why do i feel that China's govt would not be really open to selling its HQ-22 to the Afghan govt aka Taliban? China pushes small + light weapons to militias and proxy groups, but complex air defense systems like S-300s? i dont think China will sell to any govt it doesnt trust and respect to a certain degree.
I don't think china is trusting the taliban, china is engaging with taliban for the sole purpose of security because u don't want any anti china forces to take over the country. As crazy as the taliban are, they don't seem to be targeting Chinese interest in the country but china wants them to not let any groups such as isis-k or some insurgents to spur up in the country. without security there cannot be an investment and I think the taliban knows that. As far as weapons sale go, china would not do it without taking into Pakistan interest. Unless the taliban is willing to fight anti Chinese groups like isis k china will not arm the taliban lol
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