Operation Azm-e-Istehkam | آپریشن عزم استحکام

Terrorism in Pakistan is absolute FAILURE of ISI. All guns should point to it. People should be fired and held responsible. Where is their focus? What is their priority? Why terrorism is happening under their nose? Why they are so incompetent. You don't even need grand military operations if your intelligence agency is competent. They will stop attacks before it happens, they will know when & where its being planned. ISI is only reduced to a gang of goons who abduct & pressurize people for establishment's political objectives. The most useless organisation ever.

The problem is alot deeper, a free independent research will open our eyes. For example why Syria, Sudan, Somalia and rest cannot defeat terrorism, who is funding, training and protecting the terrorists. Noone will answer this question except a powerful independent nation, a leadership with a backbone. If Pakistan becomes a powerful independent nation who will be the most upset? Who is the biggest political players in Sudan/Syria/Yemen? People choose to ignore this due to backlash.
yes sell this shit to idaras tools boys aka "soldiers" or thugs with guns!

Man, they have been attacking us for decades

You can't blame the military for constant Afghan attacks and fassad for 75 years
if Pakistan keeps fighting wars for daddy USA then it has to bear the consequences too.

We need to fight the war for ourselves, the Afghan enemy has been attacking us for decades

Fight a war, do it for our own country, do it for our own people

We let these namak haram worthless afghan people In the country for what??
No loyalty, no tax, robbery, murder, drugs

Honestly they are the most worthless contemptible people, I truly believe they may be the lost tribe of Israel, just like the Jews, only care about themselves and rife with ethnocentric jahilat

Their won't be peace until you treat the Afghans like the enemy they are
No work
No education
No owning of property or vehicle
Strip the Afghans and get them out of the country
Get the police moving so they can carry out operations to find theze people In major and minor cities
Chinese minister “reading the riot act” (with Chinese characteristics; softly but very much to the point) to the Pakistani government. Watch the Pakistani officials watching intently.

Hopefully when he says “we need to build a favorable media environment through better communication”, it means promote what we are actually doing, not bury our failures. Substantive changes not a firewall on media coverage.

Regardless of what is said, if the changes don’t look genuine Chinese investors (who are the ones that really get a vote when and if they are willing to put in their money, make that decision or not)

The minister is right that an overwhelmingly majority of the Pakistani people support CPEC (because if at least out own government can’t get anything done, at least the Chinese will get something done in our lifetimes).

IMHO, solving the anti-CPEC efforts, after dealing with their external supporters, is helping the western parts of the country catch up with the national average in terms of living standards and giving young people from these areas preferential skills training and job placement.

People along the coast should he the first to be employed in the fishing industry, people in potential tourist areas should be the first to get hospitality training for work in hotels, etc.

Couple this with strengthening their local cultural institutions and integration into the possibilities of CPEC and the security situation should turn around on its own.

Hopefully we start to see all the FC Hilux get a V-hull modification before they go out on this operation. Also need to finish the fencing of the Afghan and Iranian borders.

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This terrorism is based upon ethnocentric jahilat, and we can't allow this enemy to endlessly attack Pakistan without severe consequences
A certain religious-extremist mentality exists within the KPK circle, that is dangerous for Pakistan itself. The second issue is family relationships across the border, where TTP have families inside Pakistan. The third issue is poverty where a person can do any anti-state act for few thousand Rs.

Fences, drones and military cannot sort these out.
Narrative and ideology play a major role in counter insurgency/terrorism war. Pakistan has launched so many operations but failed to eliminate terrorism. It won every time on the battlefield but lost in the narrative war and didn’t develop areas it liberated from insurgents.

For narrative and ideology, KPK and many areas of Pakistan are conservative Muslim areas. Secularism won’t work. The government should counter terrorist narrative Islamically and educate the locals about khawarij or supporting khawarij. They should make sure every madrassa/school teaches the Hadiths warning us about khawarij and how early Muslim rulers dealt with khawarij. The ideology should remain Islamic and the narrative should be Islamic unity/anti ethnic nationalist. The state should work hard to expose ttp’s ethnic nationalism it promotes hiding behind Islam.
Areas liberated from terrorists should be developed and measures taken to decrease unemployment and poverty. Industries need to be set up in the rest of Pakistan so people from KPK and Balochistan have lots of opportunities.

Biggest of all, the state needs to make sure the average person gets Justice and the feudal system that control majority of the country ends. There will never be peace in Pakistan while corrupt wadera and sardars do whatever they want under state protection. Lack of Justice and oppression by ruling elite class only fuels insurgency and legitimizes their struggle. “Terrorists” wouldn’t be so powerful if there wasn’t so much injustice in Pakistan. People throw all the blame on madrassas but real injustice and oppression fuels all these insurgencies. A person who has their family killed by some state backed wadera, will you blame them for joining ttp to take revenge against the state? Will you blame people for trusting Taliban courts while our own courts have become centres of corruption?

Imo, this is probably one of the last if not the last opportunity Pakistan has to fix its self and correct its path. If it still fails there might be no more Pakistan in the future. Especially if Pakistan allows injustice to continue, there will come a point where anti state insurgency will gain more legitimacy in the eyes of the people than what politicians and generals say.
Man, they have been attacking us for decades

You can't blame the military for constant Afghan attacks and fassad for 75 years
how many "operations" have your beloved mafia done in past?
how much did they spend on fence?
failure after failure of your mafia idara and its low intelligence agency how many have been court martialed?
and the **** they doing stealing Balochistan gas and making fertiliser!
Chinese minister “reading the riot act” (with Chinese characteristics; softly but very much to the point) to the Pakistani government. Watch the Pakistani officials watching intently.

Hopefully when he says “we need to build a favorable media environment through better communication”, it means promote what we are actually doing, not bury our failures. Substantive changes not a firewall on media coverage.

Regardless of what is said, if the changes don’t look genuine Chinese investors (who are the ones that really get a vote when and if they are willing to put in their money, make that decision or not)

The minister is right that an overwhelmingly majority of the Pakistani people support CPEC (because if at least out own government can’t get anything done, at least the Chinese will get something done in our lifetimes).

IMHO, solving the anti-CPEC efforts, after dealing with their external supporters, is helping the western parts of the country catch up with the national average in terms of living standards and giving young people from these areas preferential skills training and job placement.

People along the coast should he the first to be employed in the fishing industry, people in potential tourist areas should be the first to get hospitality training for work in hotels, etc.

Couple this with strengthening their local cultural institutions and integration into the possibilities of CPEC and the security situation should turn around on its own.

Hopefully we start to see all the FC Hilux get a V-hull modification before they go out on this operation. Also need to finish the fencing of the Afghan and Iranian borders.

i dont think china is asking Pakistan to wage war against Afghanistan as some are salivating and claiming here.China has good relationship with taliban they have embassy in Kabul and have investments there its our corrupt mafias cash grab policy power grab move nothing else! mushraraf,kayani,raheel,bajwas now this idiot all launched operations all (except raheel) got extensions using war as excuse all made shit ton of money and their mouaziz bs idara captured more in Pakistan!!

but this time its will be different in past people supported their bs operations this time awaam in ko galiyan he day gee aur in keh marnay peh afsoos nai karay gee!!
How is it different from Operation Radd-ul-Fassad? In terms of scope and objectives.

Or we need to re-name it to "reinvigorate" it every now and then?

It's a circus and the clowns are our political and military leadership with the public paying to see as audience and happily enjoying it.

LOL I was about to say. An old wine in a new bottle.

This is a clown show. This won't have any effect. Just by changing name you cannot fool the people.
did you watch Wajahat saeed vlog last year? he revealed how bajwa gave contracts to his frontmen for the border fence and made billions of rupees.

The Pakistani military has become a business conglomerate. This is a business empire. They have banks, cement companies, housing schemes, food industries and so much more. It is all about money. Wherever there is money to be made the army will always make money.

Before I forget, there is one more thing this army enjoys. That is meddling in political proceedings.
Man, they have been attacking us for decades

You can't blame the military for constant Afghan attacks and fassad for 75 years

If only the army really did its job. We wouldn't even be having this conversation.

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