Operation Azm-e-Istehkam | آپریشن عزم استحکام

The Pakistani military has become a business conglomerate. This is a business empire. They have banks, cement companies, housing schemes, food industries and so much more. It is all about money. Wherever there is money to be made the army will always make money.

Before I forget, there is one more thing this army enjoys. That is meddling in political proceedings.
agreed, but the dark reality is that ghaddar bajwa filled his pockets with billions of rupees and now our soldiers are paying the price with their blood. Army generals only care about themselves and these soldiers are used as cannon fodder.
A certain religious-extremist mentality exists within the KPK circle, that is dangerous for Pakistan itself. The second issue is family relationships across the border, where TTP have families inside Pakistan. The third issue is poverty where a person can do any anti-state act for few thousand Rs.

Fences, drones and military cannot sort these out.

Remember it was the Pakistani army generals that wanted to fight the USSR on behalf of the Americans and brought in the likes of TTP into Pakistan.
agreed, but the dark reality is that ghaddar bajwa filled his pockets with billions of rupees and now our soldiers are paying the price with their blood. Army generals only care about themselves and these soldiers are used as cannon fodder.

The soldiers want to act like cannon fodder. You can't force anyone to act like a cannon fodder.

They are all in it together. Like I said, it is a business empire. Everyone wants a piece of the pie.
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We might win battles but we'll lose the war. Why should anyone support this Pakistan that we have created?
No one supports this Pakistan liberal, conservative, Islamist nor nationalist and if your story itself is not on point then how long can you sustain this conflict when you have no internal support whether from tribals or this time around even people of Pakistan
Last time TTP went on a suicide bombing rampage for Pakistani people to give a crap
The above describes the default atmosphere on PDF, which is:

All is lost, Pakistan is doomed, Pakistan has finished, there is no future for Pakistan, every decision is a wrong decision, ever step is a wrong step, every action is a wrong action, there is no hope that Pakistan can even exist beyond a year from now and so forth.

Narrative and ideology play a major role in counter insurgency/terrorism war. Pakistan has launched so many operations but failed to eliminate terrorism. It won every time on the battlefield but lost in the narrative war and didn’t develop areas it liberated from insurgents.

For narrative and ideology, KPK and many areas of Pakistan are conservative Muslim areas. Secularism won’t work. The government should counter terrorist narrative Islamically and educate the locals about khawarij or supporting khawarij. They should make sure every madrassa/school teaches the Hadiths warning us about khawarij and how early Muslim rulers dealt with khawarij. The ideology should remain Islamic and the narrative should be Islamic unity/anti ethnic nationalist. The state should work hard to expose ttp’s ethnic nationalism it promotes hiding behind Islam.
Areas liberated from terrorists should be developed and measures taken to decrease unemployment and poverty. Industries need to be set up in the rest of Pakistan so people from KPK and Balochistan have lots of opportunities.

Biggest of all, the state needs to make sure the average person gets Justice and the feudal system that control majority of the country ends. There will never be peace in Pakistan while corrupt wadera and sardars do whatever they want under state protection. Lack of Justice and oppression by ruling elite class only fuels insurgency and legitimizes their struggle. “Terrorists” wouldn’t be so powerful if there wasn’t so much injustice in Pakistan. People throw all the blame on madrassas but real injustice and oppression fuels all these insurgencies. A person who has their family killed by some state backed wadera, will you blame them for joining ttp to take revenge against the state? Will you blame people for trusting Taliban courts while our own courts have become centres of corruption?

Imo, this is probably one of the last if not the last opportunity Pakistan has to fix its self and correct its path. If it still fails there might be no more Pakistan in the future. Especially if Pakistan allows injustice to continue, there will come a point where anti state insurgency will gain more legitimacy in the eyes of the people than what politicians and generals say.
90% of what you mentioned is already being done, has been done.
The above describes the default atmosphere on PDF, which is:

All is lost, Pakistan is doomed, Pakistan has finished, there is no future for Pakistan, every decision is a wrong decision, ever step is a wrong step, every action is a wrong action, there is no hope that Pakistan can even exist beyond a year from now and so forth.


It's a mental imbalance

Oh woe is me, oh woe is us
The end is near, repent
Beware the ides of March
It's a mental imbalance
Thanks to media that has to sell its news based on imminent demise and fall of Pakistan.

I used to think salesmen sell products on basis of creating an urgency, but the media has taken over to sell news by creating a certain atmosphere. Journalists have turned out to be the best salesmen of all.
The above describes the default atmosphere on PDF, which is:

All is lost, Pakistan is doomed, Pakistan has finished, there is no future for Pakistan, every decision is a wrong decision, ever step is a wrong step, every action is a wrong action, there is no hope that Pakistan can even exist beyond a year from now and so forth.


Exactly, it's rubbish. I knew a family friend whose mother became brain-dead and was kept alive with the help of a ventilator until the God damn son unplugged it.

So there is always hope, as long no one pulls the plug.
agreed, but the dark reality is that ghaddar bajwa filled his pockets with billions of rupees and now our soldiers are paying the price with their blood. Army generals only care about themselves and these soldiers are used as cannon fodder.
they are and never were our ie Pakistan soldier they always served the empire under the leadership of mafia boss appointed by empire!

no shaheed all rented guns fighting for plots and wealth!
A year from now if Munira Mistry is still Chief, he will use this as a pretext to destablize and impose governor rule in KPK.

Then he'll have approval for his extension from the father/daughter duo.

Everything is poitical with the current ruling dispensation.

Anyways things are falling into place for the long-term. Lets hope its less bloody than 71.
O Dramay, Bus kar de. Jo bhi mou mein aye bolay jayo.

Bajwa ne mulk bech diya USA ko, 100 officers put up resignation, Asim Munir ab tak pata nai kis kis k Pakistan bech chuka hay, Fauj ne mulk torr diya hay aur pata nai kiya kiya.... 2 takay k journalists k 2 takay k analysis.
Its been 2-3 years since we have been hearing this crap in media and nothing of this sort has happened, neither will happen.

Even if Govt takes a step towards something, you ppl start screaming nonsense, and if Govt doesn't take a step, even then you scream nonsense.
O Dramay, Bus kar de. Jo bhi mou mein aye bolay jayo.

Bajwa ne mulk bech diya USA ko, 100 officers put up resignation, Asim Munir ab tak pata nai kis kis k Pakistan bech chuka hay, Fauj ne mulk torr diya hay aur pata nai kiya kiya.... 2 takay k journalists k 2 takay k analysis.
Its been 2-3 years since we have been hearing this crap in media and nothing of this sort has happened, neither will happen.

Even if Govt takes a step towards something, you ppl start screaming nonsense, and if Govt doesn't take a step, even then you scream nonsense.
see this rented gun became part of mafia so he could get plot and money these kakuli turds bow not to Allah but to their chief who shags queers like billu rani! ya level hai is mouaziz idaray ka;
see this rented gun became part of mafia so he could get plot and money these kakuli turds bow not to Allah but to their chief who shags queers like billu rani! ya level hai is mouaziz idaray ka;

They all have a stake somehow.

These people can't call us anti-state. They know who we are. We have been on these forums for many years alongside them. We were always fiercely patriotic. We used to take a lot of pride in our army etc. We used to defend them through thick and thin. Even today we defend Pakistan against malicious propaganda on this very forum. Most of these so-called patriots aren't even opposing the malicious propaganda on this forum. Those that do, everyone knows them.

Having said that, we are not going to stand for injustice. Even if my father committed a wrongdoing I would at the very least point it out. We all know what Bajwa and company did. We know and we are going to call the army out for it. Wrong is wrong. Period.
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They all have a stake somehow.

These people can't call us anti-state. They know who we are. We have been on these forums for many years alongside them. We were always fiercely patriotic. We used to take a lot of pride in our army etc. We used to defend them through thick and thin. Even today we defend Pakistan against malicious propaganda on this very forum. Most of these so-called patriots aren't even opposing the malicious propaganda on this forum. Those that do, everyone knows them.

Having said that, we are not going to stand for injustice. Even if my father committed a wrongdoing I would at the very least point it out. We all know what Bajwa and company did. We know and we are going to call the army out for it. Wrong is wrong. Period.
exactly these call us youthiya and what not these haram fed kakuli turds know us what we are we have defended Pakistan and this swine idara against indian propaganda we fought with them and now these haramis mafia boss cheap slaves have the audacity to call us anti Pakistan!! dha keh plot oeh liya martay hain aur shaheed boltay hain apnay app ko konsi Islami ki jihad karlo hai in bhungion ney!
Keep going, get every last afghan out of Pakistan, their is no space for them In Pakistan

Hindus - Afghans BOTH are our enemies
The unholy mix of mullahism, pashtun nationalism, and populism that PTI is employing in KPK should seriously be looked into.

I thought Pindi learnt its lesson after Altaf Hussein but they still decided to bring another low IQ populist at the expense of national security.

Now KPK under PTI is what Karachi was under MQM.

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