Approval by IMF board to be delayed to Oct?

Indian Hindutvatis and their concern for Pakistan is always laughable. An army of Hindutva trolls advising Pakistan against Chinese investment.

Can I as a Pakistani give some advice to Indian Hindutvatis? Don't befriend the Americans. They are exploiting you guys and making you suicidal against China and Pakistan. In exchange for preferential treatment the Americans expect you Indians to contain China which you never can. Bad deal.
My post was generic, not Pakistan centric. But I think Hindutavadi gave you so much pain in your back that you are obsessed with them now.

Move on bro! Talk on topic! Bcz After Modi, there is more dangerous man awaiting to take over. Yogi. 😄😄😄😄
Leave your hate aside and talk sense atleast once.
My post was generic, not Pakistan centric. But I think Hindutavadi gave you so much pain in your back that you are obsessed with them now.

Move on bro! Talk on topic! Bcz After Modi, there is more dangerous man awaiting to take over. Yogi. 😄😄😄😄
Leave your hate aside and talk sense atleast once.
Of course. Generic... Your concern is still laughable though.
This is nice. I want Ishaq Dar to cry even harder now.
Bad news for you dude. Now you cry more, hit your manhoos face, and rip your hair off.

Pakistan’s loan case is on the table for board's September meeting. The IMF loan is important for Pakistan to deal with the current situation but it's even more important in the sense that other players (i.e. potential investors) will take it as a greenlight to invest in various projects in Pakistan.

That is, more fuel to the fire of hate that all these cursed yo*thias are burning in.

Shame on them all namak haram bast@rds who want the boat sink just because they don't like the current team at the helm.
Bad news for you dude. Now you cry more, hit your manhoos face, and rip your hair off.

Pakistan’s loan case is on the table for board's September meeting. The IMF loan is important for Pakistan to deal with the current situation but it's even more important in the sense that other players (i.e. potential investors) will take it as a greenlight to invest in various projects in Pakistan.

That is, more fuel to the fire of hate that all these cursed yo*thias are burning in.

Shame on them all namak haram bast@rds who want the boat sink just because they don't like the current team at the helm.

This Noora talks as if he won a million dollar lottery. Dude, you are going to the IMF for a record 24th loan. How are you going to pay it all back? To quote Dave Ramsey, "Dude, it isn't even my loan, but I am having an anxiety attack thinking about it!".

Investors? 😂 Dude, I guess you missed the news that no one was willing to provide you 600 million dollars for securing this 24th IMF installment. You had to secure this loan from a European bank at record interest of 11%. No investor is coming to Pakistan. Even China has backed off.

Perhaps @KAAFIR can invest some of his money in Nooraland.
This Noora talks as if he won a million dollar lottery. Dude, you are going to the IMF for a record 24th loan. How are you going to pay it all back? To quote Dave Ramsey, "Dude, it isn't even my loan, but I am having an anxiety attack thinking about it!".

Investors? 😂 Dude, I guess you missed the news that no one was willing to provide you 600 million dollars for securing this 24th IMF installment. You had to secure this loan from a European bank at record interest of 11%. No investor is coming to Pakistan. Even China has backed off.

Perhaps @KAAFIR can invest some of his money in Nooraland.
Ik with the generous support of youthias will pay it back
This Noora talks as if he won a million dollar lottery. Dude, you are going to the IMF for a record 24th loan. How are you going to pay it all back? To quote Dave Ramsey, "Dude, it isn't even my loan, but I am having an anxiety attack thinking about it!".

Investors? 😂 Dude, I guess you missed the news that no one was willing to provide you 600 million dollars for securing this 24th IMF installment. You had to secure this loan from a European bank at record interest of 11%. No investor is coming to Pakistan. Even China has backed off.

Perhaps @KAAFIR can invest some of his money in Nooraland.
Im only interested to invest in Pak administrative Kashmir. Bcz I know we are getting it back. So my money is safe. 😄
Im only interested to invest in Pak administrative Kashmir. Bcz I know we are getting it back. So my money is safe. 😄

Kashmir ka bacha. Not even in your dreams. No one wants to be part of rape fest.
Ik with the generous support of youthias will pay it back

We won't. Pakistan now belongs to you and the generals. Good luck.

As we had predicted, this is the news we will be expecting with you guys in power. You aren't disappointing.
China is more cruel than US.
US Only snatch your sovereignty but China snatch your sovereignty as well as land if you don't pay them in return.
US will snatch your sovereignty, your OIL, YOUR RESOURCES , YOUR future, just like colonisers did in past legacy continues.
When US and Europe was looting africa china was the one who invested first if they were so bad why we dont see all the countries going down,
The only countries who are having issues after chinese investments are with incompetent and corrupt leadership.
There is no free lunch.
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The 5th gen jets are not free
You are exchanging your sovereign land for equipment
China gives nothing for free
Gwader is Chinese land policed by Chinese guards
Gilgat baltistan is the same

If you can't raise two or three billion via imf no way are exchanging dollars for military hardware

And china is too smart to do it for free

No they're not. Not even after attacks.
We won't. Pakistan now belongs to you and the generals. Good luck.

As we had predicted, this is the news we will be expecting with you guys in power. You aren't disappointing.
You got no choice ......after the revolution all the burden will be yours.
The IMF won't budge and donkey league is sweating big time.
The thing the IMF which is a western controlled institution fear the most is a religious leadership taking over Pak with hundreds of nukes. To ensure the secularists in the form of Showbaz & co, and Mr 10% stay in power the IMF will hand a life line which in reality will be worse than death.

We are looking at modern slavery with a whole nation stuck in a never ending debt trap, unless Pak hits huge raw materials like oil and gas.
The thing the IMF which is a western controlled institution fear the most is a religious leadership taking over Pak with hundreds of nukes. To ensure the secularists in the form of Showbaz & co, and Mr 10% stay in power the IMF will hand a life line which in reality will be worse than death.

We are looking at modern slavery with a whole nation stuck in a never ending debt trap, unless Pak hits huge raw materials like oil and gas.

The bulk of your debt belongs to china btw
But china do that ...They entice you in claim support for huge projects on your land
Gain strategic access to your ports and borders then when you can't pay they money they lease the land and ports for 100 years .oh and you still pay interest as well
This is how they got string of pearls in the first place

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