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Armament of the Russian Army


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Dec 26, 2023
Improved Russian GShG-7.62 machine gun for protection against naval drones. Russian engineer Igor Vasiliev (possibly Ivan Vasiliev), modified the Soviet four-barreled machine gun GShG-7.62, developed in 1968. Now, several machine guns for testing will be installed on helicopters and boats of the Russian Black Sea Fleet. Reportedly, the most effective was hitting Ukrainian naval drones with a machine gun in the doorway of helicopters. The GShG-7.62 machine gun was made electro-mechanical, with automatic operation both from a battery and from the energy of powder gases. Quite often the machine gun overheated; the rate of fire of the machine gun was up to 6000 rounds per minute. Igor Vasiliev figured out how to replace a gas engine with an electric one. The four-barreled machine gun GShG-7.62 was modernized - the mechanical automation was removed, an electric motor and mounts for collimator sights were installed. Now you can arbitrarily change the pace from 5 to 100 shots per second. This increased the time of continuous operation. The machine gun was tested in action while the ship was moving and pitching. The weapon easily hit a meter-long target from a distance of 150–200 meters.



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Dec 26, 2023
Homemade protection against FPV drones, the so-called king-barbecue, began to be installed on Russian BTR-82A. The armored personnel carrier is also equipped with a homemade mine trawl made from chains. The design of the protection is of course archaic, but now it is more effective than the current electronic warfare systems that protect equipment from FPV drones. It is worth noting that the development of protection and weapons against FPV drones is underway in many countries, but there are still no effectively working and mass-produced copies.



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Dec 26, 2023
Footage of Russian military personnel using a robotic remote-controlled platform designed for cargo delivery. Despite the high center of gravity, judging by the video, the platform is stable. It is not reported whether it is a homemade design or a factory version, the model name is also unknown. The robotic complex on a wheeled platform is driven by electric motors and controlled using a joystick and tablet. The robotic platform can reach speeds of up to 40 km/h and has a range of up to 40 km. The carrying capacity of the transport platform is up to 250 kilograms.



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Dec 26, 2023
The Kalashnikov Concern announced the start of production by the Research Institute of Steel, a Russian modified anti-fragmentation blanket "Egida-U". The video shows the testing of the first version of the Aegis anti-fragmentation blanket. The protective blanket is designed to protect against fragmentation and secondary explosion factors and provides both human protection and local protection when the blanket covers doorways, window openings and other objects. The first version of the protective blanket “Aegis-” stopped more than 85% of fragments of F-1 and RGN grenades; the fragments that managed to pierce the blanket could not cause harm because they had lost their damaging power. Also, a Stechkin pistol with a 9 mm caliber could not penetrate it. The reinforced anti-fragmentation blanket "Egida-U" guarantees complete protection against F-1 and RGN grenades from distances of 3 and 5 meters.
Protective capes can be connected with loops to each other and increase the protection area.
The improved Egida-U protective blanket has been modified to protect against detection by night vision devices and thermal imaging sights. It is also radio transparent and can be used to protect radar station nodes. The Egida-U protective blanket is made of high-strength ballistic aramid fabric and UHMWPE and has a weight of 10 kg, the dimensions of the blanket are 1000 by 2000 millimeters. The price of the Egida-U protective blanket is about 170 thousand rubles or 1900 dollars.



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Dec 26, 2023
Rare footage of the Russian 120-mm towed gun 2B16 “Nona-K”. The towed gun is quite rare, there are about 100 of them in the Russian army. Previously, we showed the use of the gun by the Ukrainian army, but it was taken from a museum. The Nona-K gun was produced from 1986 to 1989 and combines the capabilities of a cannon, howitzer and mortar; the gun was designed taking into account combat operations in Afghanistan, but was not used there. The 2B16 gun is a towed version of the 2A51 gun, mounted on the 2S9 Nona-S self-propelled artillery gun. The Nona-K gun can fire conventional rifled shells and mines, which are also suitable for a conventional 120-mm mortar. Table of shells and their data on the screen. In terms of their effectiveness, some types of 120-mm shells of this gun are close to 152-mm howitzer shells. The firing range of the Nona-K gun with an active-missile projectile is up to 12,800 meters; it is also possible to use Kitolov-2 guided projectiles. The rate of fire of the 2B16 “Nona-K” gun is up to 10 rounds per minute, the crew of the gun is up to 5 people, the weight is 1200 kg.



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Dec 26, 2023
Footage of a demonstration in Russia, protecting an object with a network from drone attacks. It is worth noting that factory-made protective networks against drones have already begun to be sold. Protecting objects with a network is a fairly simple solution, but it is also the most effective if there are no group attacks by drones.



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Dec 26, 2023
The Russian and Syrian armies conducted exercises to repel an attack by a mock enemy at the Tartus base. According to the exercise scenario, the enemy attacked using UAVs and sea drones. The exercises used the S-300 air defense system, the Pantsir-S1 air defense system and the Strela-10 air defense system, and the military personnel used Verba man-portable anti-aircraft missile systems. Anti-sabotage boats of the Black Sea Fleet "Cadet" and small missile boats of the Syrian Navy were also involved.
As part of the exercise, crews of the Bastion coastal missile systems repelled an attempt to attack surface ships of a mock enemy from the sea. According to the exercise scenario, enemy landing ships advanced to the Syrian coast to land forces and seize a bridgehead. The crews of the missile systems arrived in advance at the position areas where they deployed the Bastion missile launchers.



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Dec 26, 2023
Military personnel of the Russian repair and restoration battalion began to assemble small-scale homemade all-terrain vehicles. The all-terrain vehicle can be assembled on the basis of any car; at the moment it does not have its own name. The all-terrain vehicle reaches a speed of 80 km/h and has a range of 400 kilometers; it can carry up to 5 people. In terms of driving performance, the all-terrain vehicle is not inferior to a buggy, details in the video.



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Dec 26, 2023
The first footage of the use of the Russian portable electronic warfare system "Fumigator" developed by the PPSh Laboratory company. Technical information is not provided; the complex is designed to combat drones. The Fumigator electronic warfare system consists of two modules and is designed to be carried by two soldiers. The Fumigator module creates a dome with a diameter of up to 300 meters, protecting the squad from dropping ammunition from drones, the second Fumigator-FPV module is intended for assault groups and neutralizes FPV drones. The complex can operate up to seven hours on one battery



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Dec 26, 2023
Installation of standard protection, anti-cumulative grilles and protection against drones on a Russian armored personnel carrier.



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Dec 26, 2023
Tests of an improved prototype of the heavy robotic demining complex MGR-4 "Shmel" took place in Russia. The robot minesweeper MGR-4 was developed by the High-Precision Complexes enterprises: Kovrov Electromechanical Plant (KEMZ) and VNII Signal. The mine-sapping robot MGR-4 was created on the basis of the Ant-1000 mini-loader; unification with the loader makes it possible to reduce the cost of serial production of the robot. The main purpose of the MGR-4 robot is to detect and eliminate anti-personnel mines.
The complex is controlled at a range of 1000 meters, it is provided by the Prometheus control system developed by the VNII Signal, which is also used in Russian combat vehicles. The robot is equipped with a hydraulically driven winch and a chain hammer trawl. The modernized model of the MGR-4 robotic complex uses a mine trawl with an increased soil loosening depth of up to 250 mm, the shape of the impact hammers has been replaced, and the length of the chain has been adjusted. A new scheme for moving the trawl above the ground has been introduced; when the trawl is in a floating position, it bends around the terrain. The mass of the MGR-4 “Shmelya” is 4 tons, the speed of movement when clearing mines is 1 km/h, the width of the cleared surface with this trawl is 2.2 meters.



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Dec 26, 2023
The electronic warfare tracked drone REBovets Valli was shown in Russia. Russian developers showed the first tracked electronic warfare platform "REBovets Valley", designed to combat FPV drones. The company "PPSh Laboratory" placed the electronic warfare "Fumigator" on a tracked chassis, more details about it in the link to the video in the comments to the video. One might say it turned out to be a huge ground-based electronic warfare drone.
The developer says that several communication channels are used and electronic warfare suppresses everything that is needed. Technical details and what kind of chassis are unknown, but judging by the size of the electronic warfare drone, this installation has many amplifiers and can suppress the frequencies of most FPV drones. The robotic platform "EW Valli" has powerful batteries, which allows it and the electronic warfare equipment to operate for a very long time. Details in the video.



Dec 20, 2023
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Such a big and great military but unable to beat Ukraine due to lack of training and doctrine..... I can't even imagine what will happen to Russia if they ever have to go to war against something big like America, Israel, Japan, France, UK, Turkiye, China....

Maybe China can be handled by Russia as main problem with China they lack battle experience after 60s and they themselves use Soviet doctrine and re-engineered Soviet weapons.... but what about these A-grade powers like America, UK, France, Israel, Turkiye, Japan even South Korea....


Elite Member
Aug 26, 2010
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what the West does not realise is that Russia and Russians have put all their efforts in the war

its almost like WW2 all over again

developing new tactics all the time as technology moves forward

The Russian juggernaut is back on the March with weapons and armaments production at a all time high

Russia is doing what it always does, digging deep and pulling out every ounce of resources to win the war effort

if NATO had read history they would know Russia cannot be beaten on the Battlefield


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Mar 15, 2024
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Units of the Russian National Guard began to use the latest complex for detecting and suppressing UAVs “Byzhigatel”. At the moment, there is no technical information on the Russian Vyzhigatel complex, designed to suppress drones, even the manufacturer is unknown. The complex is reported to be effective.

Looks like an anti-drone gun from a Chinese company。。。


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