Australia to build new missile factory in Newcastle

Not too sure if Tempest can make it by 2035, because they would need the tech demo up already. Maybe I just not followed the program enough but I don't think they have tech demo prototype up yet, and if they don't have them by 2025, chances are you are not getting them by 2035.

NGAD already had work on tech prototype.

Assembly of tech Prototype in progress - flying by 2027(wiki says 2026-2027 but i cant see the ref for 2026 in their links). Tempest programme is very tightly managed - all partners are in agreement and pointing in the same direction with the same vision(benefit of not having a joint project with France or Germany involved!!! ).

Tempest is more likely to meet its timelines than NGAD i reckon ( imho ).
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Assembly of tech Prototype in progress - flying by 2027. Tempest programme is very tightly managed - all partners are in agreement and pointing in the same direction with the same vision(benefit of not having a joint project with France or Germany involved!!! ).

They have yet to miss any of their timelines.

Tempest is more likely to meet its timelines than NGAD i reckon ( imho ).
I don't know man, as I said, there are some milestone you need to reach before we can measure the progress, and all I can say at this point is this aren't met yet, will it be on time? Well, that I can only say come 2027..
I don't know man, as I said, there are some milestone you need to reach before we can measure the progress, and all I can say at this point is this aren't met yet, will it be on time? Well, that I can only say come 2027..

Given that the UK had the EAP prototype flying before it had to "get into bed" with the EU lot for Typhoon and it has been heavily involved in the F-35, and has contributed to Ka'an - BAE's pedigree and experience is spot on for this.

All to play for as you say - but i do think BAe knows how important this is for them and they have all their chips on the table to make this work.
Here in Japan the self defense force realizing that its cutting edge that it enjoyed for half a century has been gradually eroded by the increasingly sophisticated and massive Chinese and Russian missile/ drone stockpiles.

Many here realizing the obvious that we are at a transitional/ inflection point in military technology.

The increasingly negative results of Iran vs Israel and more so Uki's vs Russia has alarmed the Japanese military over the last few years.
If you don't design and make it yourselves, there are always rip-off.

That's what we are doing with this AUKUS class at the moment, trying to spur up the ship building business here in Australia. That's why any off the shelves platform is no go, that include the Sorya and the Type 216
What’s there to make it yourself? Give some fabrication work to Austal? Whilst all the sheet metal and the weldments and passo machines come in from the US? Rest is all proprietary tech where we had to sign off on confidentiality agreements and swore on agreements to not share the drawings and documentation?

Brah I worked on all the coal seam gas projects and the process plant projects down under over the last 15 years!

All the technology came in from da US. We just ballooned it out to give employment to our poor peepals. A job worth a $100 bucks became a $10k job😝

That’s all dat happened.Worked for all dem Bhp’s, Rios, Hatch, Worleys, Bechtels and you name it…..been there done that.

Yeah some education/ technology was shared, but there ain’t jack shit down unda to sing home to mama about.

I made my millions and got out.

P.S. Irans a century ahead of Australia in technology. And I’m not joking!
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What’s there to make it yourself? Give some fabrication work to Austal? Whilst all the sheet metal and the weldments and passo machines come in from the US? Rest is all proprietary tech where we had to sign off on confidentiality agreements and swore on agreements to not share the drawings and documentation?

Brah I worked on all the coal seam gas projects and the process plant projects down under over the last 15 years!

All the technology came in from da US. We just ballooned it out to give employment to our poor peepals. A job worth a $100 bucks became a $10k job😝

That’s all dat happened.Worked for all dem Bhp’s, Rios, Hatch, Worleys, Bechtels and you name it…..been there done that.

Yeah some education/ technology was shared, but there ain’t jack shit down unda to sing home to mama about.

I made my millions and got out.

P.S. Irans a century ahead of Australia in technology. And I’m not joking!
First of all, you do know Australian ship building is a lot more than just Austral, right? In fact, that wasn't even the biggest, ASC (Australian Shipbuilding Consortium) is the biggest shipbuilder in Australia. Then we also have CEF Technology that produce Active Phase Array Radar (along with civilian band radar) and Birdon for general shipbuilding and propulsion and then assorted smaller marine company.

Secondly, I wasn't talking about Australia to design and made our own warship. That was a reply to your "rip-off" comment. You are going to get ripped off regardless if you import your ship somewhere.

What I said was, we are trying to spur up our Shipbuilding business. Every country have their own resources, you can be rich in mineral, you can be rich in fossil fuel, what Australia rich at is their coastline, we have the longest warmwater and deepwater coastline in the world, unlike places like Russia or Canada, most of their coast line were frozen by Winter, ours never do, and we can reach 2 Oceans from our coastline, which seriously favor shipbuilding business. That is what the government try to tap into. It doesn't matter if we are building our own ship or contracting our port out and build ship for some other country (Austral was making a deal to make some US warship component in Australia), it doesn't matter whether or not we have the tech, we can still take a profit to build ships for others.

That's what at plays here, I don't know what you do to earn your first million, I earned mine from working with L3 Communication implementing and troubleshooting Link16 and NATO communication with ASC when I made my first million. that was my first job in Oz.
What’s there to make it yourself? Give some fabrication work to Austal? Whilst all the sheet metal and the weldments and passo machines come in from the US? Rest is all proprietary tech where we had to sign off on confidentiality agreements and swore on agreements to not share the drawings and documentation?

Brah I worked on all the coal seam gas projects and the process plant projects down under over the last 15 years!

All the technology came in from da US. We just ballooned it out to give employment to our poor peepals. A job worth a $100 bucks became a $10k job😝

That’s all dat happened.Worked for all dem Bhp’s, Rios, Hatch, Worleys, Bechtels and you name it…..been there done that.

Yeah some education/ technology was shared, but there ain’t jack shit down unda to sing home to mama about.

I made my millions and got out.

P.S. Irans a century ahead of Australia in technology. And I’m not joking!

US high tech companies usually prefer investing in US ally countries like England, Australia, Singapore.....

Her for example


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