Bangladesh: Chittagong Hill Tracts Security Watch

Lol, bhakts idiot don't even know the badic Geography. Agartala is more choked due to mountains then our so called chicken neck. So much so that India need BD's territory to even upgrade their airport.

We can't stand by and watch if things go into a refugee crisis again.

As for you messing around. It'll only make matters worse for you. Mainland India, is the driving force of India as long as those regions work ahead the North East issues is a blip on the screen that's not the case with BD. Do you want hostile neighbours on all sides?

If you fund terrorists in our soil, you will receive the same treatment. Period.
We can't stand by and watch if things go into a refugee crisis again.

As for you messing around. It'll only make matters worse for you. Mainland India, is the driving force of India as long as those regions work ahead the North East issues is a blip on the screen that's not the case with BD. Do you want hostile neighbours on all sides?
It was never friendly to begin with , oh yes being friendly to Hasina is worth about a squat.
Chai wala just signed a peace treaty with Tripura just a few days ago.
It’s time Mizoram becomes free !!
Now that RAW has decided to instigate the CHT insurgency once again it appears that India understands that Bangladesh is no longer recoverable and under its current political conditions poses a severe security dilemma for the country analogous to having a noose around its neck stretching from the Silguri Pass into the Northeast and including Myanmar. This has in effect become a zero sum game for India and since Bangladesh is no longer recoverable or salvageable India may now go all out.

I wonder whether those behind the changes in Bangladesh anticipated this is what India would do when provoked or was this part of the plan from the start since if the CHT insurgency is reignited then this may also meld into the situation in Myanmar creating a larger and wider conflict zone.

For a backgrounder on the CHT insurgency one might read the following book -

The approach of continually antagonizing India could prove misguided and counterproductive to Bangladesh national interests and the CG and those behind the scenes should have adopted a more subtle strategy but at the same time if the objective is to ignite a wider war where the US may seek a role then this might have been the objective all along and I currently do not see how any of this actually benefits Bangladesh. All this will only make Bangladesh another location for great power rivalry in a proxy war. In such a situation only the arms dealers and warmongers profit. Those who are now gleefully looking forward to such a conflagration do not even live in the country and will not feel the impact of what is to come.
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This appears to be the RAW propaganda narrative on the CHT incident and clearly indicates the direction this could all take and involving Bangladesh in a wider war -

Talibanisation Of Bangladesh Gets Real: Will Yunus Be Held Accountable When He Travels To US Next Week?​

Jaideep Mazumdar
Sep 20, 2024,


The US and other Western countries that are backing Muhammad Yunus must apply pressure on him to reverse his pro-Islamist measures and crack down hard on his country’s radicals.

Fears that Bangladesh is steadily going the way of Afghanistan are turning out to be grimly true.

Apart from the unrelenting attacks on minorities, mostly Hindus, radical Islamists in the impoverished country that is facing a serious balance of payments crisis are also targeting Muslims to force them to adhere to harsh sharia laws.

Over the past two weeks, radical Islamists have attacked Muslim women in Dhaka, Cox’s Bazar, and some other parts of the country for venturing out in public without a male relative accompanying them or for dressing ‘indecently’ and even for listening to music.

Islamists have also attacked and demolished shrines like mazars (mausoleums with graves of Muslim holy men) in many parts of the country. They have also stormed Muslim religious establishments and warned clerics and others against playing music, including Sufi devotional music.

These Islamists also want men to grow beards and adhere to a strict and regressive sharia code of conduct. Their charter of demands mirrors what the Taliban has enforced in Afghanistan.

What is alarming is that not only have the authorities — the police and even the army — turned a blind eye to the depredations of these Islamists, they also appear to have the silent support of many in Bangladesh.

Radical Islam has even found new recruits among the educated class with a growing number of professionals like doctors, engineers, lawyers, and university teachers and students, apart from mainstream politicians, advocating the sharia, closer ties with Pakistan, a ban on idol worship, restricting the rights of religious minorities, and propagating Urdu and Arabic.

Just last week, students of Dhaka University wanted to organise a mass marriage of Hindu girls (all students of the university) to Muslim men. Many Hindu girls were allegedly held hostage and told they would have to get married to Muslim men, many of them their fellow students or ex-students of the university.

An outrage on social media and complaints and condemnations by many prominent people forced the university authorities to cancel the event. But no action was taken against the organisers.

That many students of Dhaka University (Bangladesh’s topmost seat of higher education) and the Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology (BUET) have become radical Islamists is evident from the sight of Islamic State flags on display outside many departments in these two institutions.

Additionally, attacks on minorities have continued unabated. A report compiled by the Bangladesh Hindu, Buddhist & Christian Unity Council (the apex body of minority bodies in the country) and released Friday (20 September) documents the numerous attacks on minorities and minority institutions in Bangladesh between 4 August (the eve of Sheikh Hasina’s ouster) and 20 August.

According to the report — and it is based on official figures — nine people from minority communities were killed, 69 places of worship (temples, monasteries, and churches) were attacked, looted, and destroyed, four women were raped, 915 houses of minority communities were vandalised and torched, 953 business establishments belonging to minorities were looted and burnt, and the lands of 21 Hindu families were taken over forcibly in the 17-day period between 4 and 20 August.

“These are official figures based on complaints lodged by minorities with the police and army. The actual figure is much higher because most of the complaints were not registered or people were too scared to lodge complaints,” an office-bearer of the minority council told Swarajya.

Hindu community leaders told Swarajya that since 20 August, attacks on Hindus and other minorities have continued unabated. Many disturbing videos have emerged of abducted Hindu women being forcibly converted to Islam and being married off to Muslim men, of attacks on houses and business establishments owned by Hindus, and of Hindu teachers of schools and colleges and even Hindu government employees being forced to resign by Muslim mobs.

“There has been no respite for minorities in Bangladesh. Abduction of Hindu girls continues, entire families are being forcibly converted to Islam, and Hindu-owner properties are being encroached on forcibly. The administration is doing nothing. Anti-Hindu rhetoric is on the rise,” said a leader of the Hindu Mahajote.

The latest attacks are on Chakmas in the Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHT), an area that has long been coveted by Muslims of the country. Successive regimes have encouraged Muslims to settle down in the CHT, reducing the indigenous Chakmas to a minority.

Muslims, aided by the army, started attacking Chakma houses, shops, and properties in Khagrachari district of CHT Thursday afternoon (19 September). The attacks are continuing till reports last came in.

Muslim mobs attacked Chakmas after the latter refused to obey illegal eviction notices served on them by Islamist organisations.

From Thursday afternoon, frenzied Islamist mobs started attacking the Chakmas and setting their houses and properties on fire after looting them. Videos of Muslim men carrying away household articles and gadgets from Chakma houses and merchandise from shops owned by Chakmas are in circulation.

The army, which was granted magisterial powers earlier this week in order to empower it to tackle such mob violence, not only refused to help the beleaguered Chakmas but also participated in attacks on them.

Army soldiers fired on Chakmas who were fleeing for their lives. Videos of army soldiers encouraging the Muslim mobs to attack and loot Chakma houses and shops have also emerged.

A number of Chakmas, who are mostly Buddhists, are feared to have been killed. Chakmas have been under attack from Islamists for the past few decades. Countless Chakma girls have been abducted, gang raped, trafficked, or forcibly converted to Islam and married off to elderly Muslim clerics.

Chakma lands have been encroached upon and their properties taken over forcibly by Muslims. Lakhs of Chakmas have fled to India to save themselves.

The latest atrocities on minorities in Bangladesh have not evoked much condemnation and outrage from even the country’s intelligentsia and so-called liberals.

Instead, the caretaker administration headed by Muhammad Yunus has downplayed the grisly attacks on the country’s religious minorities and termed all reports of such attacks as “highly exaggerated.”

Yunus’ refusal to acknowledge the attacks on his country’s religious minorities and the lack of robust condemnation of these attacks from Bangladesh’s civil society are proof of the steady Islamisation of the country.

Worse still, Yunus has appointed radical Islamists to sensitive posts. For instance, he has appointed a pro-Jamaat-e-Islami lawyer, Tajul Islam, as chief prosecutor of the Bangladesh International Crimes Tribunal that was, ironically, set up to try Islamist collaborators of the West Pakistani regime as well as radical Islamists.

Yunus has also freed many Islamists who had been jailed by the Awami League government for heinous crimes, including attacks on minorities. He has also lifted curbs on Islamists collecting funds and receiving money from overseas. All this is making the Islamists stronger.

The Talibanisation of Bangladesh poses a grave regional security threat. That is why Yunus must be prevailed on by his handlers in Western countries to stop mollycoddling Islamists and adopt tough measures against them.

Yunus will be travelling to the United States (US) early next week to attend the seventy-ninth session of the United Nations (UN) General Assembly. He will be meeting many in the US administration and also officials of some Western nations.

The US and other Western countries that are backing Yunus must apply pressure on him to reverse his pro-Islamist measures and crack down hard on his country’s radicals. They must force him to protect Bangladesh’s minorities and take measures that will irreversibly weaken the Islamist surge in the country.

The cost of not doing so will be very high for not only South Asia but the rest of the world as well.

Scre** these guys. Just deal with them. It is the reality.
It is time to reactivate Lutfur Rahman Babar !!!
It does seem RAW is going to run with the earlier Indian narrative in Swarajya Mag but I remain confused about Chandan Nandy who seemed to support the student movement in Bangladesh and was strongly opposed to the Awami League but again seems to have shifted position -

Bangladesh Army Brigadier may have led attacks against Chakmas in CHT’s Khagrachari

Bangladeshi and Indian sources revealed that sections of the army and Muslim ‘settlers’
in Khagrachari collaborated to attack and fire on the CHT minorities on September 19 and 20

by Chandan Nandy
September 20, 2024


Even as at least two districts in Bangladesh’s sensitive Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHT) turned volatile between September 19 and 20, a section of officers belonging to the 24th Infantry Division are suspected to have collaborated with Muslim “settlers” in attacking Chakma villages.

Bangladesh security agency sources revealed that Brigadier General Sharif Mohammad Aman Hasan, who is the Region Commander and heads the 203rd Infantry Brigade, may have played a “leading role” in providing “back-up” support to the settlers who torched Chakma villages in Khagrachari district close to the border with Tripura and Mizoram in India.

Bangladeshi sources located in the CHT said that on September 18 – a day before a localised incident involving a motorcycle-borne Muslim youth sparked off widespread violence in Khagrachari, a Bangladesh army lieutenant colonel was “scheduled to meet” some cadres of the Parbatya Chattagram Jana Samhati Samiti (PCJSS) led by Jyotirindra Bodhipriya Larma aka Santu Larma at an undisclosed location.

These PCJSS cadres, located in India, were to cross over to Bangladesh territory for this clandestine meeting. It is, however, not known whether the meeting took place.

Terming the attacks on the minority Chakma and other hill tribes as “organised”, Chakma Development Foundation of India founder Suhas Chakma said in a statement issued today that targeted assault was at the behest of the “Bangladesh army and illegal plain settlers”.

The attack on the CHT tribes comes two days after the Bangladesh Hindu Buddhist Christian Unity Council (BHBCUC) issued a statement on September 19, claiming that 2,010 violent incidents involving murder, arson, destruction of Hindu temples and properties were recorded between August 5 and 20 across Bangladesh.

Pointing out that “a section of opportunistic miscreants attacked, vandalized, looted and set fire on minority community houses, places of worship, business establishments across the country,” the BHBCUC statement added that “land has been forcibly occupied and is still getting occupied forcibly.

In some areas, women have been raped and tortured”. In the Khulna division alone, where the highest number of cases of communal violence was recorded, four Hindu women were raped, the statement said.

Besides, the statement said, the miscreants resorted to “extortion” and held out “threats” to “leave the country”.

The uncharacteristically strong statement said that “in the psychological perception of a section of people, anti-India sentiment has turned into anti-Hindu sentiment”.

While the anti-minority pogrom drew little condemnation from members of Bangladesh’s interim government and civil society, the collaboration between the army and the Muslim “settlers” in the CHT drew a sharp response from expatriate Chakma leaders.

A September 20 joint statement by seven Chakma organisations said that “over 100 houses and shops have been burnt at Dighinala Sadar under Khagrachari district.

The illegal plain settlers were accompanied by the Bangladesh Army personnel to attack the tribal houses and shops.

The Bangladesh Army personnel prevented the Chakma and other hill tribes from saving their shops/houses and offices”.

The Chakma leaders claimed that nine tribal people were killed on September 19 in the wake of the attacks by the 204th Infantry Brigade and hundreds of Muslim ‘settlers’.

It was never friendly to begin with , oh yes being friendly to Hasina is worth about a squat.
Chai wala just signed a peace treaty with Tripura just a few days ago.
It’s time Mizoram becomes free !!
Don't write stuff you have no idea about. Mizoram free🤣 Do you even know who is ruling Mizoram.
If you fund terrorists in our soil, you will receive the same treatment. Period.
What a broad definition for terrorists. We would rather have you not crossing our borders and flooding our NE towns.
RAW just need to be put in its place. They lost the game. They are worried that a few of the AL folks will start singing like canaries.
Another point is that international tribunal will try Hasina got them rattled.
We have seen the video of dhotis escaping by helicopter extraction.

A few skirmishes in the CHT area won’t make any difference as this will get settled.
News media needs to play down these events. We don’t have missiles flying in CHT.
Don't write stuff you have no idea about. Mizoram free🤣 Do you even know who is ruling Mizoram.
You folks call them ch****. I think they had enough of these BS.
Me think they are shopping for drones and you know what !!!
These RSS nut jobs have gone rabid. I don’t want to see violence anywhere but if RSS govt in India starts supporting violence in BD then we should work with China to start supporting ULFA and other rebel groups.
The issue in Chittagong Hill Tracts is something which needs to be blamed on the government specifically the Ziaur Rehman government. I fully support the idea of bringing Bengalis into the Hills because any citizen of a country must have the right to settle anywhere in their own country, however, the problem is that the Bengalis were settled in the hill tracts during the 1980s without adequate planning. See, the Bengalis who came to the hill tracts were mostly from outside Chittagong who are also illiterate. These people are living amongst the tribal people who have a different culture and different way of life. So problem would naturally occur. The Bangladesh army and the government should have at least tried to create an inclusive education system and inclusive society in the hills where tribal and Bengalis could learn each others culture. In this way respect for each other would have increased. However instead, the tribal and Bengalis became far apart and mostly lived in ghettos of their own community.

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