Bangladesh Socio-Political Crisis 2024

For the sake of argument let's say it's true. I would consider it God sent. Even a broken clock gives the right time twice a day...

Anyway, Prof Yunus is extremely close to the Western Deep State. BD folks need a bone to extract another bone....

Indira wanted to invade BD after the collapse of the killer Mujib regime. It was thwarted by a concerted effort from the USA and China.....

Better to go with the lesser devils. As for the BAL, RAW, Bharat etc., even Iblis has got something to learn from them....

Yes it was a relief that Hasina is gone but it could have been done a different way that would have led to less violence, deaths and bloodshed . Had the Americans heavy imposed sanctions before or soon after the elections then the Hasina regime would have collapsed internally and a push from the people would have toppled her.

That the Americans chose a different approach indicates their agenda and we all know what happens when Americans bring democracy to a country. We have seen it in Iraq, Libya, Sudan and Syria.

The route that Americans have chosen leaves no choice but for the Indians, Chinese and Russians to react and we are likely to see more instability ahead.
Please stay on topic. I'll delete all off topic posts.

Bharti narrative will not be tolerated as long as I'm Mod here.

Bd members, please tag me to articles or any posts that goes against the spirit of our new found freedom or undermine our people sacrifice.

I can not betray with the blood of my young brothers and sisters.
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If he is who I am thinking then he is one of the good guy. Let me check on him.
Bhai, these things got my attention:
I suspect that this was all planned was that since I live in Banani where a good number of Awami League leaders have residences almost a dozen were ransacked, looted and vandalized on August 5. How did the crowd know which houses to hit? No one else's houses were attacked. This was all coordinated ...
Really? People will not know which properties are owned by awami chutiyas? Even I know, where is our local prominent awami league supporters (not just top leadership) residents and businesses are located.
Plus look at his choice of words above. Awami susils use these.
It is also true that Asif Nazrul had been visiting the US embassy regularly from 2023 ...
The way he is presenting this as if it was a secret! Everyone knows our pro democracy and human rights groups were trying convince US for targeted sanctions against awami league leaders and crony capitalists.
This guy is definitely spreading misinformations, other awami susils are doing the same thing on other social media sites...
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A German-based media outlet The Mirror Asia has been detailing RAW's plans in post-Hasina Bangladesh.

You are just a low grade nothing. Without knowing who I am or my background or what I have done you have drawn a assessment and conclusion just exposing your ignorance.


It was only after it started circulating on social media that people came out and started their march towards Gonobhaban.

This was 15-20km long. And they came on the streets before the news of Hassina's departure came out.

There was most certainly an American hand in these events and it was very likely a regime change operation. How am so sure? I was asked for a list of names by an American citizen at around November 2022 but was never told what the list was for.

Another reason I suspect that this was all planned was that since I live in Banani where a good number of Awami League leaders have residences almost a dozen were ransacked, looted and vandalized on August 5. How did the crowd know which houses to hit? No one else's houses were attacked. This was all coordinated ...

It is also true that Asif Nazrul had been visiting the US embassy regularly from 2023 ...

And that's your 'high grade' reasoning?
A German-based media outlet The Mirror Asia has been detailing RAW's plans in post-Hasina Bangladesh.

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I won't be surprised if much of it is true. The reason India blundered spectacularly, they failed to assess the will and the agency of BD people. And they continue to do the same thing. Our students are smart. When Ansar thing happened, before the shady police and army showed up, our vigilant students were there and defeated the sinister attempt. And they will do it over and over again if needed.

'Bum' wing people in BD stink. Traitor like Zafar Iqbal and his kind/Shahbagis shot themselves in foot by closely aligning themselves with Hassina regime, they have zero credibility and legitimacy left. It's not only the 'huzurs' who hate them now, average university students hate them equally. They wouldn't be able to do sh*t.

Also, discrediting this government as islamist leaning would be really hard because of Doctor Yunus. He is very much accepted among Western elite as a force for progress and liberalism.

On the other hand, we have general waker. As some of his colleagues said, he is cool-headed. Even though Counter-intuitive, I started to kinda like the fact that he is not rushing the cleansing process. One by one enemies of the state and traitors will be taken out.

As for BNP-Jamaat reaching any compromise with Bharat , well, after their last sincere attempt before the election, they got burned badly. BNP learned their lesson very hard way.

This revolution was won despite of our adversaries, not by reaching compromise with them. Hence, no one is owe any foreign power anything. like Hassina did to India.
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I was in Bd with my family when whole thing unfold. We experienced it ourselves. It was people movement.
In every sense it seems organic. The movement grew in proportion to the lethality of AL. The regime is gone.
Take every measure that this does not happen a third time.
I have been in Bangladesh for the last 30 years and have seen many political movements but what happened in Bangladesh was well planned and orchestrated but what changed the situation was Hasina's leaving the country.

It was only after it started circulating on social media that people came out and started their march towards Gonobhaban.

There was most certainly an American hand in these events and it was very likely a regime change operation. How am so sure? I was asked for a list of names by an American citizen at around November 2022 but was never told what the list was for.

Another reason I suspect that this was all planned was that since I live in Banani where a good number of Awami League leaders have residences almost a dozen were ransacked, looted and vandalized on August 5. How did the crowd know which houses to hit? No one else's houses were attacked. This was all coordinated ...

It is also true that Asif Nazrul had been visiting the US embassy regularly from 2023 ...

You sayin its hard to know where top AL lawmakers lived?

The Anti-Discrimination Student Movement on Thursday announced a five-point demand, including quick announcement of a roadmap for state reform.

They made the demands from ‘Shaheedi March’ organized to honour the martyrs of the uprising marking the one month of the fall of the autocratic Awami League regime.

The programme of the celebration named ‘Shaheedi March’ (procession for the martyrs) was declared on Wednesday by the Anti-Discrimination Students movement's coordinators.

From the Shaheedi March, the coordinators of the Anti-Discrimination Students movement (ADS) announced the demands. The demands are to arrest all the culprits who were involved in committing genocide, to provide economic and legal support to the families of the victims as soon as possible, to mark the corrupted and fascist in the administrative sectors, and bring them to the justice, to declare the ‘Ganobhaban’ (the resident of the prime minister) as the ‘July-Memorial Museum’ and to quickly announce the roadmap of the state reformation.

Coordinator Sarjis Alam, said, "We have achieved this freedom by sacrificing blood. We removed fascist government and for this, we had to shed blood. If fascism tries to return and if needed, we will shed blood again as we had done it before. There will be no irregulation, syndicate, and extortion. Blood of martyrs shall not go in vain."

Students from Madrasah, Schools, colleges, Universities, and masses from all walks of life joined the central procession chanting slogans and showing placards of the Martyrs. Besides people and students separately formed processions on the Dhaka University campus.

Starting at 3.40 pm, the central procession was launched from the premises of the Anti-terrorism Raju Monument of Dhaka University which was led by all the coordinators of the Anti-discrimination students' movement including Hasnat Abdullah, Sarjis Alam, Hasib Al Islam, Abu Baker Majumdar, Abdul Hannan Masud.

Mohammad Ali Hossen, a school student said, “Today I came here to join the Sahidi March program bunking classes. This is our second freedom. The first freedom gave us land and from the second freedom, we are expecting our basic needs and rights to be preserved. It was a fight that we fought against Bangladeshi fascists and we won the struggle. If fascism returns, all the sacrifices will go in vain. Restoration of democracy is a must.”

Khalid Maruf, a Madrasha Student came to join the procession with his friends.

He said, “During the movement, we were on the Jatrabari Junctures. Some of my brothers and fellows got severely injured being hit by bullets. Some are still at hospitals.”

“During the previous government, we couldn’t come out with our demands, we couldn't speak freely our thoughts. We were tagged and portrayed as terrorists and fundamentalists. The freedom which we have now, had never been. We achieved this freedom by sacrificing blood and lives. This freedom has to be preserved. And the martyrs of 2024’s mass uprising shall be remembered and recognized nationally.”

Those, who were a bit late and couldn’t join the central precession, stayed in the Dhaka University campus area and later went to central Sahid Minar chanting revolutionary slogans against corruption, crime, Indian aggression, and seeking justice for mass killings by the Hasina-led government.

I will never understand why civillians have to die from bullets fired by uniformed personell, when the country is not in any declared war.

Orders from the top. You know who.

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