Bangladesh Socio-Political Crisis 2024

Apperantly, General Mujib has fled from army custody.😡😡

Massive failure from the army and the army chief! He need to be held responsible and answer to the chief advisor.😡🤬

@Al-Zakir @LeonBlack08 @AbuShalehRumi

Army is compromised. They let go over 500 Awami killers from custody.

I don't trust Waqer. He is still Hasina's relative. He only sided with students due to pressure from lower rank officers.
Where is alga Momen ?
I think he's now in the NYC. With all his faults he spilled the bin: Hasina regime and Bharat are like wife and husband. All BD folks need to remember it 24/7....
Army is compromised. They let go over 500 Awami killers from custody.

I don't trust Waqer. He is still Hasina's relative. He only sided with students due to pressure from lower rank officers.
Waqar is no tough leader like Zia, Monzoor etc., who were trained in the ruthless PA systems. He was in charge of the lady's club when one of my brothers-in-law was his CO. Anyway, he is a soft-hearted religious-minded gentleman. Given the circumstances dedicated Muslim junior officers are safeguarding his life for maintaining the unity in the chain of command. Note that no promotions to 2 star and above were granted without the explicit permission from the RAW, which used to occupy the top floor of the AHQ where no BD officers could enter, during the Bharat's proxy traitor Hasina regime. It'll take time to cleanse the BD military from the Bharati bastard traitor moles and agents. By HIS GRACE, Waqar's softness and being a son-in-law (in the Sheikh mafia dynasty under Bharat) made him into the Chief....

The silver lining is the most of the mid ranking officers up to the 1-star are patriotic and nationalist with professionalism and brains. Seven of my close friends are 1-star generals. So, the 2nd tier is ready to take over if the situation demands....

Jom, Jamai, Bhagna, hoi na kokhono apna - The Angel of Death, sons-in-law, and nephews never become dear.....
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Army is compromised. They let go over 500 Awami killers from custody.

I don't trust Waqer. He is still Hasina's relative. He only sided with students due to pressure from lower rank officers.

There are institutional limitations. It's not army's job to prosecute civilians. There are certainly
weaknesses/compromises and loopholes. our enemies are exploiting it. We need to wait before reaching any definitive conclusion. I still think gen. Waker is a good man and a patriot. Eps, what we heard from his former colleagues and Bg gen Azam.
Apperantly, General Mujib has fled from army custody.😡😡

Massive failure from the army and the army chief! He need to be held responsible and answer to the chief advisor.😡🤬

@Al-Zakir @LeonBlack08 @AbuShalehRumi

I think you will find that the Chief advisor answers to the army chief’.
Yeah, Lol, lol, lol.

Bangladesh’s military will now operate like the Pak military.

They will play all sides.

One minute Shariff is in jail and Imran Khan is saviour. Then Imran Khan is in jail and Sheriff klan is the saviour.

Military answers to their US masters.

China and USA work together well to manage Pakistan.

Looks like they have united in BD as well.

Civilian government will be there to act as scapegoats.
There are institutional limitations. It's not army's job to prosecute civilians. There are certainly
weaknesses/compromises and loopholes. our enemies are exploiting it. We need to wait before reaching any definitive conclusion. I still think gen. Waker is a good man and a patriot. Eps, what we heard from his former colleagues and Bg gen Azam.

Yes several ex Army officers were vouching for him while the movement was on-going. But on the other side, there are way too many BAL loyalists still in the army. Unless they are all rid off, there will be cases like these. Getting rid of all these officers will take time.

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