Bangladesh Socio-Political Crisis 2024

Hassina in this leaked phone call claim that she is very close to Bangladesh so she can enter Chottogram anytime.😆

Enjoy the convo and the comments.

Certain member on the forum posturing about the current situation in BD, 'I am highly educated Westernized civilized

person'. Y'all intolerant small minded islamists taking the country to gutter.'

How he actually feel, 3:22 to 3:34 – 8:10 to 8:22.🤣
She is In Delhi.
She is just fooling her minions that she has not abandoned them. Destruction is the politics of AL which she expects them to keep doing with the hope that she will be back.
A dead venomous snake still has muscle memory, AL still has thousands of crores of Taka in hand.

Police Headquarters issue directive against naming people in cases indiscriminately​

Any suspects not found to be involved in a case during the initial investigation will have their names dropped, Police Headquarters says

This was much needed, I hope they follow through. Otherwise the cases against BAL politicians and criminals would eventually collapse in court.

Police Headquarters issue directive against naming people in cases indiscriminately​

Any suspects not found to be involved in a case during the initial investigation will have their names dropped, Police Headquarters says

This was much needed, I hope they follow through. Otherwise the cases against BAL politicians and criminals would eventually collapse in court.

Why add names indiscriminately if these cases were not politically motivated?

Gives the game away!
I hate that song since my birth. It should have been discarded immediate after the fall of Mujib.

If Interim government won't then it will be replace by elected government. It should be in their election manifesto.

Bottom line, that song must be replace with one that appropriate for Muslim BD.

Though I was initially hesitant, I second this after doing some research. There are elements of outright shirk in that song. It simply does not align with our values. It partly (but a major part) explains the generation of these old secularists like we have now. Mahfuz Anam of Daily Star/Prothom Alo is a prime example.

There are institutional limitations. It's not army's job to prosecute civilians. There are certainly
weaknesses/compromises and loopholes. our enemies are exploiting it. We need to wait before reaching any definitive conclusion. I still think gen. Waker is a good man and a patriot. Eps, what we heard from his former colleagues and Bg gen Azam.

There is a reason why the army and police and separate. The police's job is to protect the citizen whereas the army fights the nation's enemies. If we were to interchange them, the enemy becomes the people.

General Wakar has so far displayed to be a cool and level-headed leader in times of crisis. Though I heard that he may be indecisive at times (an oxymoron). He is the husband of a distant cousin of Hasina which has generated doubts and controversy about him. Though I believe he is acting in the best interests of the army in the long run. If they were to gun down students in masses, it would not have looked good in front of the international community. Sanctions would certainly have come and they could have kissed the money earned from U.N. missions goodbye. The army has stakes here. Hasina's uncontrolled lust for power and money proved to be a dangerous liability for anyone. The Indians will find out the hard way.

One thing that concerns me now is that many police haven't even turned up for duty. It is way more than 10 percent. It is said they are either hiding or fled. My question is what are they really doing? I fear that they being part of the old regime, they are acting as tools to create as much chaos and confusion as possible. Terrorism is not ruled out. The reason why the army are struggling to keep the law and order is because they do not have the necessary information to track the whereabouts of the trouble makers. This information is and was always handy with the police force. This is now proving to be a threat.
এক হাতে তালি বাজে না।
Loathing the BJP as I do, when we listen to the complaints about 'the old secularists' and how they should be wiped out, neither the Hindutva brigade nor the secular element in Indian politics is much inclined to cuddle up to Bangladesh and its administration.
At best, India will do what it should do in any case, leave Bangladesh alone to forge its own direction, as it wishes to.
এক হাতে তালি বাজে না।
Loathing the BJP as I do, when we listen to the complaints about 'the old secularists' and how they should be wiped out, neither the Hindutva brigade nor the secular element in Indian politics is much inclined to cuddle up to Bangladesh and its administration.

That's not the position of government of Bangladesh. It's a personal opinion. If we are going to make foreign policy decision based on random individual's opinion, well, then the things Indian politicians say from time to time......
That's not the position of government of Bangladesh. It's a personal opinion. If we are going to make foreign policy decision based on random individual's opinion, well, then the things Indian politicians say from time to time......

Two sets of individual opinions, with a tincture that is visible, does not go comfortably into a country's foreign policy.

Indian extremists tend to play off the extreme opinions of others.
That's not the position of government of Bangladesh. It's a personal opinion. If we are going to make foreign policy decision based on random individual's opinion, well, then the things Indian politicians say from time to time......

You may disagree with me but Bd should maintain bare minimum level relationship with cuttent Bharat until it's policy makers change their attitude towards Bd.

That country always worked to subjugate us due to our size and religious identity. Off course-with the help of dalals in Bd.

We are going back to our original ancestral identity-Khilji to 47.
Though I was initially hesitant, I second this after doing some research. There are elements of outright shirk in that song. It simply does not align with our values. It partly (but a major part) explains the generation of these old secularists like we have now. Mahfuz Anam of Daily Star/Prothom Alo is a prime example.

Outside shirk element-that song witer was a Bharti.
Outside shirk element-that song witer was a Bharti. a time when Bangladesh was Bharat. That's not all.

He happened to die when Bangladesh was still Bharat.

Nazrul was also a Bharati most of his life, for whatever that is worth. a time when Bangladesh was Bharat. That's not all.

He happened to die when Bangladesh was still Bharat.

Nazrul was also a Bharati most of his life, for whatever that is worth.

you are a learnt man.

Allama Iqbal is the writer of "sare Jahan se acha HindustaN hamara" but Indian policy maker rejected that song as national anthem of India on ground that Allama Iqbal is the national poet of Pakistan. I see nothing wrong with that rather I command them for that decsion.

Amar sonar Bangla was writen in 1900's and it was meant for united Bengal.

what that song has anything to do with a county that was founded in 1971?

Kazi Najrul Islam died as Bangladeshi. However, I am not sugesting his song as national anthem either.

we need to wrinte new anthem that satisfjy our national boundry, faith and culture. Nothing personal about it.
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you are a learnt man.

Allama Iqbal is the writer of "sare Jahan se acha HindustaN hamara" but Indian policy maker rejected that song as national anthem of India on ground that Allama Iqbal is the national poet of Pakistan. I see nothing wrong with that rather I command them for that decsion.

Amar sonar Bangla was writen in 1900's and it was meant for united Bengal.

what that song has anything to do with a county that was founded in 1971?

Kazi Najrul Islam died as Bangladeshi. However, I am not sugesting his song as national anthem either.

we need to wrinte new anthem that satisfjy our national boundry, fait and culture. Nothing personal about it.
Absolutely not.

Your country, your rules. You must all of you feel united in singing a song as your national anthem.

Let me say, without equivocation, it is an effort on which you are to be wished well, and an effort that all Indians who are interested in a free, sovereign Bangladesh will look forward to until the objective is achieved.

Said sincerely. If you find me quibbling, it is on matters of fact, not on matters of sentiment.

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