Bangladesh Socio-Political Crisis 2024

So far, the lady (Ms. Riva Ganguly Das, former High commissioner to BD)

is kind of rehashing the people-people thing I did previously:

Regd the 90% sentiments (that dont have such time surplus for the online realm), it is very early days to crunch qualitative numbers there.....i.e their activities and impressions under a political blanket (how much they know/care and put aside or dont put aside regd that w.r.t larger overall impression of a country/people etc)..

This survey for example (given pre covid, visits from BD citizens to India was around 1.9 million per year and will rebound to that level and surpass it soon:
It was interesting to note the overall rating of facilities, host population attitude among the 3 or so sample strata (benapole, maitree rail, dum dum airport combinations etc).

It gave larger sense than say cpl instagram groups I have been following w.r.t say Dr. Shetty hospital in BLR and Bangladesh medical tourists, which again would be skewed very differently to say social media "english conversant 10% vs 10%" groupings...given basic context of the "why"/needs governing the interactions.

I also have followed from time various travel blogs/vlogs both directions too to get a sense of the person-person interactions and their perceptions/reactions etc as they travel in respective otherside host populations. Where frictions arise inevitably, but general positive sense prevails when witness to 90% bulk population that are getting through day to day life with the interesting local curiosities and geniality both ways.

At least I was reminded of it.

Doing the top down "official only" thing is not proper way to handle you are sampling in very limited way and doing knee jerk coin flips for immensely larger entities that you are excluding from the picture.

It is dereliction of fiduciary authority. Authority always has to be humble to where it has come from and is accountable to.
Listening to more of it slowly, its very annoying.

Lot of the Indians are very tone deaf and/or ignorant (or worse indulgent) regarding rules/principles for thee but not for me.

If you are going to go into deep criticism of BNP and Jamat, it can only come credibly to me if you have first applied the same regarding BJP and RSS.

Otherwise it is asserting might = right....and then doing bazaar haggling over debris that has coursed out and washed back onto beach....these shiny objects of distraction away from what could have been if these objects were not broken and scattered in first place by bad thinking + bad action. i.e distraction away from good vs bad.....and rather to look at which mix of good-bad is a bigger pile able to enforce its bad.....and anyone wise sees why power very easily absorbs bad (from the ego of power) compared to the good.

I despise that intensely (the inability to coherently apply good vs bad, moral and ethical principles across the board first so you have proper credibility to argue/discuss) this is near 100% of how power among few keeps powerless at each others throats destructively to their detriment through time immemorial, but becoming all the more alarming now with better roads having been charted by better social contract....we are not to drink from same good well that has nourished?...because it becomes too inconvenient and challenging for the laziness+greed+ego that festers in power?

Anyway Joe will be away for a while (busy with stuff on his end) till start of next month. So I will discuss with you folks that want to in meanwhile and later he can chime in too.
What a nonsense!

No it is actually true. That is how appointment and recruitments are happening. This has already happened in the appointment of officers to the AG's office. I am a lawyer I know and I don't care whether you believe me or not. A person should be able to criticize the CG without being labeled an Awami Leaguer or RAW agent because isn't that exactly the method of the AL and RAW to silence justified criticism over the last 16 years. It is because of the intolerant attitude of the CG and its blind supporters that the country is already turning against it especially after recent incidents.

Would it be justified for those defending the CG to be labeled MOSSAD and CIA agents and enemies of Islam for what Israel and America is doing in Gaza. If not then why is it happening the other way.
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