Bassem Youssef’s X account is NO LONGER AVAILABLE!

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Twitter is lately banning accoubts for citicizing Israel and promoting far right agenda. Happens to be that Israel is funding the far right. Elon Musk is a hypocrite who used his «free speech» facade to get control of Twitter and use it as his personal political tool for Trumpism. Which is a danger to free spech itself, because this guy is worlds richest man.

No different from what the Al Jazeera is doing then on Qatari petro dollars.

Bassam has been given a huge platform literally free on mainstream media to further his own agenda.

If indeed his voice has been muzzled by Musk, there are millions who would simply shrug and roll their eyes and say About Fkn Time.

Cheers, Doc
You spew stupidities, only what you get right is about terminology but only on surface, you can not approach public in west with narrative islam hate hence islamophobia term is used in public discourse.
Main sponsors of islam hate industry are zionists and their idiot foot soldiers from india.

Well, I live in the west literally half the year, and you are talking bull. The whites are pretty open now about talking about the threat of Muslim demographics in their own countries. There is a woke fringe as well in academia and medicine that will ally with you till they bleed out from a slit throat. But there is equally if not more a very riled white Christian wave that is about to explode.

Cheers, Doc
Well, I live in the west literally half the year, and you are talking bull. The whites are pretty open now about talking about the threat of Muslim demographics in their own countries. There is a woke fringe as well in academia and medicine that will ally with you till they bleed out from a slit throat. But there is equally if not more a very riled white Christian wave that is about to explode.

Cheers, Doc
So, you are one of those soldiers, got it.
Well, I live in the west literally half the year, and you are talking bull. The whites are pretty open now about talking about the threat of Muslim demographics in their own countries. There is a woke fringe as well in academia and medicine that will ally with you till they bleed out from a slit throat. But there is equally if not more a very riled white Christian wave that is about to explode.

Cheers, Doc

Well that tells more about your friend circle right? What we ARE, is what we attract. Law of attraction
Bassem needs to stop being a hypocrite.

What he says in this twit on anti semitism, is equally true of organised canceling in the west in the name of Islamophobia no?

If there is no such thing as anti semitism, then there is no such thing as Islamophobia.

The same tactics have and are being used for both. Disliking strongly someone or something is perfectly natural and human.

Even hating is. And when the flames come, all of these fancy shmancy terms get incinerated first. As here in this thread. Ironically by the same guys who like throwing them around.

Is there such a thing as Hinduphobia? 🤔
The Al Jazeera channel is 24x7 pedaling the Islamophobia narrative on a multi billion petro dollar Qatari budget for the Muslims of the world. Ising the white msn face to gain credibility and global recall and acceptance.

It fools no one.

The entire industry behind the manufactured protests in all major Western cities and academic institutions as well fools no one. There is a cold calculated method behind the push into Europe and the UK.

Islamophobia is in itself a nonsensical concept because by its very definition a phobia is an irrational unfounded fear and there is nothing either irrational or unfounded about the Muslim world's fear of muslims and Muslim terror.

Your horse manure rants are amusing. Do try and come up with a more cogent response. You do not have a clue who you are speaking to.

Cheers, Doc
Im speaking to a nobody who rants horse manure. Islamaphobes like you cant see the woods from the trees. Go back to watching your tommy Robinson videos thats the only education you seem to get.
Well, I live in the west literally half the year, and you are talking bull. The whites are pretty open now about talking about the threat of Muslim demographics in their own countries. There is a woke fringe as well in academia and medicine that will ally with you till they bleed out from a slit throat. But there is equally if not more a very riled white Christian wave that is about to explode.

Cheers, Doc

You are definitely a major threat to white Westerners. Indians literally occupy top spots belonging to white Westerners. The last time I checked, many Indian CEO and workers have stolen white jobs at manor Western companies. You guys don't belong at those positions. These positions belong to the white peoples.

As for the angry Christians exploding. Let them bring it on. We are not wearing bangles.
This war is not about religion it's about colonialism and Israeli ultra right wing nationalism. Unfortunately the Indians refuse to see this.
To post this image of the latest massacre by Israel against the Palestinians in Gaza is defined by some as antisemitic -

This is how ridiculous things have become ...

Well, I live in the west literally half the year, and you are talking bull. The whites are pretty open now about talking about the threat of Muslim demographics in their own countries. There is a woke fringe as well in academia and medicine that will ally with you till they bleed out from a slit throat. But there is equally if not more a very riled white Christian wave that is about to explode.

Cheers, Doc

I live in the U.S. since the age of two; and travel to Europe and have collogues. It involves Indians as well as other non-whites; it's beyond the point of religion at this point; they don't want anyone else besides whites as they feel it's diluting their actual identity. Also, a lot of these whites protesting are atheists as well and some believe Christianity is just a newer form of Judaism imposed on them.

* Mass Indian migration in the last 15 years, is more so playing a big role and it's impacting college towns and the work sector.

I know it’s in your Indian blood to hate Muslims by default after all when issues come up, due to past history. At least, with the Muslims, you didn’t need a Kursi Certificate to sit in front of an officer worker or massage their feet, among other things. But we could've done the same if we had known that you like to be raw-dogged; at least the Muslims gave you respect, and not a crawling order like Gen. Dyer.
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The guy took down his own account.

So much for Zionist Musk canceling the poor little Muslim voice of defiance.

Major anti climax man. And now he wants guarantees of safety before he returns and graces us with his glibness again. Maybe he should meet up with Rushdie for tea and crumpets and swap notes.

@SaadH @_NOBODY_ @mulj @lightning f57 @KingQamaR @Dalit @PakFactor @Alter_Ego

Cheers, Doc
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You are definitely a major threat to white Westerners. Indians literally occupy top spots belonging to white Westerners. The last time I checked, many Indian CEO and workers have stolen white jobs at manor Western companies. You guys don't belong at those positions. These positions belong to the white peoples.

As for the angry Christians exploding. Let them bring it on. We are not wearing bangles.

There is a vast ocean of difference in how the two populations are seen. Don't even compare man.

I have no special love for Indian expats. If you think pointing out shared retribution in the west basis color is going to trigger me.

If they act up, and get aggro on someone else's soil, then they deserve what's coming to them.

Just as violent non assimilative criminal ghettoized Muslim migrants do.

Does that make you feel better about my hardwired fairness?

Cheers, Doc
Bassem Yousuf is seemingly trying to break a taboo

There is no taboo on islam, it's the first or second most analysed religion in the western world

There is no taboo on Christianity, it's the first or second most analysed religion in the western world

Others are trying to do the same

The guy took down his own account.

So much for Zionist Musk canceling the poor little Muslim voice of defiance.

Major anti climax man. And now he wants guarantees of safety before he returns and graces us with his glibness again. Maybe he should meet up with Rushdie for tea and crumpets and swap notes.

@SaadH @_NOBODY_ @mulj @lightning f57 @KingQamaR @Dalit @PakFactor @Alter_Ego

Cheers, Doc

The guy took down his own account.

So much for Zionist Musk canceling the poor little Muslim voice of defiance.

Major anti climax man. And now he wants guarantees of safety before he returns and graces us with his glibness again. Maybe he should meet up with Rushdie for tea and crumpets and swap notes.

@SaadH @_NOBODY_ @mulj [
It is well known that musk is zionists terrorists slave and this guy concerns are legit.
On the other hand i do not give a dim on illusion of freedom of speech that is for gullible idiots and low paid trumpets.

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