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BJP-Taliban Ties and Their Implications


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Feb 3, 2024
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When people were celebrating Taliban coming to power in Afghanistan, I was telling them not to trust those hypocrites.
I was totally right
I think 99% Pakistanis celebrated the Taliban take over. On this forum also.


Elite Member
May 28, 2012
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I think 99% Pakistanis celebrated the Taliban take over. On this forum also.

It is as a celebration, multiple enemies had been defeated on a LEGENDARY act of subterfuge that took years of planning and implementation

It was a incredible Pakistani victory that might never be really seen


Senior Member
Jan 6, 2021
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Its a stupid observation
This is the culture I was talking about. Anyone who disagrees is declared “stupid”.
you focus on an espresso
Few crowns are worn in a coronation or a ceremony to declare something. Few others are sipped at in a gathering
that it was. That “chai” moment was that moment. Many people saw it and have analysed it.

If you can’t take dissenting opinion and call others stupid then keep out of my posts. There are enough members who can carry on the discussion with civility.


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Feb 3, 2024
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No one trusted them

The Afghan republic was just a bigger strategic threat

That threat was destroyed

We have no qualms with Afghan/Indian relations as long as Pakistani security is not threatened or compromised

During the time of the Afghan republic the Afghans and Indians openly colluded, this resulted in Pakistan taking out everyone including the U.S

I've always said the Taliban are still afghans and cannot be trusted, but they do not pose the same level of threat and anything they do too stupid can be countered and India like before would be watched and any plans destroyed if needs be, if a threat is seen
You are completely wrong again like each think tank in Pakistan.
Taliban is tilted more to India than Afgaan Republic. It is just Indian Govt is not adopting them completely.


Senior Member
Aug 17, 2019
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This is the culture I was talking about. Anyone who disagrees is declared “stupid”.

Few crowns are worn in a coronation or a ceremony to declare something. Few others are sipped at in a gathering
that it was. That “chai” moment was that moment. Many people saw it and have analysed it.

If you can’t take dissenting opinion and call others stupid then keep out of my posts. There are enough members who can carry on the discussion with civility.

Just because I said you made a stupid comment you melt into the ground as a victim.

Your cultural and psychic configuration is addicted to Bollywood archetypes, you have conceded this above.

Of all things to speak of you obsess on an espresso shot, yes it's silly but also indicative


Elite Member
May 28, 2012
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You are completely wrong again like each think tank in Pakistan.
Taliban is tilted more to India than Afgaan Republic. It is just Indian Govt is not adopting them completely.

The Taliban is a isolated bunch of fighters

A Afghan republic funded by the U.S and NATO, with both India and the west planning and with multiple bases was a MAJOR LONG TERM STRATEGIC THREAT

The defeat of these multiple enemies was a incredible, absolutely incredible act of Pakistani subterfuge

Has their been and is their a fallout with the Taliban that has to be dealt with, of course but it's not on the same level as with Afghan Republic, India, USA and NATO

Defeating so many powers was one of the greatest Pakistani victories


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Feb 3, 2024
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PDF Indians: «Muslim invaders destroyed our civilization»

Also PDF indians: «Afghan -Indian bhai bhai civilizatinal links»

PS. Those muslim invaders were Afghans
We just appreciates India-Afgaan political closeness. We never praised or owned their invaders. These are two different stories and links.


Elite Member
May 28, 2012
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We just appreciates India-Afgaan political closeness. We never praised or owned their invaders. These are two different stories and links.

No what you want is try to encircle Pakistan,, 20 years of Indian planning a d plotting and Investment was destroyed by Pakistan in 2021

That's why we keep saying, India has been incredibly poor of late

Humiliation against Pakistani in 2019
Humiliation against china in 2020
And humiliation and being wiped out in Afghanistan in 2021

If India didn't have it bullshit about economy to fall back on India would be ridiculed

Guru Dutt

Elite Member
Oct 12, 2011
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PDF Indians: «Muslim invaders destroyed our civilization»

Also PDF indians: «Afghan -Indian bhai bhai civilizatinal links»

PS. Those muslim invaders were Afghans
well no indian ever said we and afgans are so called BHAI BHAI like what they feel towards Pakistani birader mulk ;) :p

we just do not bother to govern them or treat anybody else owr startegic asset or third fourth fifth proxy or province who will fight owr war with others in name of so called JIHAD or UMMAH ;) :p

Guru Dutt

Elite Member
Oct 12, 2011
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No what you want is try to encircle Pakistan,, 20 years of Indian planning a d plotting and Investment was destroyed by Pakistan in 2021

That's why we keep saying, India has been incredibly poor of late

Humiliation against Pakistani in 2019
Humiliation against china in 2020
And humiliation and being wiped out in Afghanistan in 2021

If India didn't have it bullshit about economy to fall back on India would be ridiculed
your biggest problem is instead of tackling your own problems and humiliation your more overjoyed by so called Humiliation of India by China or Afghanistan or XYZ thats called Ghulam zehniyat or Ehsaas e kamtarree

and then you ponder over why no one either gives trade or investment to pakistan or deals on equal footing with so called only islamick nation with ATOM BOMB ;) :p


Aug 28, 2006
That's not entirely true, Pakistan repeatedly made it clear to the Afghans the threat we saw from India and Indian multiple consulates etc were double as intelligence gathering units

The afghans not only refused to respect our strategic interests but openly worked with India against Pakistan

We approached the U.S multiple times but the U.S wasn't concerned and even privately welcomed India in Afghanistan

Regardless of any issue we face with the Taliban or U.S,
The strategic threat of a a Afghan republic in cahoots with India and the U.S was simply too great regardless of the fall out.

The fall of the Afghan republic was essential from that point on and it's fall meant 20 years of Indian planning and investment was wiped out

India can try again but inside Afghanistan we will have plans to counter them

The Afghans at the end of the day will be afghans

Every side has its reasons to do what it wants to do, which is understandable. But the way forward is in finding a solution that can work for all sides. Taliban refused to accept Afghan Republic and negotiate with it:

Taliban refused to negotiate with the Afghan Republic:

Abdullah Abdullah reached out to Pakistan for support in 2020:

But it was too late.

In the end, Pakistan - US bilateral relationship has taken a hit, and Pakistan and Afghanistan have unresolved issues even with Taliban in power. The problem is that Pakistan cannot grow and prosper by ignoring US and India in its strategic calculus, Pakistan must find a way to have a working relationship with both. I am not sure when ties with India can be mended but Pakistan - China calculus is not a counter to US - India calculus. I am sorry but the US will remain a superpower and both US and India will become stronger in time. Pakistan miscalculated its options in Afghanistan and must not repeat this mistake further. There is no military solution to this emerging dynamic.

A few things to say.

The point about the Afghan government is that whatever ties they were willing to have with Pakistan they would open more doors for India.

That would give Pakistan far more pain and resources diverted, in the very long run the entire dynamic of Pak India and Afghanistan changes

With India out, so called, you have a different set of strategic worries which are an order of magnitude lower, you also have more autonomy within Afghanistan

The question of access to Western technology and strategic alliance is simply in usas gift and Pakistan could do nothing about that, it was never on the table, it could never be influenced and frankly it has more to do with the USA than India, it's India who is resisting deeper alliance

This whole 20 years is based on US invasion decisions and the rest reacting

I don't see any trap created by India per se, it was all already a historical migraine then you add war into it

The so called failure of cpec is unrelated

The debt trap pattern was already there and set
See above.


Jan 1, 2024
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Taliban don't care, they will use india material and weapons support to fight Pakistan and incase they defeat Pakistan they will use those same india weapons to fight india. They did the same to NATO and now they are doing it to Pakistan.


Senior Member
Aug 17, 2019
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No what you want is try to encircle Pakistan,, 20 years of Indian planning a d plotting and Investment was destroyed by Pakistan in 2021

That's why we keep saying, India has been incredibly poor of late

Humiliation against Pakistani in 2019
Humiliation against china in 2020
And humiliation and being wiped out in Afghanistan in 2021

If India didn't have it bullshit about economy to fall back on India would be ridiculed

It was the USA decision to leave that created the space

One strategic calculation Pakistan got right is they had no illusions of democratic hope in Afghanistan, they understood the stubborn reality of what Afghanistan is and can be


Elite Member
May 28, 2012
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your biggest problem is instead of tackling your own problems and humiliation your more overjoyed by so called Humiliation of India by China or Afghanistan or XYZ thats called Ghulam zehniyat or Ehsaas e kamtarree

and then you ponder over why no one either gives trade or investment to pakistan or deals on equal footing with so called only islamick nation with ATOM BOMB ;) :p

Just because we have internal issues to resolve doesn't mean we can allow our enemies to plot and plan without response

Guru Dutt

Elite Member
Oct 12, 2011
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Every side has its reasons to do what it wants to do, which is understandable. But the way forward is in finding a solution that can work for all sides. Taliban refused to accept Afghan Republic and negotiate with it:
. The problem is that Pakistan cannot grow and prosper by ignoring US and India in its strategic calculus, Pakistan must find a way to have a working relationship with both. I am not sure when ties with India can be mended but Pakistan - China calculus is not a counter to US - India calculus. I am sorry but the US will remain a superpower and both US and India will become stronger in time. Pakistan miscalculated its options in Afghanistan and must not repeat this mistake further.
well thats the crux of the whole matrix of all the hotch potch in so called foriegn relationships in south asia and all answers can only be found if Pakistani establishment really have answers to what you just wrote above ... thanks for such a open and blunt post regarding actual ground reality which no MUHIB E WATTAN PAKITANI WANTS TO AKNOWLEDGE

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