Breaking: Ex-ISI chief Faiz Hamid taken into custody by military: ISPR

What Faiz Hameed has done is nothing short of dreadful, shameful, and grave offenses against the state of Pakistan and his own institution. His actions have not only disgraced him personally but have also brought significant harm to the dignity of military and stability in Pakistan. All of this was done merely for his personal benefit, a betrayal that is difficult to comprehend for someone who once held a position of trust within the military.

It is now apparent that he has been taken into military custody in connection with a raid on the house of a real estate tycoon, during which huge amounts of cash, gold, cars, and other items were allegedly stolen. While this offense is serious in itself, it pales in comparison to the more treacherous crimes this rogue military officer is accused of committing against the state of Pakistan and its military.

Faiz Hameed reportedly acted as the mastermind behind an extensive and malicious campaign against the military as an institution and its leadership. He is believed to have orchestrated never-ending social media trends aimed at tarnishing the image of the military, spreading lies, and fueling unrest. His actions were not just confined to online manipulation. He allegedly maintained continuous contact with that old, convicted criminal who is currently serving jail sentence, advising and strategizing political moves designed to undermine the elected government and the Pakistani military.

Faiz Hameed's goal, it seems, was to bring the state of Pakistan to its knees. He did this by spreading massive lies in the media, disrespecting and insulting political and military leadership, creating instability across the country, and allegedly controlling the facilitators/kaley bhoond within the judiciary — an institution already disgracefully ranked near the bottom at 138th position in global rankings. His influence over certain judicial elements only furthered his destructive agenda, contributing to the erosion of public trust in both the legal system and the state.

There are also claims that he played an active role in the failed attempt of a coup against the military command, which culminated in the orchestrated attacks on a massive number of military installations on May 9th. This act of treachery, if true, represents a direct assault on the very foundations of Pakistan's security and sovereignty. The way these disgraced judges/kaley bhoond has issued ultra-constitutional and sometimes mutually contradictory judgments offer a clear evidence of the moles planted against the state by this disgraced and rogue former spy chief of Pakistan. This is a matter of deep shame for anyone who has some self-respect and dignity.

These grave offenses represent just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the full extent of Faiz Hameed's betrayal. This sick-minded and extremely selfish individual must be brought to justice. If Faiz Hameed and his cohorts are not severely punished for these heinous crimes against the state, then what, if anything, constitutes treason? The time has come for the law to take its course and for this dangerous criminal to face the full consequences of his actions. The future of Pakistan demands nothing less.

What do I even say?

@Gripen9 Yar, give him the check, make it 5,500 -- even a brain aneurysm patient couldn't write this crap.

I wanted to ask if you can open a bank account in Askari Bank.

AI that wrote this gibberish wall of text is indeed very "powerful".

When do we hang Arshad Nadeem? He's now over-lived his 15 minutes of fame.
Here in the West, we call it "look busy - do nothing". It's the same thing. A big wall of text with absolutely ZERO substance.

None whatsoever; the dude wasted five minutes of his God-given time on earth to write that nonsense. He's living in UAE; hopefully, they will up their standards and put him on the plane back to Pakistan.
It’s called 🥾 👅
no its not. Real boot polishing will have the intent of national interest to back it up.

All of this that is happening right now - it is a petty personal vendetta of the sitting COAS. No regard on whether this is best for Pakistan or not. I wouldn't call it boot polishing.
Anyone with a brain cell knows this has nothing to do with corruption. So why was he arrested? He was DG ISI during Khan’s government and maybe some genius general floated another idea to indict Khan. Pressure him to give statement against Khan so they can try him in military court.

I don’t see any other reason to arrest this guy. He wasn’t loyal to Pakistan or Khan and the whole military brass is corrupt.
no its not. Real boot polishing will have the intent of national interest to back it up.

All of this that is happening right now - it is a petty personal vendetta of the sitting COAS. No regard on whether this is best for Pakistan or not. I wouldn't call it boot polishing.

It's called saving oneself from a black vigo.

I love you, Asim Munir.
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Anyone with a brain cell knows this has nothing to do with corruption. So why was he arrested? He was DG ISI during Khan’s government and maybe some genius general floated another idea to indict Khan. Pressure him to give statement against Khan so they can try him in military court.

I don’t see any other reason to arrest this guy. He wasn’t loyal to Pakistan or Khan and the whole military brass is corrupt.

The truth is that these generals are purging each other. The imbeciles are clueless, confused and incompetent.

I have never in the history of Pakistani army witnessed such incompetent and vengeful idiots.
Yeah - that’s why establishment had to block PTI’s election win on February 8 2024 when it’s popularity finally became organic. PTI is going to be hated regardless. Such is the bughaz against it.
Because that is narrative to be pushed now.
After all, this is the SAME mindset that decides it’s great to have hundreds of Madressas outputting nutjobs they can use as the second line in case the Mujahideen fail - keeps them on to use in Strategic depth and infiltration requirements and then is left befuddled that the genie cannot be put back in the box.

Similarly, they spend all this time propping up IK because his brash bravado and half baked prose resonates with the young and educated - ignore all his open rhetoric on pan-Islamism and lofty & unrealistic ideals of getting money back and independence - just because they believe they can get rid of actual rot and corruption in the political system(ignoring their own corruption altogether) because all their old sins of not letting a political system flourish come to bite them with the Sharifs and Bhuttos.

As I keep saying - what ills the Pak Fauj is what Benazir summed up soo well when she left Musharraf flabbergasted when he first presented Kargil plan to her

She kept asking

“Then what General?”
As I keep saying - what ills the Pak Fauj is what Benazir summed up soo well when she left Musharraf flabbergasted when he first presented Kargil plan to her

She kept asking

“Then what General?”

What is this supposed to prove? What did Benazir ever do for Pakistan?
What is this supposed to prove? What did Benazir ever do for Pakistan?
This is off topic and I don’t want to derail the thread but let’s say a lady who graduated from one of the top universities in the world lands in Pakistan where her father is hanged for the crime he did not commit. She is made to sit outside the court for hours only to tell that her case will not be heard today and that come back tomorrow.

She is exiled due to the fear factor and the popularity of her dead father and when she returns in 1986, we witnesses the biggest ever crowd in the history of Pakistan.

Those who feared her popularity and for the atrocities they had committed upon her decides to launch a party to suppress her popularity and the biggest leader among that new party appears to be a young industrialist whose only real job is to tarnish the image of Benazir by hook or crook.

The battle between Nawaz and Benazir wastes the entire decade in our country’s politics and consequently that fear of the establishment being trialled disappears over the period of time.

She was never given a chance to perform as her menace was architected to pull her each time she would take any decision.

Back to topic
There were two different groups of thought that formed with in the army post 2013. One (Faiz-bajwa and co group) believe intervention an utmost necessity in politics as a way forward. Khan just happened to really blindly comply with them for a free ride on their shoulders to fane and power.
The other group was the opposite, stressing non intervention until it was required for an utmost urgency.
Munir belongs to this group.

Now what we have seen the past year of army’s actions against PTI have just been a greater struggle between the retired Faiz giving out orders to PTI leaders and army.

Faiz would individually list names of serving army members to defame and throw dirt on to PTI . After having lost the chance to become chief himself he was consumed with revenge against the opposite group.

In 2022 during a core commanders conference a tipping point was reached. Where a majority of serving high ranking personnel showed disdain on Faiz openly thus changing the course. It ultimately led to Faiz being removed from being DG ISI.

Now you’re claim of the current bass being the same is wrong since they are of a totally different view.
Don’t take their ac

So khan bending over backwards to appease him still for his own selfish gains can be forgotten? Just cause he was being used as the idiot pawn he was?

I suggest you ask your poopjeet friends for some better quality gau mutra because your delusions are some of the worst I've seen here
So Pakistan’s military and spy agencies were ultimately responsible for that policy disaster - which culminated in 9/11 terror attacks and the subsequent “war on terror” - all leading to Pakistan Taliban insurgency 🙄
not really. They supported a side in a civil war that was advantageous to them at the time, in hopes of securing trade corridor to the newly independent central Asian states.

They also didn’t have the funds to get the ball rolling. That honor falls to Jimmy Carter and operation cyclone.

Pakistan picked up the piece of a broken neighbor and tried to re-assemble it in a way that stabilized it enough to Pakistan’s liking as well as decreased the threat of Afghan nationalism and irredentist claims.

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