Imran Khan ordered his party to end all negotiations with the establishment

There aren't enough capable and honest (yet electable) people to pull this off. In any political party or the establishment itself. Not happening.

We don't even have student unions. All our leaders are from a select cadre of elite businessmen and landowners. Those guys aways have ulterior motives when coming to power.
Experts below the level of elected officials. Professionals in their field. People like Atif Mian, in the field of economics. You have elected officials above these experts, as ministers, and above them a PM for day to day operations, and above him or her, IK as the President, giving his approval or not on the general direction of policies. As president, IK can focus on traveling the country and the diaspora to hear the public and let the people see they are being heard, so that when policy is formulated the public knows their lived experiences have been taken into account.

IK as president can also focus on rebuilding a younger group of politicians and the student unions, so that the change in Pakistan endures; is self sustaining.

The benefit of being president is that IK can change the PM should the PM not be performing.
Experts below the level of elected officials. Professionals in their field. People like Atif Mian, in the field of economics. You have elected officials above these experts, as ministers, and above them a PM for day to day operations, and above him or her, IK as the President, giving his approval or not on the general direction of policies. As president, IK can focus on traveling the country and the diaspora to hear the public and let the people see they are being heard, so that when policy is formulated the public knows their lived experiences have been taken into account.

IK as president can also focus on rebuilding a younger group of politicians and the student unions, so that the change in Pakistan endures; is self sustaining.

The benefit of being president is that IK can change the PM should the PM not be performing.
Those experts will quickly find themselves losing their jobs to nepo hires or just being straight up unable to do anything because the real power to make big changes in this country does not lie in any civilian office.
Those experts will quickly find themselves losing their jobs to nepo hires or just being straight up unable to do anything because the real power to make big changes in this country does not lie in any civilian office.
That’s why IK being there is important. To oversee and make sure those changes happen. The whole point for many supporters of IK to side with him is to change the status quo. Sure Nepo politicians may have to be some of the ministers, it finance has to be on Merit.

So more important that anything is what changes IK will be able to get through. The people need a new social contract, with the kind of reforms that end the tangle hold of the oligarchs and leaves room for merit to prevail.

Reforms that can be passed and have nearly 5 years to utterly change the face of the nation, into a productive country run on the rule of law, especially contract law.
What a mess.

It’s the need of the hour, whenever this impasse ends that the new government puts ISI to sleep forever and implement the Hamood ur Rehman report to the letter.

Only then the government machinery can function and the discussions on capable people taking up roles can take place.

You have a center of gravity that has gone rogue. No amount of bandaids on the surface would help.
There's no difference between Pakistan Army and TTP at the moment. Both invent their own constitution violating Nation's book of law, both want to run the country their own way, and both safe-guard their tribal interests at the expense of rest of the Nation.

What a shame, what a humiliation it would be for the people who wear uniforms these days, but willingly or unwillingly, if you're part of the terrorist clan, you're part of the terrorist clan. Period.
That’s why IK being there is important. To oversee and make sure those changes happen. The whole point for many supporters of IK to side with him is to change the status quo. Sure Nepo politicians may have to be some of the ministers, it finance has to be on Merit.

So more important that anything is what changes IK will be able to get through. The people need a new social contract, with the kind of reforms that end the tangle hold of the oligarchs and leaves room for merit to prevail.

Reforms that can be passed and have nearly 5 years to utterly change the face of the nation, into a productive country run on the rule of law, especially contract law.
I think we should not have anything on the table that allows General to control anything. Free and fair elections is the only way, let the people decide who will be the PM.

Generals are interested in maximizing the loot and their jr personal want to ensure when it comes their turn to loot, they would be able to.

People will have to hit the streets in masses and yes there might be causalities but in the end a nation will rise.
I think we should not have anything on the table that allows General to control anything. Free and fair elections is the only way, let the people decide who will be the PM.

Generals are interested in maximizing the loot and their jr personal want to ensure when it comes their turn to loot, they would be able to.

People will have to hit the streets in masses and yes there might be causalities but in the end a nation will rise.
Your right. We can’t be soft on the need for total reform. It’s like asking for a reformed Soviet controlled Poland just because the journey was hard. Also, Lech Walesa didn’t have to be the smartest administrator, just the most sincere, which made all the difference.

Forgive my desire that the better angels of the natures of our oligarchs would prevail upon them to see reason.

It really does feel they are setting up the public to take desperate actions to be heard.

Side note, I hope the Pakistani community in Poland reaches out to Lech Walesa to seek his advise and raise the image of the genuine struggle for democracy in Pakistan. Solidarity was a huge symbol of change in the 80s, and the way Poland took off since the fall of communism, can really help show that despite IK’s eccentricity, Pakistan under IK is the next Poland.

What this statement from IK does show is that he is firmly anti-status quo, and that is what it will take to enact the kind of reforms Kaiser Bengali mentioned today.
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That’s why IK being there is important. To oversee and make sure those changes happen. The whole point for many supporters of IK to side with him is to change the status quo.
he failed to exactly in his first term. every ministry, barring 1 or 2, was filled with idiots like fawad chaudhry.

did he bring a proper local body system to punjab? no. did he make the isba nd punjab autonomous? no. did he start civil service reforms? no. did he do anything to reduce the ayyashian of civil service, generals and politicians? no.
he failed to exactly in his first term. every ministry, barring 1 or 2, was filled with idiots like fawad chaudhry.

did he bring a proper local body system to punjab? no. did he make the isba nd punjab autonomous? no. did he start civil service reforms? no. did he do anything to reduce the ayyashian of civil service, generals and politicians? no.
You do know what happened whenever he attempted to bring reform in anything? Combined forces of status quo sent the entire might of bughaz e Imran media against him.
he failed to exactly in his first term. every ministry, barring 1 or 2, was filled with idiots like fawad chaudhry.

did he bring a proper local body system to punjab? no. did he make the isba nd punjab autonomous? no. did he start civil service reforms? no. did he do anything to reduce the ayyashian of civil service, generals and politicians? no.
That why real experts need to be brought in, people that formulate a strategy, apolitically, so that the strategy can continue beyond the tenure of any one government, like a think tank.

Above them will be ministers that will bear the responsibility for if and how to implement that recommendations, under IK, whom the people trust.

Yes, IK’s tenure didn’t fully accomplish what was envisioned, but through the sheer insecurity of the oligarchy, they have turned IK into basically only legitimate major political leader.

This is why, even if IK comes back, what needs to get done has to be thought out and be lined up for IK to approve (and accept the responsibility; use his political capital to implement).
There is not even one public revolution happened in Pakistan since it was born. How you will change the system when people are not interested in taking the step forward ?
I will say this is a cowardly behavior if you can't stand up for your country when you clearly watch from the line that the elite is ruining it. Pakistan need street revolution. This is an emergency.
But before you do it, put religion ummah chumma thing on back seat and make people ready for a nation revolution. Nationalism wave is the only thing can save pakistan.

Watch your mouth filth, don't try and poke fun at Islam.
Sick and tired of Pakistani army jarnails and ISI croonies... Eff'ed up Pakistan... broke Pakistan in 71 but their arrogance did not go away, doing it again.

They are doing a better job at ruining Pakistan, than India could ever imagine.

Sometimes I think, maybe Asim Munir is Indian Agent

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