Can India’s garments industry benefit from Bangladesh’s turmoil?

I think indian Foreign minister address it beautify.. India is side with India.
Not with doesn't mean against the West. If you west gear to make an enemy they are welcome to do so

I like Chinese foreign policy of non interference.

Boils down to:

1. We will help our friend.
2. We will be passive towards neutrals.
3. We will be the worst enemy of our enemies.

Contrast with US: WE WILL BOMB THE SHIT OUT UNLESS YOU OBEY US!!! You are either with us or against us - as George W Bush put it.

India will be a player simply because of the size of its economy. People just need to accept reality!
Don’t forget they don’t have one person, one vote.

They have a white supremacist constitution:

1. Senators who have veto powers are not elected based on one person, one vote. Hence 40 million people in California have same number of Senators as tiny Kentucky.

2. Lifetime political appointed Supreme Court judges can veto any law not beneficial to white people.

3. President not elected through plurality of votes but corrupt electoral college. Hence Trump wins despite getting millions of fewer votes.

It’s an utterly corrupt system.

And it has finally caught up with them!

What a stupid system that tiny states full of racist fanatical “religious” whites have the same political representation as ones dozens of times as large that represent modern USA.

Says it all how US is now an extremist county fully engaged in aiding and abetting a genocide in Gaza.
What a stupid system that tiny states full of racist fanatical “religious” whites have the same political representation as ones dozens of times as large that represent modern USA.

Says it all how US is now an extremist county fully engaged in aiding and abetting a genocide in Gaza.

American founding fathers built in a white veto constitution - just in case the non whites ever became a majority.
Why don’t you try and get democracy in USA first before worrying about others?

Both your two Presidential candidates think the most important thing is to swear loyalty to the Zionist entity and give it 10s of billions of US dollars, rather than help the American people that cannot even afford basics like food and rent.

Your country is tightly controlled by 2% of the tiny Jewish minority and so your energies would be best placed to get rid of their stranglehold on the US people.

Israel has every right to defend against terrorism and I am glad that we have bi-partisan support.
This is the promised land and Israelis have been living there since the time of Moses.
Ah chosen people? They're the worst stain on the face of humanity, they are worst people at the time of Moses because they always disobeyed Moses preaching according to our prophet hadiths and according to Quran

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