Chants of "Tehreek e Taliban Pakistan Zindabad" echo through the heart of an Afghan city, broadcasted by Taliban loudspeakers and TTP members,

That doesn't even make sense and it's not even true.

Pakistan has always supported a regime in Afghanistan, that it hopes, would do it's bidding in Afghanistan, no matter how uncivilized or toxic they might be for Aghan people.

Pakistanis wanted hardcore Islamic Taliban rule in Afghanistan, but don't want the same in parts of Pakistan.

It shows basic contempt Pakistanis have for Afghan people.

Afghans don't born as Taliban soldiers or Islamic warriors . They grow up into one. That's something you Indian south Asians don't understand.
Good Taliban and Bad Taliban turned out be the same people..what a pitty for Pakistanis, who advocated so hard the Good Taliban.

There are fundamental differences between Taliban ruled and USA backed Afghani regime. Afghan taliban is isolated pariah state. Pakistan since Taliban take over have deported close to million afghanis along with violating their air space at will.

Ideally taliban should have stopped hosting terrorist groups, on that front nothing changed. USA backed afghani regime also hosted same terrorist groups.
It’s one of the famous proverbs from hazrat Ali that seek Allah’s protection against the harm/sharr of the one to whom you have given a favor. These namk-haram Afghans were hosted, protected, and supported by Pakistanis for generations in the last 45 years. Pakistan has effectively helped them gain freedom by fighting and defeating two global superpowers which occupied Afghanistan as part of their global strategic plans.

After being forced to leave Afghanistan in humiliation, the latter superpower decided to extend a hand of friendship towards these jahil Afghan Taliban (by releasing more than $250 millions to them) in order to use these Afghanis as destabilizing force in this region. On their part, Afghan Taliban, after having defeated the global power, have grown some evil in their heads that they can pursue an expansionist policy by cutting down Pakistan. Some regional countries too might find this as an opportunity to pursue a similar expansionist policy of their own. It will not be surprising if we later find out some covert and overt support from these regional aspirants being extended to Afghan Taliban. From that global power’s point of view, the region will be pushed into a continued bloodshed and deeps instability, regardless Pakistan gets dismembered or not, and that’s what is required to make the CPEC a failure and block/contain Chine from exploiting the strategic location of Pakistan.

It is a universal truth that rule of law is the pre-requisite to the stability, development, and prosperity for any nation-state. We have had a peaceful and unguarded border with Afghanistan. Most of the parts on that border were lawless areas serving as a paradise for criminals of all sorts, smugglers of weapons and narcotics, kidnappers, etc. until FATA was formally included in the KPK province. Afghans had an uncontrolled and free access to these areas. In fact, undocumented Afghans were allowed to enter even the administrative areas (from Peshawar to Karachi) in Pakistan. Many of these undocumented Afghanis were found involved in serious crimes especially during the last few years. CPEC was bound to fail in such a lawless and crime-ridden areas along Pak-Afghan border. It was required to bring these areas under the gambit of Pakistani laws. However, enforcing the rule of law in those areas is equivalent to waging a war against all these mafias.

Global powers will try their best to use these Al-Khwarij Afghan Taliban, ignite and exploit their historical greed and stupidity by pushing them onto an expansionist policy against Pakistan. It shouldn’t be unexpected for us Pakistanis if TTP zindabad chants are being raised in Kabul. Afghanis will bark in favor of (or against) anyone depending who can pay them the highest money.

The real question is how we deal with this new challenge. We must realize that these ignorant Afghan Taliban will ultimately be actively supported by global and some regional countries. So, potentially dealing with these Al-Khawarij may pose a serious challenge for Pakistan. However, we are not alone in the sense that some other global powers and regional countries want Pakistan to be a stable, developing, and prosperous country. We can certainly protect our national interests with prudence, patience, and determination. Pakistan must ensure at least the following steps to start with.

  • Government of Pakistan needs to make sure the rule of law in the country. We cannot leave lawless areas anywhere in Pakistan.
  • All undocumented Afghanis must be expelled from Pakistan. Only documented Afghans should be allowed to travel into Pakistan. Afghanis must not be allowed to establish businesses in this country.
  • A firm national policy regarding the fitna al-Khawarij must be formulated and formally announced by the government of Pakistan. This policy must be formulated in the light of Allah’s orders as clearly stipulated in the holy Quran. This will bring the clarity in the minds of Pakistani, create the right perception, and expose the false perception created by al-Khawarij and their supporters.
Hit TTP inside Afghanistan on daily bases. Put your drones to use plus use China and others to put pressure on Afghan Taliban to handover TTP to us.
Around 40% of pak army is pashtun fyi

Afghan didn't kick out Soviets and Americans all by them selves there's a reason why sanghis And red neck cry about Pakistan being the main cause of both Soviet and USA failure in Afghanistan

And reason why we got involved is because its better to deal with an isolated enemy then one with backing of a superpower
In reality only 15 percent of Pakistani army is Pashtun, 65 percent Punjabi, 6 percent Kashmiri and rest sindhi and Baloch.

Afghans don't born as Taliban soldiers or Islamic warriors . They grow up into one. That's something you Indian south Asians don't understand.
Afghan and Pakistani Pashtuns grew up into Taliban, because that is what Pakistan wanted.

Pakistan had hundreds of Madarsaa all along its borders with Afghanistan all throughout 80s, to give these kids hard core Islamic education and turn them into "Mujhadeen".

You know of course, what the word 'Talib-an' means right?
Answer following questions to layperson unacquainted with the topics.

1. After the Americans realised that Afghans were not reliable allies, why couldn't they fight the war alone?

2. So much politics involved? Whose politics? Afghan politics or Pakistani politics?
Oh bhai, the way shit is going down these days every where, I bet both the Israeli and Ukrainians are wondering today if they can actually rely on the humreeki's, or they're on their own like how the jhootti fraudulent ANA got exposed as a joke 3 years ago? 250k was only paper strength. In reality it wasn't even 25k. US credibility is in da toilet today.

Evidently, Israel can't fight Iran no? And neither can Ukraine fight Russia. Everybody knows.
That is your second mistake.

If your believe that Pakistan's British trained Punjabi army understands Pashtunwali.

That is why you deluded yourself into believing that Good Taliban and Bad Taliban are different people.

Everything west from FATA is foreign soil for Pakistanis.
Hindus can only think in terms of weird Orientalist stereotypes about the rest of the world, and the tragedy of it all is that they have these ridiculous and hateful prejudices lodged in their heads and those heads happen to be some of the ugliest and most emaciated looking ones in the entire world. Like, why is this genetic abomination thinking all these bizarre things about ordinary people?
Hindus can only think in terms of weird Orientalist stereotypes about the rest of the world, and the tragedy of it all is that they have these ridiculous and hateful prejudices lodged in their heads and those heads happen to be some of the ugliest and most emaciated looking ones in the entire world. Like, why is this genetic abomination thinking all these bizarre things about ordinary people?
A scholar once said that "Insults are the last refuge of a scoundrel."

I wouldn't say, who said that, because a person who can neither contribute on the topic , nor has enough knowledge to counter my argument, will definitely not know of her.
Wow the military touts are pushing for a war really hard
desperate for dollar need money to build 7 star facilities at recently capture enemy land at Monal!!!

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