Chengdu J-20 5th Generation Aircraft News & Discussions

Again ... calm down!

Only since we have any reports about issues, does not mean there aren't any and the same for crashes.

Even more, I'm pretty sure even with all "over-budget" and "sorftware" issues the F-35 is still the most capable 5th generation fighter around alone based on its sensors and sensor-fusion capabilities, which we assume too for the J-20 but again nothing proven.

The point is again; You take any negative reporting in an exaggerated form for the FF-35 to portray it as a total disaster, which surely isn't correct in the same way you portray anything positive for the J-20 and the absence of anything negative for proof it might be the current epitome of aerial warfare, which again is naive and dangerous.
You always demand a report from PLA about their most recent jet as proof. It will never happen because that is the way they operate. But we have millions of citizens with cameras even in the most remote region. Were there an accident surely it would be recorded. The fact that they were mass-produced shows they have confidence in their design and reliability. We would think they are intelligent people and know what they are doing. Designing an inferior fighter to combat a potential foe is stupid. Ever heard the adage no news is good news?

The accidents with F35 are widely reported and the snafu with F35 is reported by no other government agency GAO I can pull ream and ream of report. It is not speculation or exaggeration It is a fact
Excuses, excuses, Do you think China has no problem transitioning to a new jet fighter? You guys keep bringing up memes of copying. Now who is the biggest copier? The US brought a truckload of German scientists, rocketeer, and aerodynamicists to help them with the design project. lookup operation paper clip
Operation paper clip was in WW2 and after the war? You're doing in 21st century, your govt banned the news of any issues or crashes of J20
Comeon you know that lack of kinematic performance means that the F-35 cannot really be compared to either F-22 or WS-15 J-20.

Yes it may be better than 4th generation fighters by some distance but should not really be put at the same level as either of those 2 absolute beasts.

A lot of people would not even put F-35 as a 5th generation fighter due to inability to supercruise.
Maybe next gen ngad will be an hyper-Avocado instead of a super-Lemon
You always demand a report from PLA about their most recent jet as proof. It will never happen because that is the way they operate. But we have millions of citizens with cameras even in the most remote region. Were there an accident surely it would be recorded. The fact that they were mass-produced shows they have confidence in their design and reliability. We would think they are intelligent people and know what they are doing. Designing an inferior fighter to combat a potential foe is stupid. Ever heard the adage no news is good news?

The accidents with F35 are widely reported and the snafu with F35 is reported by no other government agency GAO I can pull ream and ream of report. It is not speculation or exaggeration It is a fact

No, I do not want a report from the PLA and I know that won't come even if we all would wish, but I demand a critical thinking:

You cannot on the one side take only the faults and issues of the F-35 - and no-one denies them - while ignoring its capabilities and at the same time take any vague rumour about the J-20 for granted and the absence of issues as proof there are none.
The point is, we simply know nothing for sure - nothing confirmed on its capabilities, nothing on its avionics, nothing on mission rate or whatever - we only have guesses and as such these bolt claims are no facts!
They are just guesswork, maybe educated but nothing confirmed.
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Allegedly a J-20 was seen again over Foshan as such most likely belonging to the 4th Air Brigade.

(Image via @太湖军I名 from Weibo)

J-20 4. AB at Foshan - 太湖军I名.jpg
How do you know I'm hindutva troll? What you do if I'm hindutva troll? You're nobody and you have no privilege to do anything against me here, you're not a mod or admin or something, so shoo get a hike kid

You're denying the facts about PLAAF which have 80 to 90% fighters based on Russian/Soviet designs

May help if you can add up correctly.

China by in large now has a 4th/5th generation fleet of fighters.

Fighters that are not based on Russian design - 600 J-10 and 200 J-20.
Fighters that are based on Russian design - Su-27/Su-35/J-11 ~700

So the majority of active front-line Chinese fighter aircraft now is not based on Russian design and each year this percentage is getting greater as total of Chinese fighter fleet.
May help if you can add up correctly.

China by in large now has a 4th/5th generation fleet of fighters.

Fighters that are not based on Russian design - 600 J-10 and 200 J-20.
Fighters that are based on Russian design - Su-27/Su-35/J-11 ~700

So the majority of active front-line Chinese fighter aircraft now is not based on Russian design and each year this percentage is getting greater as total of Chinese fighter fleet.

As much as I hate this stupid discussion on "is based on Russian types" your numbers are not correct since you omitted / forgot about +300 J-16 and surely close to or almost 100 J-15.
As much as I hate this stupid discussion on "is based on Russian types" your numbers are not correct since you omitted / forgot about +300 J-16 and surely close to or almost 100 J-15.

That includes the J-16 but I did forget J-15 as I only looked at PLAAF and missed out the PLAAN.

So around a 50:50 split in that case which is still nothing like 80 to 90% as was claimed.
As much as I hate this stupid discussion on "is based on Russian types" your numbers are not correct since you omitted / forgot about +300 J-16 and surely close to or almost 100 J-15.
And SU-30mkk
May help if you can add up correctly.

China by in large now has a 4th/5th generation fleet of fighters.

Fighters that are not based on Russian design - 600 J-10 and 200 J-20.
Fighters that are based on Russian design - Su-27/Su-35/J-11 ~700

So the majority of active front-line Chinese fighter aircraft now is not based on Russian design and each year this percentage is getting greater as total of Chinese fighter fleet.
J10 are not 600 in numbers, exact figures are 350+ 180 J20 + copies of Soviet/Russian designs namely j11/j15 J16, 80-90% PLAAF has Russian/Soviet designs jets

What an incredible beauty.
J10 are not 600 in numbers, exact figures are 350+ 180 J20 + copies of Soviet/Russian designs namely j11/j15 J16, 80-90% PLAAF has Russian/Soviet designs jets
Wrong more like 500 J10 A,B,C +300 J20 +350 J16 +200 J11 B+350 J11,A,MKK+85 J15 +200JH7A&B=~2000 Gen4 fighter and bomber of which 1000 are China original design so 50%
Wrong more like 500 J10 A,B,C +300 J20 +350 J16 +200 J11 B+350 J11,A,MKK+85 J15 +200JH7A&B=~2000 Gen4 fighter and bomber of which 1000 are China original design so 50%
Source backup of your claim especially about 300+J20 according to @Deino there 180+ or so J20 in service?

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