China and India - How is India viewed in China?

please name all the countries that are China's allies and friends
The fact that you can ask such a question shows that you really don't have the ability to study the military and politics. You need to go and study hard.

Here's the easiest tip for you:
Which country has dumped the most U.S. Treasuries during difficult economic times in the U.S.?
Tagging @j_hungary and @VCheng to keep eye on this thread to their interests/time.
It depends on what you are looking at. Are you looking at people level (like average joe), economic level or geopolitics level?

At people level, I am pretty sure no one on one side care about the other side much, unless you know someone in the other country, Chinese don't generally talk about India and I am pretty sure Indian don't generally talk about Chinese. Yes, there are moron and bigot from both side that see the other side in a hostile way, but that happened to any country.

At economy level, this is where thing getting a bit tricker, I think it's some sort of love-hate relationship. India need to access to better technology and cheaper neighbor, that's what China have, and China need to get access to new market, not just India but places in Africa, Middle East, and India is the gateway of those market. Sure China can export them direct but it would be easier to export to places like Africa if those products go thru India because it shortens the route and that's what China BRI is for


Problem with this, is both countries are next to each other, which mean they are going to be natural competitor to each other, so, something gotta give, and at this stage, India are going to be on a disadvantage in this form, and thru, there are going to be negative impact on Indian economy outlook

Geopolitics sense, this is where things got heated off, again, to neighbor countries, and both with land dispute to another, which mean there can only be one thing, both side feed on each other to progress their own geopolitics aim. each is going to see the other as an adversary to be able to do what their perspective government to do.

This is what I think how India see China or how China see India
The same is then true for the USA and China on hostility
Hostility is based on information asymmetry between the two parties. This is true from person to person and from country to country.

The purpose of communication is to balance the information asymmetry between the two sides.
Hostility is based on information asymmetry between the two parties. This is true from person to person and from country to country.

The purpose of communication is to balance the information asymmetry between the two sides.
Absurd!😂😂 Please tell your Indian posters friends here their hostility to islam and Pakistan is "information asymmetry" 😂

Hostility is based on real human motives for control and power of resources and people, predator prey, it's maybe as crude as that

If information is asymmetric, it's because humans want it to be🙄
Absurd! Please tell your Indian posters friends here their hostility to islam and Pakistan is "information asymmetry" 😂😂😂

Hostility is based on real human motives for control and power of resources and people, predator prey, it's maybe as crude as that

If information is asymmetric, it's because humans want it to be🙄
You need to get serious about understanding the meaning of these two words.

Conquest: I want you to obey me. It's human nature, and you can also understand it as the true motivation of humans. Every individual in a group, whether animal or human, wants to be the leader of the group. It's the desire to conquer. It's common to both humans and animals.
Hostility: I'm going to get you "killed". Is derived from the asymmetry of information between the two parties. The meaning of “information” is a broad concept, which includes country, nation, public opinion, religion ................ Differences in the understanding of these concepts can lead to hostility between the two sides.

Animals protect their territory or food and show hostility when others of their kind approach. This is because it believes that others of its kind will compete for its territory or food. This is just what it thinks, the other kind may just be passing by, but it will still show hostility. This is classic information asymmetry. If it already knows clearly that others of its kind are just passing by, it will not show any hostility.

It is never in the nature of man or animal to kill their own kind directly. This is inconsistent with the most basic natural laws of survival.
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You need to get serious about understanding the meaning of these two words.

Conquest: I want you to obey me. It's human nature, and you can also understand it as the true motivation of humans. Every individual in a group, whether animal or human, wants to be the leader of the group. It's the desire to conquer. It's common to both humans and animals.
Hostility: I'm going to get you "killed". Is derived from the asymmetry of information between the two parties. The meaning of “information” is a broad concept, which includes country, nation, public opinion, religion ................ Differences in the understanding of these concepts can lead to hostility between the two sides.

Animals protect their territory or food and show hostility when others of their kind approach. This is because it believes that others of its kind will compete for its territory or food. This is just what it thinks, the other kind may just be passing by, but it will still show hostility. This is classic information asymmetry. If it already knows clearly that others of its kind are just passing by, it will not show any hostility.

It is never in the nature of man or animal to kill their own kind directly. This is inconsistent with the most basic natural laws of survival.

What a word salad of fluff.... Did you know that humans might be the only species that are capable to torture and abuse their own species for pleasure?

So your last para is just wrong
Did you know that humans might be the only species that are capable to torture and abuse their own species for pleasure?
So your last para is just wrong
Maybe you are of that species, but I certainly am not.
My opinion: humans aren't the species you're talking about either. The species you're talking about is not usually what we think of as human beings.
It is never in the nature of man or animal to kill their own kind directly. This is inconsistent with the most basic natural laws of survival.

Maybe you are of that species, but I certainly am not.
My opinion: humans aren't the species you're talking about either. The species you're talking about is not usually what we think of as human beings.

If we are making grand standing comments on the nature of man, then you leave yourself open to being contradicted and corrected

Noticeably you did not say I was wrong
The fact that you can ask such a question shows that you really don't have the ability to study the military and politics. You need to go and study hard.

Here's the easiest tip for you:
Which country has dumped the most U.S. Treasuries during difficult economic times in the U.S.?

The question is simple:
Which countries are considered as China's friends ?

I will answer the question for you
North Korea

You seem to be ashamed of the company you keep

You mean nations that do not have to worry about the USA because they are friends?

which country's leaders would consider China as a friend ?
I have no clue how India is viewed in China. We have no credible China experts who have lived in China for considerable period and are vocal. My guess is they don't really concern themselves much with our lot.

A few years back I used to follow Global Times, until my reading habits waned in general. I often found myself agreeing with their assessment. I can understand that the average Indian analyst doesn't find that tone (if not the content) agreeable. Perhaps due to the British legacy we are too accustomed to diplomatic language, where criticism is often laced with the customary token praise.
The question is simple:
Which countries are considered as China's friends ?

I will answer the question for you
North Korea

You seem to be ashamed of the company you keep
You seem to be selective with your self appointed answer. You neglect to mention Iran Russia Thailand, Serbia, Belarus, Mexico, Nepal, Chile, and most of Africa. Why cherry pick? Why attempt to portray a negative picture? This is without doubt the standard "i hate everything China" view certain indian members have on here.
On the other hand - why does India have crap relations with literally every single neighbour?
I have no clue how India is viewed in China. We have no credible China experts who have lived in China for considerable period and are vocal. My guess is they don't really concern themselves much with our lot.

A few years back I used to follow Global Times, until my reading habits waned in general. I often found myself agreeing with their assessment. I can understand that the average Indian analyst doesn't find that tone (if not the content) agreeable. Perhaps due to the British legacy we are too accustomed to diplomatic language, where criticism is often laced with the customary token praise.
Imagine if China and India had better relations? Imagine the power block and complete shift of Geo strategy and politics. The economic growth and cooperation would send tsunami waves through the world......
Imagine if China and India had better relations? Imagine the power block and complete shift of Geo strategy and politics. The economic growth and cooperation would send tsunami waves through the world......
Very true. Which makes me think that keeping the 2 countries hostile (to whatever degree) works in somebody's favour

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