China froze all export of antimony. That America must have to make military stuff like that plane

Good, hopefully you can turn the tables soon

Oh it's on the internet, it must be true........
Even now. Once USA does things on warfooting, nothing can compare. And espcially China. US is the king of innovation and risk taking. Something china can never dare to do. China and Chinese are very risk averse by nature.
The only way US can again become a manufacturing juggernaut is if it gets rid of it's oligarchy and raises the marginal tax rate to 90% as was the case in the 50's which resulted in peak prosperity and economic dominance for US.

Pigs will fly before the zionist led oligarchy abdicates it's power and excesses hence US economic clout will continue to shrink...
The only way US can again become a manufacturing juggernaut is if it gets rid of it's oligarchy and raises the marginal tax rate to 90%

No, we'd have to revoke all the clean water/air/land acts and remove all the legal liabilities related to exposing people to pollutants/hazardous chemicals.

There's talk of surcharging/suing EVs because they cause excessive wear to ties leading to increased toxic micro-particulates in the air and water.

That's the level of crap companies would have to get revoked to increase manufacturing. It's almost impossible to manufacture something without some negative repercussions that will stymie everything.

After Salmon Deaths, EPA Takes Aim at Toxic Chemical Issuing from Car Tires​

the EPA will study the impact of the rubber preservative 6PPD with an eye to potentially banning its use. Through normal wear and tear, tires shed tiny bits of rubber rich in 6PPD. The preservative reacts with ozone pollution to form 6PPD-q, which is toxic to fish. Rainfall washes the chemical from streets and parking lots into streams and rivers. In the Pacific Northwest, 6PPD-q has proved deadly to coho salmon.
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No, we'd have to revoke all the clean water/air/land acts and remove all the legal liabilities related to exposing people to pollutants/hazardous chemicals.

There's talk of surcharging/suing EVs because they cause excessive wear to ties leading to increased toxic micro-particulates in the air and water.

That's the level of crap companies would have to get revoked.

After Salmon Deaths, EPA Takes Aim at Toxic Chemical Issuing from Car Tires​

Nah, biggest hurdle to manufacturing in US is not regulations, a red herring propagated by corporations and their minions, the wanna be billionaire class, the real reason is cost of living wage. Which the oligarchy doesn't want to pay the american workers and would rather outsource to Asia as it preserves it's direct and obscene compensation and has in the process weakened US over the course. The only thing propping up american economy and the lifestyle of it's people is Saudi generosity, which is also waning. De-dollarization is in the offing, it's a matter of when not if, to be replaced by the new comer in the next decade or so I'd reckon.
the real reason is cost of living wage. Which the oligarchy doesn't want to pay the american workers and would rather outsource to Asia

I guess you must think foreign companies are complete idiots and don't have the intellect or business savy to start a company paying their employees below that "living wage" and upper management "largess" to make the exact same product at a cheaper price to sell on the world market.

as it preserves it's direct and obscene compensation and has in the process weakened US over the course.

Somehow these companies are still alive..I guess because all their Asian competitors are too incompetent to make a product that can compete with a company that consistently overpays its upper management orders of magnitude higher than their own.
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