China Science And Technology

China Unveils a New Petabit-capacity Optical Disk, A Game-Changer for Storage

By Anubhav
Feb 22, 2024

China has made a huge stride in technology with the creation of a new optical disk that can hold a vast amount of data—up to a petabit. The innovation comes from the smart folks at the Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, part of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. It’s not just another disk; it’s a game-changer for storing data.

The disk is built in 3D, with hundreds of layers stacked on each other​

What sets this disk apart is its design. It’s built in 3D, stacking hundreds of layers on top of each other. This approach dramatically increases how much data you can store on it. The team didn’t stop there; they also made the data spots incredibly tiny, about 54 nanometers wide, and placed them super close together, at 70 nanometers apart. They managed to do this by getting around a common hurdle in optics, the optical diffraction limit.

Disk Drive China
Image Credits: Benjamin Lehman (Unsplash)

The secret sauce in this disk is a special kind of film that contains a dye. When this dye gets hit with very short laser pulses, it allows data to be stored in these tiny spots.

Why is this a big deal? Think about all the data centers out there, storing all the videos, photos, and information we use every day. They need a lot of space and energy to operate.

With this new disk, they could store much more data in a smaller space and use less energy.
With the world creating more data by the minute, finding efficient and high-capacity ways to store it is more important than ever. This new optical disk from China could be a key piece in solving that puzzle.

China unveils its #SpaceMission plans of about 100 launches for 2024 in a blue paper report Monday, including:
- Maiden launch at the country's 1st commercial space launch site in south China
- Maiden flights of the country's first 3.8-m-diameter Long March-12 liquid rocket and liquid oxygen/kerosene-propellant Long March-6C rocket
- Launching next-generation commercial remote-sensing satellites into space
Chinese scientists have successfully helped a 35-yr-old high-level quadriplegic patient paralyzed for 5 yrs complete a center-out task to control cursor movement by only thinking after brain chip implant surgery, another brain-computer interface (#BCI) breakthrough in the country
China's first self-developed 300MW F-class heavy-duty gas #turbine was officially completed on Feb 28 in #Shanghai.

The heavy-duty gas turbine consists of 5 systems with more than 50,000 parts. As the first independently-developed heavy-duty gas turbine with the largest power and the highest technical grade in China, it's slated to be an important driving force for the development of high-end equipment manufacturing industry.

China's top 10 science advances in 2023 released​

Source: Xinhua Editor: huaxia
2024-02-29 19:56:15

BEIJING, Feb. 29 (Xinhua) -- Frontier fields such as life sciences, artificial intelligence, quantum science, astronomy and energy were celebrated Thursday when the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) released the country's top 10 science advances in 2023.

The use of AI models for enhanced precision in forecasting weather was highlighted by the annual list.

Huawei's Pangu model demonstrated high precision compared to traditional numerical prediction methods for forecasts, which could take anywhere from an hour to a week, and its prediction speed is 10,000 times faster.

Also among the advances was the precise energy spectrum for the highest-energy gamma-ray radiation from the brightest gamma-ray burst observed to date, captured by China's Large High Altitude Air Shower Observatory (LHAASO), a high-altitude cosmic ray observatory.

In life science, the list included how certain elements with viral origins in our genomes become awakened and contribute to the aging process; how DNA's unzipping machine works; how light suppresses blood sugar metabolism; the precise integration of large DNA sequences in plant genomes; as well as the discovery of a "tangible" biological clock in the brain and a key gene in a crop that might substantially improve yields from alkaline soil.

The advances also included the extension of the quantum information's storage time and the chemical reaction processes in lithium-sulfur batteries.

The NSFC is a major source of funding in China for basic research and frontier exploration. More than 2,100 experts, including over 430 Chinese academicians, voted on the results.

About 45 percent of researchers attached to the studies are aged less than 45, revealing that young scientists have become a driving force in China's basic research, according to the NSFC.

Some achievements were contributed by enterprises including Huawei and Qi-Biodesign Biotechnology, which reflected the increasingly important role that firms are playing in innovation.

In an interview with Xinhua, the NSFC announced new measures to extend funding for outstanding undergraduates to conduct pilot project basic research, and to offer long-term funding for excellent researchers with a maximum of nearly 30 million yuan (4.17 million U.S. dollars) over a 15-year period.

The foundation also vowed to establish a global fund for science projects between Chinese and overseas scientists, and support overseas scientists to work in China on a long-term basis, in a bid to build a platform for international cooperation in basic research.

From founder of Xiaomi,

First and foremost, our factory is highly automated. The steel-aluminum alloy armored cage for Xiaomi SU7 is assembled by 269 connecting robots, achieving 100% automated processes.

Get ready for a future where machines see the world the way we do! Discover Tianmouc, a #VisionChip inspired by the human brain that enhances machine intelligence and safety in #UnmannedSystems:
Get ready for a future where machines see the world the way we do! Discover Tianmouc, a #VisionChip inspired by the human brain that enhances machine intelligence and safety in #UnmannedSystems:

Chinese scientists make breakthrough in brain-inspired vision chips​

Technology20:21, 30-May-2024
Zhao Chenchen

The vision chip

The vision chip "Tianmouc," developed by Chinese scientists, was featured on the cover of the journal Nature in its latest issue, released on May 30, 2024.
A team of Chinese scientists from Tsinghua University has developed a cutting-edge vision chip named "Tianmouc," which could revolutionize how machines perceive and interact with the world. The research was featured on the cover of the journal Nature in its latest issue, released on May 30.
Inspired by the human visual system's complexities, "Tianmouc" achieves high-efficiency performance with a unique design that processes visual information at a rate of 10,000 frames per second and reduces bandwidth usage by 90 percent.
As the development of autonomous driving, intelligent robots and other AI-driven technologies advances, there's a growing demand for enabling machines to "see" the world more effectively.
However, traditional sensor chips often face limitations such as high power consumption, bandwidth constraints, a limited dynamic range and challenges in achieving high resolution and frame rates without latency, noise or scalability issues.

The "Tianmouc" chip. /Tsinghua University
The "Tianmouc" chip, on the other hand, pioneers the sensing paradigm by breaking down visual information into simple, basic elements, according to Shi Luping, the corresponding author of the paper and a professor at the Department of Precision Instrument at Tsinghua University.
By organizing these elements into two pathways – one for detailed understanding and another for quick reaction – the chip can accurately make sense of its surroundings and respond swiftly to changes, just as our brains process the information our eyes gather.
In essence, the chip functions like two 'brains' working in tandem: one for comprehension and the other for rapid response.
"The 'Tianmouc' chip opens new avenues for significant applications such as autonomous driving and embodied intelligence," said Zhao Rong, co-corresponding author and a professor at the same department.
The team also designed the world's first hybrid-paradigm chip, "Tianjic," for brain-inspired computing to facilitate the development of artificial general intelligence (AGI). This research was recognized with a cover feature in Nature in 2019.
Brain-inspired computing is an emerging field where brain scientists and AI engineers collaborate to achieve AGI. By applying fundamental concepts from brain science and neuromorphic engineering, they aim to develop advanced computational models and hardware designed to compute more quickly and efficiently, using less energy than the current AI paradigm.
d suddenly jumps from behind a car. Or someone is throwing an object into the road. Or a big object suddenly falls on the road from a truck.

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Chinese #scientists developed a wireless minimally invasive implanted #BCI technology device and implanted it into the #brain of a 54-year-old male patient who been paralyzed for 14 years in all four limbs. Three months after the operation, the patient was able to use #brainwave activity to drive an air-powered glove and drink water independently, with a decoding accuracy rate of over 90%.

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