China Science And Technology

Once again it's time to speak loud about #FusionInChina

China is ramping up development of an "artificial sun", project spearheaded by a collaboration of state-owned enterprises and privately funded startups

At a recent conference, 25 state-owned enterprises, scientific research institutes, and universities, including the China National Nuclear Corporation (CNNC), formed an alliance called the Controlled Nuclear Fusion Innovation Consortium

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China National Nuclear Corporation
24-1-31 10:07
Published in Beijing

[The world's first Honghuang 70 fully high-temperature superconducting tokamak device magnet installation is completed]

Recently, the Honghuang 70 high-temperature superconducting tokamak device constructed by China National Nuclear Corporation No. 5 Company has completed the installation of the central solenoid (CS). This major breakthrough marks the completion of the installation of all magnets in the Honghuang 70 device, laying a solid foundation for the development of the device in the field of future scientific research.


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China's commercial 'artificial sun' achieves first discharge

By Global Times
Published: Jun 19, 2024 10:21 PM



The world's first fully high-temperature superconducting tokamak device, Honghuang 70 (HH70), has recently successfully achieved first plasma, marking a significant leap of China in the development and application of fusion technology for clean energy, the device's developer Shanghai-based fusion energy company Energy Singularity announced on Wednesday.

The completion and operation of HH70 took the lead in the world in completing the engineering feasibility verification of high-temperature superconducting tokamak, marking that China has gained a first-mover advantage in the key field of high-temperature superconducting magnetic confinement fusion, the company said.

According to Yang Zhao, Energy Singularity's Chief Executive Officer, HH70 has independent intellectual property rights, with a domestication rate of over 96 percent, and all its magnet systems are constructed using high-temperature superconducting materials.

"The design work of the device began in March 2022, and the overall installation was completed by the end of February this year, setting the fastest record for the research and construction of superconducting tokamak devices worldwide," Yang noted.

The successful discharge of HH70 marks Energy Singularity as the world's first and currently the only team to build and operate an all high-temperature superconducting tokamak, as well as the world's first and currently the only commercial company to build and operate an all superconducting tokamak.

Regarding the company's future plans, Yang Zhao said the company plans to complete the next generation high magnetic field high-temperature superconducting tokamak device, HH170, by 2027 with the goal of achieving a deuterium-tritium equivalent energy gain (Q) greater than 10.

For fusion devices, the Q value is a crucial indicator. It directly reflects the energy efficiency of the fusion reactor, that is, the ratio of the energy generated by the device to the energy input required to sustain the fusion reaction. Q>1 represents that the output energy is greater than the energy input required to sustain the reaction. Currently the maximum Q value achieved by humans is 1.53.

Yang stressed that using high-temperature superconducting materials can reduce the volume of a device to about 2 percent of that of traditional low-temperature superconducting devices, and the construction period of the device will be shortened from the original 30 years to 3-4 years if a tokamak device with a Q>10 is to be built.

Amid growing concerns over energy crisis facing the whole world, confinement nuclear fusion is viewed by many experts and industry insiders as one of the most potential options to provide humanity with an almost infinite, clean, and cheap source of energy, and is considered the ultimate energy solution.

ChatGPT creator OpenAI is also reportedly seeking a deal with next-generation energy firm to buy "vast quantities" of nuclear fusion to create superhuman artificial intelligence.

As the only magnetic confinement fusion technology route that has completed scientific feasibility verification, the tokamak device, dubbed artificial sun, has always been the focus of global controlled nuclear fusion research and development.

High-temperature superconducting tokamak combines robust physics with engineering innovation, which is expected to greatly improve the cost-effectiveness of the device and accelerate the commercialization of fusion energy, and has become the direction of fusion energy research and development that attracts the most market-oriented funding worldwide.

In 2018, the US company Commonwealth Fusion Systems (CFS) became the first in the world to propose to build a small high-temperature superconducting tokamak device SPARC with Q≥10. The construction of SPARC kicked off in 2022 with plans to complete it in 2025.

Energy Singularity co-founder and Chief Operating Officer Ye Yuming said the magnetic field strength of HH170 will be 110 percent of SPARC, the diameter will be 90 percent of SPARC, and the volume will be about 70 percent of SPARC, enabling further cost reduction. Once completed, the HH170 device will be the world's smallest and lowest-cost tokamak device capable of achieving a 10-fold energy gain.

To support the research and development of HH170, Energy Point is also developing high-temperature superconducting D-shaped magnets. The goal of these magnets is to achieve a magnetic field strength of 25 Tesla, with manufacturing and testing planned to be completed by the end of this year. The magnetic field strength of the already completed HH70 is 2.5 Tesla.

According to Ye, engineering design of the HH170 device is expected to begin early next year. After 2030, Energy Singularity will also start the construction of HH380, with the goal of building a tokamak device that can be used for a demonstration fusion power plant.

Energy Singularity was established in Shanghai in June 2021, mainly focusing on researching commercially viable high-temperature superconducting tokamak devices and their operational control software systems. The company's shareholders include miHoYo, developer of Chinese-made open-world roleplaying game Genshin Impact, and Chinese electric carmaker NIO.


24-6-23 15:05
发布于 江西
来自 中兴Axon 40 Ultra

Feng Qingsong
Published on 24-6-23 15:05 in Jiangxi
From ZTE Axon 40 Ultra

At about 13:00 on the afternoon of June 23, my country's first 10-kilometer-level vertical take-off and landing flight test of a reusable carrier rocket was successfully completed. The rocket was developed by the Eighth Academy of China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation. Subsequent 70-kilometer-level vertical take-off and landing test of a reusable carrier rocket was planned to be carried out in the future.

This test is currently the largest-scale vertical take-off and landing flight test of a reusable carrier rocket in China, and it is also the first engineering application of the domestically developed deep variable thrust liquid oxygen-methane engine.

The entire test took about 6 minutes. The rocket went through five stages: accelerated ascent, decelerated ascent, accelerated descent, decelerated descent, and slow descent, achieving "take-off, accurate control, deployment, and stable landing".

The test fully verified the 3.8-meter diameter rocket body structure, large load landing buffer technology, large variable thrust reusable engine technology, dual cryogenic pressurization delivery technology, high-precision navigation & guidance control technology for return landing, and health monitoring technology, laying a technical foundation for the first flight of the 4-meter-class reusable carrier rocket as scheduled in 2025.

The landing buffer system is the key to the soft landing of the rocket. The buffers in the four landing legs can absorb the kinetic energy and potential energy of the rocket body during landing, allowing the rocket to land smoothly.

The apex of the flight profile of this test is the stratosphere at an altitude of about 12 kilometers. In the future, the research and development team will carry out a 70-kilometer-level vertical take-off and landing test of the reusable carrier rocket, basically covering the flight profile of the first stage of the rocket, and taking another big step towards the goal of the first flight of the reusable carrier rocket.


Video link from CASC -->

24-6-23 17:09
发布于 海南


China Aerospace
24-6-23 17:09 Published in Hainan

The 10km-class vertical take-off and landing flight test "3.8m diameter rocket body" of the Eighth Academy of Aerospace Science and Technology is equipped with three 70-ton liquid oxygen-methane engines, which are from the Jiuzhou Yunjian "Longyun" liquid oxygen-methane engine.

Jiuzhou Yunjian said in its official account that the "Longyun" engine is expected to carry out a 75km full-profile flight-recovery test mission at the end of the year, and complete the first flight into orbit-recovery in 2025.

At present, the Longyun engine has completed the second stage of thrust enhancement work, and the engine sea level thrust has reached 745kN, the sea level specific impulse is 293s, and the engine thrust-to-weight ratio is >100. The thrust enhancement work of the Longyun engine will continue.

The first batch of soils and rocks from the Moon's far side ever obtained by mankind weighs a total of 1,935.3 grams, which was brought safely back by China's #ChangE6 mission, according to an announcement by the China National Space Administration (CNSA) on Friday during a handover ceremony in Beijing.
This study highlights the advantages of quantum simulation. It marks an important first step towards obtaining the low-temperature phase diagram of the FHM and understanding the role of quantum magnetism in the mechanism of high-temperature superconductivity.
Two separate recent nuclear related news:

Uranium extraction from sea water.

Announcement on the Thorium Molten Salt Reactor.

Proceeding as planned for a demo reactor after the test reactor last year.
China has completed its National #Earthquake Early Warning Project, unveiling the world's largest earthquake early warning network, the China Earthquake Administration said on Friday. The project, through the deployment of 15,899 monitoring stations across the country, will provide the public with earthquake early warning service and rapid earthquake intensity reporting service.
Two new units begin construction.

Paper published on China's first HTGR reactor.

In a full-scale demonstration, researchers successfully showed that using pebble-bed reactor design, a nuclear reactor can passively cool itself and shutdown in an emergency without the risk of meltdown


  • The loss-of-cooling tests were performed on HTR-PM reactors at 200-MWt power level
  • The test results show that the reactors can be naturally cooled down
  • The existence of commercial-scale inherent safety is manifested for the first time


Nuclear fission energy is the low-carbon resource that helps manage the cost of deep decarbonization. Safety is the basis of deploying nuclear power plants near load centers on a large scale.

The inherent safety of nuclear reactors depends solely on the laws of nature.

The world’s first demonstration plant of a high-temperature reactor with a pebble-bed module (HTR-PM) entered its commercial operation on December 6, 2023.

Two safety tests were conducted on the two reactor modules of the HTR-PM plant, each at a power of 200 MWt.

During the tests, the active power supply was totally switched off to see if the decay heat can be removed passively.

The responses of nuclear power and temperatures within different reactor structures show that the reactors can be cooled down naturally without active intervention.

The results of the tests manifest the existence of commercial-scale inherent safety for the first time.

Youtube video from last year - April 2023 on T-flight superconducting vacuum tube train test built by China Aerospace Science and Technology Corp.

Progress on the most recent test, this time the test is conducted on a 2km long vaccum tube.

CASIC achieves milestone in high-speed maglev transportation with successful system demo test in low vacuum environment in Shanxi province, showcasing controlled navigation and safe stops for future developments, targeting 1000 km/h.
Full HD:
Liftoff at 06:44UTC on August 06, Long March 6A launched the first group of 18 G60 satellites from Taiyuan. This is China's first launch of LEO mega constellation. 6 G60 launches planned for the year.

648 satellites by the end of 2025 to provide regional coverage. 1296 sats to provide global coverage by 2027. The final constellation will be formed by ~14,000 sats.

Fudan team first verified the ultra-fast flash memory integration process in the world: 20 nanosecond ultra-fast programming, 10 years of non-volatility – Passionategeekz​

On August 13, according to Fudan University’s official news today, the rapid development of artificial intelligence urgently requires high-speed non-volatile storage technology. The current mainstream non-volatile flash memory programming speed is in the hundreds of microseconds, which cannot support application needs. The previous research of the Zhou Peng-Liu Chunsen team of Fudan University showed that two-dimensional semiconductor structures can increase the speed by more than a thousand times.Achieving disruptive nanosecond-level ultra-fast storage flash memoryHowever, achieving large-scale integration and moving towards practical application is extremely challenging.

Starting from interface engineering, the Fudan University team verified the integration verification of 1Kb ultrafast flash memory array for the first time in the world, and proved that the ultrafast characteristics can be extended to the sub-10 nanometer scale. At 5 pm Beijing time on August 12, the relevant results were published in the journal “Large-scale integration of two-dimensional ultrafast flash memory” (“A scalable integration process for ultrafast two-dimensional flash memory”) was published in the top international journal Nature Electronics, DOI: 10.1038/s41928-024-01229-6.


According to reports, the team developed super-interface engineering technology and realized a heterogeneous interface with atomic-level flatness in large-scale two-dimensional flash memory. Combined with atomic-level precision characterization technology, it verified that the integration process is significantly better than the international level. Passed strict DC storage window and AC pulse storage performance tests,Proved that the yield of 2D flash memory is as high as 98.4% at nanosecond non-volatile programming speed in 1Kb storage scaleThis yield rate is higher than the 89.5% yield rate requirement for flash memory manufacturing in the International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors.

At the same time, the research team developed a self-aligned process that does not rely on advanced lithography equipment, combined with the original innovative ultra-fast storage stacked electric field design theory, and successfully realized an ultra-fast flash memory device with a channel length of 8 nanometers, which is currently the shortest channel flash memory device and has broken through the physical size limit of silicon-based flash memory (about 15 nanometers). With the support of atomically thin channels,This ultra-small device features ultra-fast 20 nanosecond programming, 10-year non-volatility, 100,000 cycle life and multi-state memory performancewhich is expected to promote the industrialization of ultra-fast disruptive flash memory technology.

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