China shows science is not dependent on liberal democracy

Everything has two sides, pros and cons, check and balance may postpone many projects or program for decades, humans have another nature that is rarely agree with each other, if a company doesn't have a clear decision maker, this company goes nowhere.

Agree 100%.

There are pros and cons to every system. Since we can't predict the future, and knowing human nature, the safer approach is democracy with checks and balances. Maybe some country gets lucky, like China and Singapore, but the probability is that a country with authoritarian regime will end up like most of Africa, South America or the Middle East.
Agree 100%.

There are pros and cons to every system. Since we can't predict the future, and knowing human nature, the safer approach is democracy with checks and balances. Maybe some country gets lucky, like China and Singapore, but the probability is that a country with authoritarian regime will end up like most of Africa, South America or the Middle East.
Lmao gulf countries are authoritarian and they are rich AF.Dont forget Vietnam ( growing fast) . China has a more meritocracy system. There's no such thing as lucky only strong and good leadership will propel you to become rich and powerful. India is a nut case running by a right wing Hindu pretending to be a democracy. There's nothing democratic about India when adani is running the whole country.
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Agree 100%.

There are pros and cons to every system. Since we can't predict the future, and knowing human nature, the safer approach is democracy with checks and balances. Maybe some country gets lucky, like China and Singapore, but the probability is that a country with authoritarian regime will end up like most of Africa, South America or the Middle East.
African countries are based on democratic elections and guess how that turns out for em. Most of Europe was helped rebuilt during the Marshall plan. There's nothing exceptional about democracy. Europe was built on the backs on its colonies.
South Korea is a perfect example of strong protectionism, heavily state-subsidised long-term industrial development, and a financial policy independent of World Bank, IMF etc.Alot of successful Asian countries follow quite the same path to reform is very important but not so much has been done in India because of its caste system.policies matter more than anything. Smart governance is key to a country success
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Russia WAS in the Soviet days. It is basically achieving nothing now since much of the educated population has fled over the last 30 years.

You're obviously confusing Russia of 30 years ago and Russia of today, probably because of bias or denial. Russia of today seems to be in it best shape and US of today seems to be in its worst shape.
You're obviously confusing Russia of 30 years ago and Russia of today, probably because of bias or denial. Russia of today seems to be in it best shape and US of today seems to be in its worst shape.

I think you are the one in denial.

Please name some items people around the world use that came from the Russians in the last 20 years. They are just existing with a mediocre GDP with not much breakthroughs that benefit mankind to show. This from a country that once was a leader in science and tech.

We are waiting....and waiting...and waiting

Either list them or admit you are the one in denial...

If you can't do either...we will take that as your head hanging in silent shame.
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I think you are the one in denial.

Please name some items people around the world use that came from the Russians in the last 20 years. They are just existing with a mediocre GDP with not much breakthroughs that benefit mankind to show. This from a country that once was a leader in science and tech.

We are waiting....and waiting...and waiting

Either list them or admit you are the one in denial...

If you can't do either...we will take that as your head hanging in silent shame.
Ok i will mention a FEW Russian items that YOUR COUNTRY buys from Russia:

1. Nuclear fuel - even today, US still buys nuclear fuel for its reactors from Russia.

2. Rocket engines- Even US companies like SpaceX buy Russian rocket engines. Elon Musk admitted they were very good.

3. Telegram app- Russian made, and it has gained so much on WhatsApp, its competitor, and had 100s of millions of users today.

4. Weapons- Dont forget Russia has been the 2nd largest producer of weapons in the world for many years now. Many countries, especially those in the developing world, use and rely on Russian weapons. India's main source of weapons externally is still Russia.

I disproved your point easily. why? you are ignorant about Russia (for what reason, i dont now or care) so you are obviously misinformed about it and will make errors in judging and analyzing Russia as a country.

Its US that keeps producing less and less things- that why it cant manage inflation and has shortages, just like Cuba and Venezuela it sanctioned.
Ok i will mention a FEW Russian items that YOUR COUNTRY buys from Russia:

1. Nuclear fuel - even today, US still buys nuclear fuel for its reactors from Russia.

The Megatons to Megawatts Program, also called the United States-Russia Highly Enriched Uranium Purchase Agreement, was an agreement between Russia and the United States whereby Russia converted 500 metric tons of "excess" weapons-grade uranium (enough for 20,000 warheads) into 15,000 metric tons of low enriched uranium, which was purchased by the US for use in its commercial nuclear power plants.
The program was credited for being one of the most successful disarmament programs in history

2. Rocket engines- Even US companies like SpaceX buy Russian rocket engines.
Wow are you completely ignorant..and obviously desperate to show Russia needs to have some relevance.

SpaceX develops their own engines and has never ever used any Russian engines...and NO their engines aren't based off any Russian design either.

The Falcon 9 uses Merlin Engines..go look it up yourself

Merlin is a family of rocket engines developed by SpaceX. They are currently a part of the Falcon 9 and Falcon Heavy launch vehicles, and were formerly used on the Falcon 1. Merlin engines use RP-1 and liquid oxygen as rocket propellants in a gas-generator power cycle. The Merlin engine was originally designed for sea recovery and reuse, but since 2016 the entire Falcon 9 booster is recovered for reuse by landing vertically on a landing pad using one of its nine Merlin engines.

Again back to the "carrot and stick" Megatons to Megawatts program: The US purchased the supply of Russian RD-180 engines so they wouldn't fall into the hands of other countries. These engines were used in the Atlas rockets.

However the SpaceX Falcon 9 (90+ launches so far in 2024) displaced the Atlas. So this is all moot.

3. Telegram app- Russian made, and it has gained so much on WhatsApp, its competitor, and had 100s of millions of users today.
Telegram was created by Pavel Durov because the Russian Government forced him out of his old company VK. Durov fled Russia and then created Telegram
“I’m out of Russia and have no plans to go back,” he wrote in the exchange. “Unfortunately, the country is incompatible with Internet business at the moment.”
Pavel Durov talks about the oppressive Russian Government eventually forcing him to leave the country.

4. Weapons- Dont forget Russia has been the 2nd largest producer of weapons in the world for many years now. Many countries, especially those in the developing world, use and rely on Russian weapons. India's main source of weapons externally is still Russia.
..and what new weapons have they created in the last 20 years that countries are buying? I think their sales of hypersonic missiles is restricted. T-90 tanks based off the Soviet T-72? S-400 based off the Soviet S series??

I disproved your point easily. why? you are ignorant about Russia (for what reason, i
No, you proved your own ignorance!! Plus Russia's almost irrelevance.

Thank you for showing everybody!!!
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