China shows science is not dependent on liberal democracy

Science really needs only two thing.
1. Scientific minded students
2. Generous funding
100% correct. In USA narrative, democracy and freedom play important role in science. Which is bullshit.
As people have mentioned all you have to do is say "Soviet Union" and all that goes out the window. While far from perfect their authoritarian regime did for instance send the first satellite and man into space. You can't take that away from them.
Fair assessment, Soviet Union was super in military and space technology , but not civil and manufacturing technology, which eventually led to its collapse, its development model was so unbalanced, China doesn't have this lop sided development problem.

Actually US now resembles the former Soviet Union than China does.

China shows science is not dependent on liberal democracy.​

Didn't NAZI Germany already show that ?

Capitalism Communism is an economic concept, authoritarianism, dictatorships monarchies are political concepts. You can be like the Nazis, authoritarian and capitalistic at the same time. The best Communists are actually the most democratic where everyone is equal. China has an authoritarian form of government with a semi capitalistic economic model. Most powerful and monopolistic industries are controlled by the government, example power, telecoms, oil and gas. Most export oriented industries are privately owned to remain competitive. The closest system to China is Singapore but Singapore does have some form of token election but the PAP always win.
Science really needs only two thing.
1. Scientific minded students
2. Generous funding

For a country to excel in science and technology, there must be a driver or a magnet for students to enrol in these fields. There must be an ecosystem to absorb and reward these students when they graduate, else no one will bother or they will just migrate to other countries.

The government can support certain specific endeavours, like military and space tech, but the wider civilian ecosystem will not flourish unless people can make money. This is where the US leads the world, with the richest per capita consumer market in the world, and where other countries, notably China's CCP, have made smart policy to support local entrepreneurs.
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China has a hybrid system that allows the private sector to develop like in the US and the state to oversee everything like in Soviet Union. China has a blend of both worlds in short. This blend is working because China has sincere leadership above all else.

But the same cannot be said for many countries so democracy is the desired pathway for societal reforms and sustainable development on a broader level.
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China’s efficiency in capitalism arises not from a democratic consensus but from an autocratic command. Decisions can be made swiftly, and policies implemented without delay. The autocrat’s word is final, and industries adapt without the roadblocks of public opinion or competing political interests
This is precisely why China has become a global manufacturing powerhouse, producing goods cheaply and efficiently for Western markets. In contrast, in the U.S., changes to economic policies must pass through legislative bodies, subject to debate, delay, and compromise. While this process respects individual freedoms and the rule of law, it also slows the machine of capitalism, making it less “efficient” than China’s autocratic model.
The so called check and balance in the west is indeed hinderance and drag in our eyes

Check and balance in essence
调整大小 istockphoto-1317883201-612x612.jpg
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The so called check and balance in the west is indeed hinderance and drag in our eyes

Checks and balances are necessary because humans become corrupt with power. That is just human nature.

As @LeGenD noted, China is lucky that the CCP is mostly patriotic and self-policing. Such examples are rare in human history. The norm for authoritarian rulers throughout history has been tyranny and abuse.
Checks and balances are necessary because humans become corrupt with power. That is just human nature.

As @LeGenD noted, China is lucky that the CCP is mostly patriotic and self-policing. Such examples are rare in human history. The norm for authoritarian rulers throughout history has been tyranny and abuse.
Everything has two sides, pros and cons, check and balance may postpone many projects or program for decades, humans have another nature that is rarely agree with each other, if a company doesn't have a clear decision maker, this company goes nowhere.
China has also indicated. Science may not rely on democracy. But science has absolutely nothing to do with communism.
In contrary to most popular beliefs china do have elections

This is the short version……….. Government structure is a hierarchical pyramid.

Each adult in a village can vote for members of the village council. This is the bottom of the pyramid. It is also the only place where direct elections take place.

To run for council you need to be endorsed by a number of villagers and approved by some department (I don’t recall who). Candidates need not be a CPC member.

After the village elections the process is indirect elections - more precisely it is the people’s representative voting to elect their representatives and so on and so on.

Village councilors in a district in turn vote for members to be elected to the area level committee. Committee members from many areas vote to elect members of the district committee. This goes on up the ladder of governing levels until you reach the People’s National Congress (PNC).

PNC is like a Chinese parliament of nearly 3,000 representatives elected to 5 year terms. The PNC are representatives from all Provinces, autonomous regions, Hong Kong, Macao, Tibet, etc, the military, and spaces are reserved for ethnic minorities. Remember you don’t need to be a CPC to be candidate or elected. At last election, approx. 30% of PNC reps are not members of CPC.

There are steering committees at the PNC level who recommends to the PNC electing so and so to 5 year term members in national government committees (those who oversee the running of government). from those committees the inner circle in chosen.

IMO, the weakness in the system lies in the first direct elections as villagers are largely uneducated and bribery has been known in the past. However the compensation begins, beyond the first few tiers as the system is now heavily based on meritocracy by delivering on economic and societal objectives. You can’t be elected to tier Z until you have succeeded in tiers X & Y. One can’t be parachuted into a top role.

Chinese leaders are not politicians in the western sense. They rose through the ranks by being successful in meeting their economic and societal goals. They have spent a career in government. There is no doubt politics plays a role at the top rungs, but they all got there based on past results.
U think it's easy to become a president of china?? Lol it's a much harder process than western system where u can be voted in based on popularity contest without having any government experience that's why u see clowns appearing all over the West.
If anything Singapore is ruled by one man throughout its history Lee Kuan yew now his son. And it's one of the richest country in the world. I gotta say Chinese leaders even authoritarian or not they are rationale and great at their jobs. No talk all action no blame game. U don't hear xi complaining about anything except continuing striving toward China goal of self sufficiency. Xi implemented the belt and road initiative afterall and anti corruption campaign.

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