China’s naval supremacy: A new reality for the U.S.

China already having close to 70 destroyers either in service, production or sea trials. With china expanding bohai shipyard mass producing is easy cake. China is still in peace time plus the US is too scared to start a fight anyway so PLAN has plenty of time to build up without going speed mode.china can easily build 20 destroyers at once and still have plenty of space left remember china ship building accounts for 60 percent of the world capacity.there will be a total of 16 type 055 8 for 2 batch who knows maybe there will be a third batch after everything is set and done and a bunch of type 052dl
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US Navy will also have to worry about Chinese rocket force.
Even the USN is “moving back” from the Zumwalt for its next gen destroyer, a less ambitious design, and actually looks more akin to the PLAN’s Type 055.

The rail gun and tilt rotor tech may not be perfected, but 10 years is a long time in naval tech development, with the level of investment China is making, they will break through relatively quickly.

When the tech is known, catching up is a matter of R&D and espionage.

I suspect more replenishment at sea with support ships utilizing Chinese commercial ports for the next 5-10 years, politics and economics will dictate what happens beyond that. China has learned a lot participating in the counter piracy patrols of the last decade.

DDGX will only have new hull design for increased power and new propulsion. Everything else will be ported over from Flight 3 Burke’s. SPY-6 radars, EW systems such as SEWIP, and USN weapon systems are the state of the art and best in the world.
All I can say is all these is a bit of a wishful thinking........

Especially thinking China would absorb AW609 (Which was jointly developed and manufactured by Bell)

As I said, 10 years time frame is a bit generous, and this is also when we are talking about the US just stand still, and I don't see any evidence to suggest Chinese Navy tech is going to catch up with the US in just a are basically saying Chinese R&D is operated at 300+% than the US skunkworks and alike.. Is this possible? Sure, but it is very unlikely.....
I’m saying the Chinese can catch up to where the USN is now in 2024, by 2035.

Yes their R&D and reverse engineering labs seem to be working all out. Our defense contractors seem to be lagging and giving up the lead. Just look at shipbuilding and how instead of evolutionary designs, the USN pays contractors to design (the USN use to do this itself in the old days) and build ships at ever long time frames.
I doubt China will cooperate with Italy.
AVIC did show a tiltrotor model, but the engine configuration is completely different from the AW 609.
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Chinese private firms will try to buy the AW609 for commercial purposes (vip transport for example) and the knowledge will flow into the Chinese tilt-rotor development firms.
The Houthis, sure, but also that barrage of missiles from Iran.
So 7 out of 110 ballistic missiles hit Israel. It was a multi nationals efforts to shoot down Iranian missiles and drones.and Iran was using old stock of ballistic costs Israel 1.3 billion to shoot down what 30 mil dollars worth of missiles??? What if Iran fired thousands all at once and not just 110. Iran has the tendency to let the United States and Israel know when they will strike lol
So 7 out of 110 ballistic missiles hit Israel. It was a multi nationals efforts to shoot down Iranian missiles and drones.and Iran was using old stock of ballistic costs Israel 1.3 billion to shoot down what 30 mil dollars worth of missiles??? What if Iran fired thousands all at once and not just 110. Iran has the tendency to let the United States and Israel know when they will strike lol
I’m not saying the SM-3/6 missiles are going to hit each target each and every time. But that they are more effective, against certain targets, than the S-300 derived missiles currently in use on the PLAN destroyers, if the performance of Russian S-300/400 systems in Ukraine are anything to go by.

I know it’s not only the missile, but the whole system of detection and guidance and coordination that goes into a successful intercept, it evolving threats require a more advanced missile than the S-400, and I think China will realize this and build its own equivalent to the Sm-6 or Aquila missile soon enough.

Ok so the range of that thing is 500km at mach 3.5. There's yj-18 and yj-12 for that lol yj-21 range is out of this world at mach 6-10
Lol. USN has been using sea skimming supersonic missiles for target practice since the 80's starting with MQM-8G vandal missile and then using soviet kh-31/MA-31 missiles then GQM-163A drone target.
Did you say 'for practice' as targets? Yes you did. You need to learn to read. That didn't change my statement the US has no supersonic anti-ship missile launched from their DDGs, did it? USN ships have been designed to shoot down mostly ballistic missiles. Houthis was not known to have shot a supersonic cruise missile at American warships yet and YET they are still in control of the Red Seas transportation traffic. That says a lot about how successful the US' guarding the israeli ships and themselves.

And in First and Second Chain, USN will have to face thousands of DF missiles launched from land, sea, and air by the PLA and all are supersonic and hypersonic.
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One important note china has an equivalent of himars for Taiwan in PCL-191

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