China’s Power in Asia Plateauing Below US, Lowy Institute Says


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Jun 18, 2014
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China’s power in Asia is plateauing at a level below the US as its economic capability is curtailed, according to the Lowy Institute’s annual analysis of influence in the region.

“Power in Asia remains a bipolar game, with the world’s two superpowers topping our ranking by a considerable margin,” the Sydney-based think tank said in a report Sunday.

“China’s power is neither surging nor collapsing, but plateauing,” the institute said.
“Flatlining economic capability, driven by slower economic growth and longer-term structural challenges, means that China’s economic clout, while still commanding, is no longer growing.”

The Asia Power Index rankings encompass eight broad themes including military capability, diplomatic and cultural influence, resilience and future resources. The results also showed India overtaking Japan to be third-ranked, while Australia rose to fifth and Russia dropped to sixth.

The US leads China in six of eight broad measures, although in military capability the US advantage is eroding, the institute said.

For the first time, experts “judged that China is better able to deploy rapidly and for a sustained period in the event of an interstate conflict in Asia,” it said.
India’s power is growing, driven by its rich resources and diplomatic influence — although its economic relationships remain a weak point, the institute said.

“New Delhi still has limited ability to project power and influence east of the Malacca Strait,” it said. “However, the fact that its influence remains well below the level promised by its resources suggests it still has ample potential for further growth as a major power.”
Looks like the only "odd man" standing for China would be Pak! Anyway, China has damn intricate business relationship with tons of countries in Asia...
LOL - Chinese economy is growing faster than US and its military technology is rapidly catching up.

In the civilian technology sector they have already started the process of building chips using their own domestic EUV technology by filing for patents.

Just some "cope" from a Australian US lapdog "Institute".
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Wat are these Aussies studies coming out all the time ? So, the US is surging ahead in economy, military, technology and soft powers ? Lol.
China’s power in Asia is plateauing at a level below the US as its economic capability is curtailed, according to the Lowy Institute’s annual analysis of influence in the region.

“Power in Asia remains a bipolar game, with the world’s two superpowers topping our ranking by a considerable margin,” the Sydney-based think tank said in a report Sunday.

“China’s power is neither surging nor collapsing, but plateauing,” the institute said.
“Flatlining economic capability, driven by slower economic growth and longer-term structural challenges, means that China’s economic clout, while still commanding, is no longer growing.”

The Asia Power Index rankings encompass eight broad themes including military capability, diplomatic and cultural influence, resilience and future resources. The results also showed India overtaking Japan to be third-ranked, while Australia rose to fifth and Russia dropped to sixth.

The US leads China in six of eight broad measures, although in military capability the US advantage is eroding, the institute said.

For the first time, experts “judged that China is better able to deploy rapidly and for a sustained period in the event of an interstate conflict in Asia,” it said.
India’s power is growing, driven by its rich resources and diplomatic influence — although its economic relationships remain a weak point, the institute said.

“New Delhi still has limited ability to project power and influence east of the Malacca Strait,” it said. “However, the fact that its influence remains well below the level promised by its resources suggests it still has ample potential for further growth as a major power.”

In other words
Hype up US
Hype down China
And Hype up India - a US Ally

Only missed hyping up Japan too
LOL - Chinese economy is growing faster than US and its military technology is rapidly catching up.

In the civilian technology sector they have already started the process of building chips using their own domestic EUV technology by filing for patents.

Just some "cope" from a Australian US lapdog "Institutude.

Chinas economy is barely outgrowing the US in real GDP and falling behind in nominal. Chinas trend growth line is continuing to decline significantly. The gap with US GDP this year will be around $10T. China is just trying to keep pace at this point.

China will never truly be on US level in terms of technology and innovation. They’ll always be a fast follower. The US meanwhile is truly at the bleeding edge.
China’s power in Asia is plateauing at a level below the US as its economic capability is curtailed, according to the Lowy Institute’s annual analysis of influence in the region.

“Power in Asia remains a bipolar game, with the world’s two superpowers topping our ranking by a considerable margin,” the Sydney-based think tank said in a report Sunday.

“China’s power is neither surging nor collapsing, but plateauing,” the institute said.
“Flatlining economic capability, driven by slower economic growth and longer-term structural challenges, means that China’s economic clout, while still commanding, is no longer growing.”

The Asia Power Index rankings encompass eight broad themes including military capability, diplomatic and cultural influence, resilience and future resources. The results also showed India overtaking Japan to be third-ranked, while Australia rose to fifth and Russia dropped to sixth.

The US leads China in six of eight broad measures, although in military capability the US advantage is eroding, the institute said.

For the first time, experts “judged that China is better able to deploy rapidly and for a sustained period in the event of an interstate conflict in Asia,” it said.
India’s power is growing, driven by its rich resources and diplomatic influence — although its economic relationships remain a weak point, the institute said.

“New Delhi still has limited ability to project power and influence east of the Malacca Strait,” it said. “However, the fact that its influence remains well below the level promised by its resources suggests it still has ample potential for further growth as a major power.”

So says the same people who claimed that Iraq had WMDs that could destroy europe in 30 mins and who are now justifying the genocide and massacre of 50,000+ Palestinians.
China will never truly be on US level in terms of technology and innovation

Thats a strange claim.
How youre so sure?

I know as american you might of course want it be so. But for me as someone who looks purely at the numbers and the overall direction of geopolitics, it seems China, a 3000 year old nation, is very capable of surpassing any country including the US.
US will be white minority soon and with the 36trillion debt which is growing at a very fast pace, US will be lucky to be able to keep the country together and not go into full civil war mode.
China should at all cost keep arming Pakistan. We have a mutual interest to keep the Arabian Sea under control among other converging interests within the region.
US Paying $1,157,762,000,000 in Interest on National Debt in One Year, Says Treasury Department, As Elon Musk Warns Government ‘Whistling Past the Graveyard’
1 trillion in debt every 100 days at this rate we will see 40 trillion by end of 2025 😂 😂 deficit spending already hit 2 trillion dollars this year. The higher the debt the more interest payment the government has to pay good luck 😂
Chinas economy is barely outgrowing the US in real GDP and falling behind in nominal. Chinas trend growth line is continuing to decline significantly. The gap with US GDP this year will be around $10T. China is just trying to keep pace at this point.

China will never truly be on US level in terms of technology and innovation. They’ll always be a fast follower. The US meanwhile is truly at the bleeding edge.

Your whole tech sector relies on Chinese brainpower that has now dried up.

Think of how many Asian Americans get into stem courses in top US universities. They are like 50% as whites can't hack it.

China has 1000x your number of Asian Americans. Lol.
China Is Rapidly Becoming a Leading Innovator in Advanced Industries

I don't know what world this American fanboy lives in but let him sleep 😂 😂
Table 1: Hamilton Index industry leaders, 2020


Global Output (Billions)

Leading Producer

Leader’s Share

IT and Information Services




Computers and Electronics








Machinery and Equipment




Motor Vehicles




Basic Metals




Fabricated Metals








Electrical Equipment




Other Transportation




Composite Hamilton Index




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China is the world’s sole manufacturing superpower:

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