China's Submarine thread


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China's Type 096 Nuclear Submarine: An Incredible Missile Powerhouse?​

The new Type 096 SSBN submarine could be more difficult to track, boosting China's underwater nuclear capabilities for decades to come.

February 16, 2024
by Peter Suciu

What Do We Know About China's Type 096 SSBN Submarine? - Reports circulated last fall that China had made significant progress in the development of its next-generation ballistic missile (SSBN) submarines, so much so that Western military powers could need to "rethink" their naval strategies in the Indo-Pacific to contend with the increased capabilities of the People's Liberation Army Navy (PLAN). The new Type 096 submarine could be more difficult to track, which would boost China's underwater nuclear capabilities.

It is expected to be armed with the JL-3 SLBM (submarine-launched ballistic missile) that first entered service in 2022 with the Type 094 submarines. The JL-3, which was tested first in November 2018, has an estimated range of more than 10,000 kilometers and can carry three nuclear warheads.

Type 096: Combination of Stealth and Range

The Chinese SSBN has been seen as comparable to modern Russian submarines in terms of stealth, sensors, and weapons. The capabilities of the Type 096 are speculated to be a significant jump to its predecessors and are seen as having the potential to flip the balance of power in the Indo-Pacific.

The new submarines could be in service by the end of the decade – earlier perhaps than the United States Navy's own Columbia-class SSBN, as the lead boat is expected to begin operations in 2031.

"The Type 096 will be more numerous, more stealthy, and may range over a wider area, all of which necessitates a rethink of U.S. capabilities and their deployment," Emma Salisbury, an associate fellow at the U.K.-based Council on Geostrategy, told Newsweek in October.

The combination of stealth and range will certainly make it that much harder for the U.S. and its allies to keep track of the submarines.

Silent Running

The PLAN already conducts fully armed nuclear deterrence patrols with its older Type 094 boats out of Hainan Island in the South China Sea, the Pentagon said in November. Those are similar to the patrols operated for years by the United States, Britain, Russia, and France.

Yet, as Reuters reported, the Type 094 SSBNs, which carry the aforementioned JL-3 missile, are considered relatively noisy – a major handicap for military submarines.

Beijing currently operates six Type 094 Jin-class SSBNs. It is unclear how many Type 096s China intends to build, but it has been vastly increasing the size of its navy. Experts suggest by the early 2030s, the PLAN will have upwards of 10 SSBNs, and could gradually replace the Type 094 with the quieter Type 096.

A Change of Nuclear Policy?

Though the capabilities of the Type 096 are still largely unknown, the increase in the number of SSBNs suggests a shift in policy from Beijing.

China has long adhered to a policy of minimum deterrence by which it maintains a relatively small nuclear force capable of a retaliatory second strike according to the Arms Control Association. However, China’s recent expansion of its nuclear capabilities indicates that the country may deem its current nuclear deterrent insufficient and intends to achieve strategic parity with the United States perhaps achieving 1,000 operational nuclear warheads by 2030.
It's about time type 096 and 095 should come out now, they are real credible deterrents for the ill wishers of China.
This is excellent news China achieved a breakthrough in developing a hybrid Nuclear-Conventional submarine using a small plug-in nuclear reactor for endurance during the attack mode or escape mode. While using diesel for transit. It is an old concept but only China achieved this breakthrough. The advantages of this design are numerous. It is less expensive and faster built up than nuclear sub. Smaller suitable for litoral warfare etc

Here is the translation
The Type 041 small reactor boat uses a small reactor heat source + 4x320kW Stirling engines, with a total power of 1715shp, an underwater displacement of 2500 tons, a maximum speed of about 14 knots and very little noise. Except for the maximum speed that is not as fast as a regular nuclear submarine, the other tactical indicators are completely comparable, crushing the current conventional submarines. The above-mentioned maximum speed refers to the maximum speed that does not rely on air and does not use batteries. If the battery discharge and motor output are added, the short-term maximum speed can be increased to 20 or even 25 knots.

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@Oscar Reckon that strategic program is back on the table?
This reminds me of the pictures circulating online eight years agoScreenshot_20240408_215857_Baidu Translate.jpg
@Oscar Reckon that strategic program is back on the table?
Probably not - that was meant for much longer ranges and an operational patrol that could put it where BMD isn’t pointing.

A breakthrough in submarine technology: Chinese scientists will develop laser-propelled ultra-high-speed and extremely silent submarines​

23:49 2024/04/23

China Times News Network

Lu Bohua

The technical team of Harbin Engineering University claims to have developed underwater fiber laser-induced plasma detonation wave propulsion technology, which can allow submarines to sail underwater at ultra-high speed and extremely silently. (Photo/China News Service)

The technical team of Harbin Engineering University claims to have developed "underwater fiber laser-induced plasma detonation wave propulsion" technology, which can allow submarines to sail underwater at ultra-high speed and extremely silently. (Photo/China News Service)

China develops laser propulsion technology for submarines

Chinese military scientists recently claimed to have made a major breakthrough in the development of next-generation nuclear submarine technology. They have found a way to use lasers for high-efficiency, ultra-quiet propulsion. This device will be used as a drive system for submarines in the future.

Hong Kong's South China Morning Post reported that this new technology can produce nearly 70,000 Newtons of thrust, which is almost equivalent to the thrust of a typical commercial jet engine. It uses 2 megawatts of laser power, fired through coated optical fibers thinner than a human hair on the surface of the submarine.

The report said that the breakthrough in laser propulsion technology not only demonstrated China's strong strength in the high-tech field, but also laid a technical foundation for the supersonic operation of future submarines. In today's rapidly developing technological landscape, submarine innovation is very important to both national security and global military balance.

Ge Yang, an associate professor at Harbin Engineering University, and his team named this technology "Underwater Fiber Laser-Induced Plasma Detonation Wave Propulsion" technology. It uses laser pulses to not only generate thrust, but also to It evaporates instantly and forms bubbles covering the surface of the submarine. This phenomenon is called "supercavitation", which greatly reduces the resistance of water.

The development could theoretically allow submarines to travel faster than the speed of sound without producing the mechanical noise vibrations that would normally give away their position, the report said. From a broader perspective, this science fiction-like technology has broad application prospects in fields such as submarine stealth propulsion.

The project team led by Professor Ge Yang is located at Harbin Engineering University, where China's first submarine was born. This large institution located in the heavy industry manufacturing center of Northeast China has been closely related to the leap in defense equipment technology of the Chinese People's Liberation Army Navy in recent years.

The report pointed out that Japanese scientists first proposed the concept of underwater laser propulsion 20 years ago, but due to technological limitations, they have been unable to generate effective thrust in a specific direction. Since then, many countries, including China, have invested a lot of research in trying to solve this problem by applying detonation wave force to small metal balls or spheres of other materials. However, until recently, all efforts were of little practical use due to their extremely low efficiency (one watt of radar power can only produce one millionth of a newton of thrust).

However, Ge Yang and his team pointed out that by improving the design of the laser engine, the efficiency of converting laser into thrust has increased by 3 to 4 orders of magnitude. Although other researchers around the world generally believe that adding restriction devices will cause significant energy losses, China Scientists believe that the problem of energy loss can be solved by adding a gun barrel-like device to the end of the fiber.

The report said that submarines are extremely strategic military equipment and play a vital role in concealment and sudden attack capabilities. If such an efficient laser propulsion system can be developed, China's submarines will be able to reach unprecedented high speeds while maintaining silence, which will be of great significance to improving the strategic attack capabilities and survivability of submarines.

The report stated that due to the close relationship between Harbin Engineering University and the Chinese Communist Party’s military, the U.S. government has imposed severe sanctions and blockade on it, indicating the international community’s concerns and precautions about the changes that this technology may bring.

Chinese PLA Navy unveils its first submarine-themed short film marking 75th anniv. of founding​

The video shows the training of submariners allegedly at the end of the video they fire JL2
This is cool. Amid the constant propganda bombardment of all American super duper navy and air force, its refreshing to watch the Chinese!
The report stated that due to the close relationship between Harbin Engineering University and the Chinese Communist Party’s military, the U.S. government has imposed severe sanctions and blockade on it, indicating the international community’s concerns and precautions about the changes that this technology may bring.
The only changes China's improvement in military techs are positive for world peace. We all know wars and destructions are more/very likely when America holds the edge and the regions are in the American interest to control. Color revolutions start, insurgents praised and supplied with American trainings and weapons, government slanted into some people-slaughtering regime, international 'humanity' response called (America's mafia guard dogs called in), resources controlled by America, country divided and thrown into civil wars..., Lockheed Martin and its political muppets pocketed $$$$.

The script got played over and over again with some variations in Africa, South America, Asia, and Europe. If ME wants peace, Iran needs nuclear weapons. As should Cuba, Venezuela, or any regional power threatened by the US.
The only changes China's improvement in military techs are positive for world peace. We all know wars and destructions are more/very likely when America holds the edge and the regions are in the American interest to control. Color revolutions start, insurgents praised and supplied with American trainings and weapons, government slanted into some people-slaughtering regime, international 'humanity' response called (America's mafia guard dogs called in), resources controlled by America, country divided and thrown into civil wars..., Lockheed Martin and its political muppets pocketed $$$$.

The script got played over and over again with some variations in Africa, South America, Asia, and Europe. If ME wants peace, Iran needs nuclear weapons. As should Cuba, Venezuela, or any regional power threatened by the US.
Yeah, the revolutionary subs will give China another real good deterrence against American bullying and menace.

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