China's Submarine thread

they can use that kind of propeller system in underwater drones if really that thing works.

a lot more easier to do and fast to implement and test than in submarines.
The only changes China's improvement in military techs are positive for world peace. We all know wars and destructions are more/very likely when America holds the edge and the regions are in the American interest to control. Color revolutions start, insurgents praised and supplied with American trainings and weapons, government slanted into some people-slaughtering regime, international 'humanity' response called (America's mafia guard dogs called in), resources controlled by America, country divided and thrown into civil wars..., Lockheed Martin and its political muppets pocketed $$$$.

The script got played over and over again with some variations in Africa, South America, Asia, and Europe. If ME wants peace, Iran needs nuclear weapons. As should Cuba, Venezuela, or any regional power threatened by the US.

USA has learned a lesson, since 90s they dont make wars in their continent, and since 2000s they dont unstabilize their continent, even they tolerate Venezuelan communism.

All USA current misadventures are fcking Eurasia, the main security protection of USA is two oceans. USA understood this and they act wisely avoiding create problems near to their borders.

Unluckily Eurasian corrupt vassals didnt understood this and they keep digging their own hole.

In a longterm only China can keep security in Eurasia continent, and USA will turn everytime into more aggressive rogue state for Eurasian continent.
USA has learned a lesson, since 90s they dont make wars in their continent, and since 2000s they dont unstabilize their continent, even they tolerate Venezuelan communism.

All USA current misadventures are fcking Eurasia, the main security protection of USA is two oceans. USA understood this and they act wisely avoiding create problems near to their borders.

Unluckily Eurasian corrupt vassals didnt understood this and they keep digging their own hole.

In a longterm only China can keep security in Eurasia continent, and USA will turn everytime into more aggressive rogue state for Eurasian continent.
Destablizing your neighbors will cause massive refugee inflow problems. In Europe, Serbia might be a color-revolution target. In ME or Asia, there might be multiple targets selected. In the near future, a lot of Africa nations will have color revolutions as America deems Africa the competition ground with China for resources and influences.

In the long term for the world, America needs to be defeated so American elites accept they can't bully everyone all the time.
At least they didn't blow up the sub in such desperate situation as some self-proclaimed superpower navy would had.
I think every CHinese sailor is brave and relegious. Every single time he gets into a chinese ship, submarine etc. he shows great bravery and has a prayer in his lips.....
lOl, what about every Indian sailor and pilot? and... defence chief.

Why are you being MEAN to me when all I'm showing is my love for China and clearly proved the bravery of the chinese sailor, soldier etc.?

I showed how brave your Chief of Defence Staff Gen was getting on board an Indian chopper.
Make love not wor. Macht Liebe Nicht Kreig.
I think. Despite the fact that India is a poor and backward third world agricultural country. Although it is not possible to independently manufacture bullets and artillery. But it will take at least 20 years to assemble a submarine.

Let us congratulate India.
:rolleyes: LOL! More intentional Chinese misinformation

🤔 22 nuclear a 1950's era ~3500 ton submarine...that doesn't sound logical.

On 10 April 1963, Thresher sank during deep-diving tests about 350 km (220 mi) east of Cape Cod, Massachusetts,

The Thresher was nuclear powered (SSN designation) but it did not carry nuclear missiles (that's SSBN designation)


Diagram of the USS Thresher

The Thresher only carried torpedos..and no in 1963 they were not nuclear tipped. That happened in later subs.

Ah the Youtube channel is only a few years old and pumping out the misinformation
Tech Teller: Joined Nov 16, 2021
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I think. Despite the fact that India is a poor and backward third world agricultural country. Although it is not possible to independently manufacture bullets and artillery. But it will take at least 20 years to assemble a submarine.

Let us congratulate India.

We've assembled lots os submarines bro. Including some nuclear subs. :ROFLMAO:

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