China's Submarine thread

Without forward momentum they couldn't even surface.
All a sub has to do, is empty it's ballast tanks to surface, even without forward momentum, or primary propulsion failure.
Urban legend man, urban legend. Indian nuke subs don't have rear hatches. BTW what happened to that sub many say was 'lost' recently ;) . Did the dudes make it out?
They don't have rear hatches. They are toiletless submarines according to the teachings of Vedas. The hole they have for relieving themselves is also used as a emergency escape route.
bro. I heard that Indian soldiers often forget to close the submarine door? Although the Indian soldiers have the courage to drive Indian submarines. But I think they should increase IQ.

Are you referring to the following incident?

In 2018, the Hindu news outlet first reported that the homegrown INS Arihant submarine suffered major damage when a crew member left the rear hatch open and exposed to seawater.

The incident necessitated nearly a year’s worth of repairs, a brutal experience for the Indian Navy’s first nuclear-powered submarine. When a sailor left the hatch open, the vessel’s propulsion compartment was damaged by seawater. According to the state-media outlet, numerous pipes had to be completely gutted and replaced in what the Navy detailed as “cleaning up.”

The official propaganda program of the People's Navy of China officially released a promotional video for the 039c submarine on Weibo yesterday. As usual, perhaps the next generation (041?) submarine is not far away?
China is revealing way to many Submarines in their videos. What are they trying to do here?
China is revealing way to many Submarines in their videos. What are they trying to do here?
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This is a habit. The official mixes the new submarine footage with other footage in newly released videos, but there will be a dedicated official commentator in the comments who points out in the first row of comments that the xx submarine/warship has been released
This is the decades long development process of the Type 039 submarine, giving birth to different sub models. From morning to night, the Type 039, Type 039G,Type 039B, and Type 039C conventional power submarines may be the last generation of AIP submarines in China to use conventional power driveScreenshot_20240620_133256_Weibo.jpg
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The development history of the 039 submarine: (1) The first basic type 320 submarine of the 039 submarine, with the NATO code name "Song" class. Its development plan began in the mid to late 1980s, with the first ship starting construction in 1992, launching in May 1994, and conducting extensive sea tests starting in 1995. Compared to the later Type 039G, this submarine only built one, using a backward sloping stepped command deck enclosure instead of building multiple ships like the Type 039G, and using a high and straight command deck enclosure.
The basic model 039 has a length of 74.9 meters, a width of 8.4 meters, a draft of 5.3 meters, a displacement of 1700 tons above water, a displacement of 2250 tons underwater, and 60 crew members. The water speed is 15 knots, the underwater speed can reach 22 knots, and the diving depth is about 300 meters.
The engine consists of three German MTU 16V396 SE84 turbocharged diesel engines, with a single shaft and single propeller, capable of traveling at a speed of 15 knots above water and 22 knots underwater, with a maximum range of 3300 nautical miles. The propeller used is the first 7-blade large skewed propeller in China. The bow of the boat is equipped with a spherical mid frequency sonar, and the side of the boat is equipped with a low-frequency passive search sonar array
The submarine is mainly equipped with the Fish 5 torpedo and the Eagle Strike-82 submarine launched anti-ship missile. Due to the fact that the 039 basic submarine, as the founder of the 039 series, has multiple shortcomings that are inevitable, as the foundation of submarine construction in China in the 1980s was relatively weak. Due to the many shortcomings of the 039 basic submarine, only one was built with a hull number of 320
However, the Type 039 submarine pioneered multiple firsts for Chinese submarines: the first equipped with digital display sonar, the first equipped with photoelectric masts, and the first equipped with integrated automated command systems. Equipped with the first domestically produced thermal powered acoustic wire guided anti submarine torpedo, the Chinese Navy's conventional submarine has for the first time possessed anti submarine combat capabilities. It can also be replaced with 36 mines as needed. The missile used is the YJ-82 submarine missile, which uses a solid rocket engine, foldable wings, and a maximum range of 40 kilometers. It is China's first submarine launched anti-ship missile.
China launched the improved 039G submarine in the late 1990s
Progress has been made in the development of the 039G submarine based on the 039 basic model. The 039G adopts a straight and slightly forward leaning command console enclosure. However, a elongated protrusion protrudes from the rear end of the enclosure, resulting in a relatively high overall height. Overall, this has to some extent reduced hydrodynamic noise. Combined with the application of other noise reduction technologies, the noise of the 039G submarine has been improved compared to the 039 submarine
However, compared to imported Kilo class submarines, the 039G still appears slightly inadequate. The main issue still includes high noise. The bow of the 039G submarine is equipped with intermediate frequency sonar, and in addition, low-frequency passive search sonar is also installed on the side to compensate for blind spots in side detection. The 039G submarine mainly uses the Yu-6 heavy anti submarine torpedo, which has a range of 51 kilometers, a speed of up to 65 knots, and a maximum attack depth of 800 meters.
The water displacement of the Kilo class submarine is about 2300 tons, and the underwater displacement exceeds 3000 tons, with a speed of up to 20 knots. Its dual shell structure enables it to achieve a task depth of 240 meters, a maximum depth of 300 meters, and a noise level of around 110 decibels. The Kilo class submarine adopts the MGK-400 Rubicon River integrated sonar system, with a main transducer array diameter of 4 meters, consisting of 1008 passive water listening units and 540 active water listening units.
In passive working mode, its detection and tracking distance for submarines is between 16 kilometers and 20 kilometers; The detection range for ship targets is within 60 to 80 kilometers. In active working mode, precise positioning of targets at a distance of 35 kilometers can be achieved, while tracking 10 targets and attacking 2 of them. The Kilo class submarine is equipped with 53-65KE acoustic self guided anti-ship torpedoes, with a caliber of 533 millimeters, a length of 7.9 meters, a warhead weight of 300 kilograms, a speed of 45 knots, and a maximum range of 33.3 kilometers.
Although the 039G submarine is on par or even slightly better than the imported Kiro class in some aspects, it is not as good as the Kiro class in terms of noise level and tonnage
The Type 039A/B submarine is a Chinese active submarine. Since the introduction of the Type 039A in the early 21st century, it has absorbed a lot of technology from the Kiro class and has a very different appearance and internal structure from the first generation of the 039 series. It can be regarded as a brand new next-generation submarine, and most NATO people refer to it as the "Yuan" class. Equipment AIP system,and in 2017, China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation officially began selling the 039A/B military model with AIP capabilities for international sales, with the export code Qilin class. For local active submarines, there is very little detailed public information. China's Kilo class has been gradually retired in recent years, with one retired Kilo class placed on the dock in Zhanjiang City, China, as a tourist attraction for public viewing
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Retired Type 877 Kilo Class in China
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The 039 submarine went from the 039 basic type to the 039A, and in the Western classification system, it actually crossed two generations
the 039 basic type (China introduced Western technology in the 1980s and 1990s, including German power and French sonar).
The 039g submarine was launched in the late 1990s, further improving the application of new technologies and achieving domestic substitution of Western systems. At this time, China imported the first generation Stirling MK.2 hot air engine from Sweden, which is the Stirling MK.2 hot air engine (4-275 engine).
Type 039A: Significant changes in appearance. At this time, China had a detailed understanding of all aspects of the Kilo class submarine, and the noise of the 039A was significantly reduced, digesting and absorbing Sweden's AIP technology. The 039A can be called China's first practical modern domestically produced submarine. The 039a submarine was put into service in 2004, and over the past two decades, the 039b/039c submarine was gradually launched. It was only on the basis of the 039 submarine that China's conventional submarines achieved modernization
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Here is a new and rare video about Yuan Submarine It seems like they are confident about maturing Chinese Sub design


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