China's Submarine thread

Original official announcement! China will develop a "nuclear-based" submarine force as its main force underwater !​

2024-06-20 18:20 Source: I am Big Ivan

Published in: Beijing

On the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Navy Submarine Force, the National Defense Military Channel of China Central Radio and Television came to a certain naval submarine unit in the northern theater to explore the place where the Chinese Navy's submarine force set sail.


In this report, the chief official of the ministry who was interviewed revealed an important piece of information to the outside world - the current equipment construction of the Chinese Navy's submarine force has changed to "both nuclear and conventional, with nuclear as the main focus." This may This is the most authoritative and valuable news we have heard about the construction of submarine forces in the past ten years or so.


Why the Chinese Navy's submarine force's main battle equipment construction ideas have undergone a major change, from the past "conventional as the main" to the current "nuclear and conventional as both nuclear and conventional, nuclear as the main". This reflects the Chinese Navy's submarine force in the military What are the strategic considerations and what impact will they have?

Development of the submarine force

Judging from the equipment development history of the Chinese Navy's submarine force, in a sense, the reason why the Chinese Navy's submarine force has maintained an equipment pattern dominated by conventionally powered submarines for a long time is largely due to helplessness. The existing equipment There is also helplessness in terms of naval strategy:

In the field of equipment, the Chinese Navy's progress in developing nuclear-powered submarines is actually very slow. Although the first Type 09I nuclear submarine was built in 1968 and was delivered to the People's Navy in 1974, due to various factors, the nuclear submarine was actually developed for a long time. During this time, we are using it, conducting scientific research, and improving it.

In other words, our nuclear submarines, in fact, throughout the late 1970s to the mid-1980s, basically took into account both combat and scientific research, and even the scientific research component was even larger. In addition, the number of nuclear submarines manufactured by our military is also very small. Until the early 1990s, only a few were in service. Even in the early Type 09III era, the number of nuclear-powered submarines was still not very large.

The orientation of nuclear-powered submarines to equip, conduct scientific research, and improve at the same time means that the Chinese Navy's nuclear submarine forces have less training time and energy for combat. The number of equipment is limited and the equipment readiness rate is average, which also reduces the number of nuclear submarines to a certain extent. The ability of the troops to carry out combat readiness tasks.

Type 09III nuclear submarine


Finally, I must say that in fact, the performance of Chinese Navy nuclear submarines before 09III was very average. In the 1990s, Americans rumored that "when Chinese Navy nuclear submarines leave port, the underwater noise can be heard in Hawaii"... This joke was made in the 1990s All veteran military fans know this.

Although it is an exaggeration, the Type 09I nuclear submarine has a large underwater acoustic noise, and the nuclear reactor design needs to be improved. The underwater acoustic system is probably only equivalent to the level of the Soviet Union in the 1970s. The war mine system is improved from the Type 033 conventionally powered submarine. This is also true. , which undoubtedly further limits the Chinese Navy's ability to use attack nuclear submarines.

In terms of naval strategy, the Chinese Navy has been pursuing an offshore defense strategy for a long time. On the one hand, we face a geostrategic environment that is constantly blocked by island chains; on the other hand, our surface ship strength has been relatively weak for a long time.

Relying only on a small number of destroyers, frigates, a large number of missile speedboats, and ocean-going intelligence, navigation, rescue and other support capabilities simply cannot ensure the safety of ocean-going operations. It is very difficult for surface ships to leave the island chain. Then the submarine force, which lacks the cover of surface ships, has very few opportunities to leave the island chain in peacetime, and even less opportunities to leave the island chain before wartime.

Therefore, the Chinese Navy's maritime military strategy has always had little demand for attack nuclear submarines. Since the island chain cannot escape anyway, attack nuclear submarines are even inferior to conventionally powered submarines in some cases when operating in offshore waters.

Recently, the Chinese Navy also disclosed an AIP submarine suspected to be code-named Type 039C, which is known as the world's top conventionally powered submarine.

Therefore, from the perspective of the Chinese navy's military strategy, whether it is an attack nuclear submarine or a conventionally powered submarine, they all have the same force usage rules. Not even as good as conventional powered submarines.

The combination of these two factors determines that attack nuclear submarines have not actually occupied a dominant position in the Chinese Navy's military strategy for a long time. Conventional-powered submarines have dominated.

Development of nuclear submarines

So as time goes by, why has the equipment construction of the Chinese Navy's submarine force changed from mainly conventionally powered submarines with a small number of nuclear-powered submarines used for both combat and scientific research to the current one of "nuclear and conventional, nuclear-powered"? "Lord"?

Type 09III nuclear attack submarine


From the equipment level, the equipment performance of the Chinese Navy's nuclear submarines has essentially improved. Starting from the 09III type nuclear submarine, the performance of the Chinese Navy's nuclear submarines has embarked on a fast track. The performance of the 09III basic type is probably the same as that of the U.S. Navy's 637 The Type "Sturgeon" class attack nuclear submarine and the Soviet Red Navy Type 671PTM "Viktor" class attack nuclear submarine are equally matched.

However, with continuous improvement, the performance of the later Type 09III nuclear submarine has been able to catch up with the later improved version of the U.S. Navy's Type 688 "Los Angeles" class attack nuclear submarine, and even surpassed it in some key performances such as the performance of the hydroacoustic system. .

Looking at the entire development history of nuclear submarines, that is, the United States and the Soviet Union during the Cold War were able to achieve such high efficiency in the technological leap forward of nuclear submarines. But in any case, with the emergence of the later version of the Type 09III attack nuclear submarine, the Chinese Navy's nuclear submarine force has transformed from the previous scientific research + combat, average equipment performance, and average reliability to one with good equipment reliability, good equipment performance, and With the ability to actually carry out combat missions, it is natural that the nuclear submarine force can truly take the lead in combat missions.

At the same time, the Chinese Navy has also undergone corresponding changes in the field of maritime military strategy. From the previous offshore defense, it has now been fully transformed into distant sea protection and offshore offensive defense. Since it is a distant sea escort, an attack nuclear submarine with unlimited endurance and long self-sustainability is an indispensable piece of equipment.

After all, with the endurance and self-sustainability of a conventionally powered submarine, even with an air-independent propulsion device, it is almost impossible for its operating radius to go too far beyond the first island chain, especially in the sea area outside the first island chain of the main imaginary enemy. Due to long-term preset battlefield construction and a large number of fixed-wing anti-submarine aircraft, it is too dangerous for conventionally powered submarines to use snorkels to charge and ventilate in this sea area under any circumstances.

Therefore, to protect the oceans, nuclear submarines must exist. Even in offshore offensive defense, the advantages of attack nuclear submarines are quite obvious. What we now call offshore defense has already expanded from the original offshore defense to beyond the first island chain, from the previous continental shelf sea area to the adjoining area of the continental shelf and deep sea. In this area, there are a large number of deep water sea areas. As long as there is deep water sea area, then it must be dominated by attack nuclear submarines.

Whether in terms of diving depth, speed, or the use of various hydroacoustic systems, attack nuclear submarines that cannot exert their full effectiveness in shallow waters can be said to be like a duck in water in deep waters. The transformation of China's navy's military strategy also calls for more Attack nuclear submarine.

Type 09IV strategic nuclear submarine


At the same time, we should also mention the change in the Chinese Navy's nuclear strategy. In fact, in the 09II era, the Chinese Navy basically did not have sea-based nuclear counterattack capabilities. The nature of the 09II test was too serious, until the last few years of the 09IV nuclear submarine. Only with this ship can our sea-based nuclear counterattack force have practical significance.

As the Rocket Force's strategic nuclear counterattack force is built more and more deeply, the construction of sea-based nuclear counterattack force will inevitably receive the same attention. This also determines that in the future, the Chinese Navy's nuclear submarine force will not only strengthen the construction of attack nuclear submarine force, but also It will also strengthen the construction of ballistic missile nuclear submarine forces. No matter in terms of quantity or quality of ballistic missile nuclear submarines, equipment or operational intensity, there will be a considerable improvement.

future submarine force

So, as the construction of the Chinese Navy's submarine force changes to "both nuclear and conventional, with nuclear as the main focus", what changes will we see with the naked eye for a long time to come?


First of all, of course, the number of nuclear submarines has increased and their models have become more numerous. In fact, rumors about the Chinese Navy's new generation of attack nuclear submarines and ballistic missile nuclear submarines have been circulating for many years. Some time ago, an official model based on the Type 09III attack nuclear submarine and improved into a cruise missile nuclear submarine was leaked on the Internet.

It can be found that these things are not groundless. The Chinese Navy's nuclear submarines have been piecemeal for a long time, and only one is built every few years. Then it is very likely that our nuclear submarines will also have dumplings in the future, and nuclear submarines will be manufactured just like destroyers. .

Secondly, it is in the actions of the nuclear submarine force. In fact, CCTV News has disclosed that the Chinese Navy's nuclear submarine force has achieved normalized cruises. Of course, the normalized cruises of the nuclear submarine force are just the beginning, from the normalized cruise of the attack nuclear submarine force to the normalized ballistic missile submarine force. From cruising to the guided missile cruise of the ballistic missile submarine force, there is still a long way to go.

Judging from the activities of the nuclear submarine forces of the United States and the Soviet Union during the Cold War, the nuclear submarine forces of the two countries still have a repertoire, which is to lurk in each other's offshore or even offshore waters. For example, when they surface late at night, they can see the lights of New York, and then Use the periscope to take a photo to check in, which means that I am here for a visit. This may be the highest honor of the attack nuclear submarine force.

Recently, Taiwanese media reported that Taiwanese fishermen encountered a Chinese Navy submarine floating in the Taiwan Strait.

Although we now have rumors, for example, Dad Dang and Uncle Dang said that the Chinese Navy's submarine force also has such photos, but there is no one that has actually been made public. We hope that at some point in the future, the Chinese Navy's nuclear submarine force can let us take a look at Tokyo Bay. The lights, or look at the lights in Los Angeles, the lights in New York, we are looking forward to this day!
China's nuclear sub fleet will surpass the US within 10 years.
If China builds 5-6 SSNs and 1 SSBN a year for the next 10 years, it’s possible.

Any indication China can do this at Huludao or even what’s to do this?

Military: The submarine force is "nuclear-based" and nuclear submarines patrol on a regular basis​

[2024.06.19] Published

A CCTV promotional video showed that the target ship on the sea was hit by an underwater torpedo, causing a huge splash of water, and then the target ship sank. (Screenshot of short film)

On the eve of the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Liberation Army Navy's submarine force, CCTV broadcast multiple promotional videos on submarines. (CCTV screenshot)

Today (June 19) marks the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Liberation Army Submarine Force. CCTV Military Channel has broadcast promotional videos for the submarine force for several days. The submarine officer interviewed revealed for the first time that China's submarine force, with nuclear submarines as the main force, has achieved normalized cruises of nuclear submarines. "Who I’m not afraid even if they come,” and the verification of submarine torpedo attacks and missile attacks at sea has achieved “historic breakthroughs.”

In one of the submarine promotional videos, Li Xing, an officer of a submarine detachment of the Navy, said, "Now the development of the national submarine force is both nuclear and conventional, with nuclear as the mainstay. Our nuclear submarines regularly patrol the sea, which allows the people of the country to calmly say we are not afraid of anyone who comes, we can pursue development of economy. This is the confidence of our people.”

China's submarine force was previously powered by conventional power and has been working hard to build a nuclear submarine force. This time it is rare to add "nuclear-based" to "both nuclear and conventional". The Type 094 strategic nuclear submarine equipped with the "Julang 2" submarine-launched ballistic missile has attracted more attention from the outside world. In April 2023, a Pentagon report revealed that the People's Liberation Army has equipped six Type 094 nuclear submarines, enabling it to start a new model of 24-hour uninterrupted combat readiness cruise. The regular patrolling of nuclear submarines gives the Chinese Navy a reliable sea-based nuclear deterrent force and puts huge strategic pressure on the West.

Called torpedo missile attack a "historic breakthrough"

The CCTV promotional video also broadcast the submarine target shooting situation. The torpedo was shot from the water, rose up and hit the target ship on the sea. A huge explosion directly lifted the rear of the target ship. Water columns tens of meters high appeared on the water surface, and huge waves surged. The target ship sinks.

Li Xing said, "Currently, our torpedo attacks and missile attacks have achieved historic breakthroughs in verification at sea. This means that our combat capabilities are stronger, our combat sea area is wider, and we are more confident when using us."

Taiwanese experts speculate that the target ship is the "Type 074" amphibious landing ship equipped by the People's Liberation Army Navy in the 1990s and has been gradually retired. The torpedo is not only very powerful, but may also have wake homing capabilities, focusing on hitting the rear propeller of the warship.

The hull #5 of the Type 093B was about to be launched on May 2024, and its length is about 110 meters.

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No one doubts huludao can build subs, but the questions remain:

1. Can China build at least 5 nuclear submarines (both SSN and SSBN) a year?
2. Does China want to build that many a year, with a goal of catching up with the size of the USN’ SSN and SSBN fleet size?

The US pacific fleet size is about 60% of the total tonnage, and if you count other nato nuclear subs, perhaps you will reach 75-80% of the total US fleet size. The US SSBN fleet size is 14 so probably up to 10 US/NATO SSBNs could be in the pacific and probably up to 46 SSNs. So a total of 60 nuclear subs. Some will remain committed to monitor/position against the Russians, so we could be down to about 50 nuclear submarines to dedicate towards China.

If China starts build 5 (Type 95 and 96) in 2025, it could probably catch up by 2035, with a fleet of 50 very modern nuclear submarines.

Is this a realistic or desired plan for the PLAN?
If China starts build 5 (Type 95 and 96) in 2025, it could probably catch up by 2035, with a fleet of 50 very modern nuclear submarines.

Is this a realistic or desired plan for the PLAN?
I think they could if desired considering all the reports in the past few years about the huge expansion of the construction facilities at Huludao.
I think they could if desired considering all the reports in the past few years about the huge expansion of the construction facilities at Huludao.
I guess time will tell if the desire is there.
No one doubts huludao can build subs, but the questions remain:

1. Can China build at least 5 nuclear submarines (both SSN and SSBN) a year?
2. Does China want to build that many a year, with a goal of catching up with the size of the USN’ SSN and SSBN fleet size?

The US pacific fleet size is about 60% of the total tonnage, and if you count other nato nuclear subs, perhaps you will reach 75-80% of the total US fleet size. The US SSBN fleet size is 14 so probably up to 10 US/NATO SSBNs could be in the pacific and probably up to 46 SSNs. So a total of 60 nuclear subs. Some will remain committed to monitor/position against the Russians, so we could be down to about 50 nuclear submarines to dedicate towards China.

If China starts build 5 (Type 95 and 96) in 2025, it could probably catch up by 2035, with a fleet of 50 very modern nuclear submarines.

Is this a realistic or desired plan for the PLAN?

By the year 2030, the USN will lose a sizable number of Ohio class and LA class.

With their current building efficiency, it will be almost impossible for them to maintain 50 nuclear subs with good condition in 2030.
By the year 2030, the USN will lose a sizable number of Ohio class and LA class.

With their current building efficiency, it will be almost impossible for them to maintain 50 nuclear subs with good condition in 2030.
Don’t count the USN out. In a new Trump presidency it could be like the Reagan build up of the 70s. Cutting spending on the people to ramp up defense spending. The US could also outsource work to South Korean and Japanese shipyards to bridge the gap and in return get the South Koreans and Japanese to help bring back more high tech jobs in factories into the US through FDI, helping Trump politically.
I guess time will tell if the desire is there.

US media: China's large-scale expansion of nuclear submarine plant can build 5 submarines at the same time (photo)​

According to a report on the U.S. Naval Academy website on October 12, China is massively expanding the nuclear submarine plant at the Bohai Shipyard.

As China strives to become a "blue water" power, nuclear submarines are vital to Beijing's plans. Historically, the size of the Chinese Navy's nuclear submarine fleet has been constrained by limited construction capacity. China has only one shipyard capable of the task, but that shipyard has been undergoing a massive expansion. Now, new satellite photos show it has additional capacity.

Satellite photo of the new building of Bohai Shipyard in Huludao, China

China's nuclear submarine fleet has been expected to grow even larger in the coming years, and the latest developments suggest that China will be able to produce nuclear submarines at a much higher rate.

How many nuclear submarines China will build over the next decade is a hot topic. The Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI) recently predicted that China's submarine fleet will grow by six nuclear-powered attack submarines by 2030. Other observers, such as retired Navy Captain James Fannell, formerly the director of intelligence and information operations for the U.S. Navy's Pacific Fleet, have estimated the number to be higher. What is clear is that the number of Chinese nuclear submarines will increase.

US media said that analysis of commercial satellite imagery revealed a new construction building at the shipyard, which looks essentially the same as the one built there in 2015. It is widely believed that it will be used to build a new generation of nuclear submarines.

It is believed that the newly built plant is large enough to build two nuclear submarines at the same time. Together with another large plant built in 2015, this will allow four nuclear submarines to be started at the same time. There is also an older plant at the other end of the shipyard. If it is still in use, another nuclear submarine can be started. Then, this shipyard will be able to build up to four or five nuclear submarines at a time.

Chinese Navy's Type 09III nuclear attack submarine

According to US media, nuclear submarines include ballistic missile nuclear submarines (SSBN) and attack nuclear submarines (SSN). All of China's nuclear submarines are built at the Bohai Shipyard, so its construction capability will be the main factor in the overall strength of China's nuclear submarine fleet.

In Washington, the development of the Chinese Navy has not gone unnoticed. U.S. Defense Secretary Mark Esper, who has proposed a long-term plan codenamed "Battle Force 2045," said the United States must start building three Virginia-class nuclear submarines per year as soon as possible to build a "larger and more capable submarine force." The proposed U.S. Navy will include 70-80 attack nuclear submarines, which are described as "the most survivable strike platform in future great power conflicts."

The article states that the Bohai Shipyard may build three new types of nuclear submarines. The simplest is the Type-09IIIB (also known as Type-093B) nuclear submarine, which is an iterative improvement of the current Type-09IIIA nuclear submarine, and the expected main improvement is to equip cruise missiles in vertical launch tubes. China's YJ-18 cruise missile is generally similar to Russia's "Caliber" missile family.

Chinese Navy's ballistic missile submarines

More advanced than the Type 09III series is the next generation Type 09V nuclear submarine (also known as Type 095) (NATO codename "Tang" class). It is expected to have everything that the Type 09IIIB has, but with better quietness.

The third type is the next generation of SSBNs. The Type-096 will follow the current generation Type-094 (NATO codename Jin). China is expected to add six Type-096s, rather than replace the current Type-094s, which would give China a net increase in the number of SSBNs. The 2020 report on Chinese military power submitted to the U.S. Congress projects that China will increase to eight SSBNs by 2030.

The article states that US analysts are still studying new details of the Bohai Shipyard expansion. But no submarines have been seen rolling out of the new plant, and the latest plant may have other uses. But one thing is that China is changing its nuclear submarine construction capabilities.

The biggest in the world! Bohai nuclear submarine factory revealed to be able to build 6 ships at the same time​

2017-04-23 20:03 Source: Xinde Maritime

Hong Kong media reported on April 20 that the People's Liberation Army is building a "Big Mac" factory at the Bohai Shipyard to produce the latest nuclear-powered submarines. Internal photos of the factory's submarine assembly workshop have been rarely exposed recently. As U.S. aircraft carriers were intensifying their activities in the Asia-Pacific region and disputes in the South China Sea and East China Sea continued, this move seemed to have ulterior motives.

According to a report by the Hong Kong Economic Daily on April 19, Bohai Shipbuilding Industry, formerly known as Liaoning Bohai Shipyard, is the only factory in China that builds nuclear submarines. Compared with the nuclear submarine production workshop of Russia's Severodvinsk Shipyard, which used to be the largest in the world, the newly invested workshop of Bo Shipbuilding is wider in both span and width. It can be called "the best in the world" and can meet the requirements of building 5 ships at the same time. -6 nuclear submarine requirements.

It is understood that China's nuclear submarines are built in the same way as aircraft carriers, using segmented modules. In addition to the final assembly workshop exposed this time, there is also a pressure-resistant segmented manufacturing workshop in the factory.

In August last year, Bo Shipbuilding Heavy Industry officially confirmed for the first time that the company had installed a new assembly production line, which was considered at the time to be used to build the People's Liberation Army's latest nuclear submarine.

Now, the interior of the indoor berth workshop of the new final assembly production line has been disclosed. According to external analysis, it can carry out the final assembly of two nuclear submarines at the same time. The 095/096 nuclear submarines will be built at the same time, which is an important sign of China's expansion of nuclear submarine production capacity.

The Type 095 is the Chinese Navy's third-generation attack nuclear submarine. It is expected to have an improved hull design and be equipped with a pump jet propulsion system to significantly reduce noise and improve stealth and concealment.

As for the Type 096 submarine, it is a ballistic missile nuclear submarine developed for the People's Liberation Army Navy. At present, Chinese officials have not disclosed its performance parameters. It is speculated that the Type 096 is more similar to Western ballistic missile nuclear submarines in hull design. It is worth noting that China is also developing the Julang-3 submarine-launched missile with a range of 12,000 kilometers. The combination of the two will pose a huge threat to the United States.

A recent report on an American science and technology website also pointed out that China currently has three nuclear submarine production lines and has the ability to build four at the same time. This means that the People's Liberation Army may build 10 to 12 nuclear submarines in three years to build a truly deterrent " "The Great Underwater Wall".

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Very smart move by China. The submarine force is always the sharp edge. Surface fleets everywhere are so vulnerable now.
Don’t count the USN out. In a new Trump presidency it could be like the Reagan build up of the 70s. Cutting spending on the people to ramp up defense spending. The US could also outsource work to South Korean and Japanese shipyards to bridge the gap and in return get the South Koreans and Japanese to help bring back more high tech jobs in factories into the US through FDI, helping Trump politically.

This is the irreversible trend, and even most hawkish president in the US history cannot change it.

Most American youths wanna rather work as a burger flipper in McDonald than working arduously in a shipyard more than 5 days per week.

The only way is to poach those South Korean/Japanese shipyard workers, but I don't think the current xenophobic blue collar community in the US would welcome it.

US media: China's large-scale expansion of nuclear submarine plant can build 5 submarines at the same time (photo)​

According to a report on the U.S. Naval Academy website on October 12, China is massively expanding the nuclear submarine plant at the Bohai Shipyard.

As China strives to become a "blue water" power, nuclear submarines are vital to Beijing's plans. Historically, the size of the Chinese Navy's nuclear submarine fleet has been constrained by limited construction capacity. China has only one shipyard capable of the task, but that shipyard has been undergoing a massive expansion. Now, new satellite photos show it has additional capacity.

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Satellite photo of the new building of Bohai Shipyard in Huludao, China

China's nuclear submarine fleet has been expected to grow even larger in the coming years, and the latest developments suggest that China will be able to produce nuclear submarines at a much higher rate.

How many nuclear submarines China will build over the next decade is a hot topic. The Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI) recently predicted that China's submarine fleet will grow by six nuclear-powered attack submarines by 2030. Other observers, such as retired Navy Captain James Fannell, formerly the director of intelligence and information operations for the U.S. Navy's Pacific Fleet, have estimated the number to be higher. What is clear is that the number of Chinese nuclear submarines will increase.

US media said that analysis of commercial satellite imagery revealed a new construction building at the shipyard, which looks essentially the same as the one built there in 2015. It is widely believed that it will be used to build a new generation of nuclear submarines.

It is believed that the newly built plant is large enough to build two nuclear submarines at the same time. Together with another large plant built in 2015, this will allow four nuclear submarines to be started at the same time. There is also an older plant at the other end of the shipyard. If it is still in use, another nuclear submarine can be started. Then, this shipyard will be able to build up to four or five nuclear submarines at a time.

View attachment 49921
Chinese Navy's Type 09III nuclear attack submarine

According to US media, nuclear submarines include ballistic missile nuclear submarines (SSBN) and attack nuclear submarines (SSN). All of China's nuclear submarines are built at the Bohai Shipyard, so its construction capability will be the main factor in the overall strength of China's nuclear submarine fleet.

In Washington, the development of the Chinese Navy has not gone unnoticed. U.S. Defense Secretary Mark Esper, who has proposed a long-term plan codenamed "Battle Force 2045," said the United States must start building three Virginia-class nuclear submarines per year as soon as possible to build a "larger and more capable submarine force." The proposed U.S. Navy will include 70-80 attack nuclear submarines, which are described as "the most survivable strike platform in future great power conflicts."

The article states that the Bohai Shipyard may build three new types of nuclear submarines. The simplest is the Type-09IIIB (also known as Type-093B) nuclear submarine, which is an iterative improvement of the current Type-09IIIA nuclear submarine, and the expected main improvement is to equip cruise missiles in vertical launch tubes. China's YJ-18 cruise missile is generally similar to Russia's "Caliber" missile family.

View attachment 49922
Chinese Navy's ballistic missile submarines

More advanced than the Type 09III series is the next generation Type 09V nuclear submarine (also known as Type 095) (NATO codename "Tang" class). It is expected to have everything that the Type 09IIIB has, but with better quietness.

The third type is the next generation of SSBNs. The Type-096 will follow the current generation Type-094 (NATO codename Jin). China is expected to add six Type-096s, rather than replace the current Type-094s, which would give China a net increase in the number of SSBNs. The 2020 report on Chinese military power submitted to the U.S. Congress projects that China will increase to eight SSBNs by 2030.

The article states that US analysts are still studying new details of the Bohai Shipyard expansion. But no submarines have been seen rolling out of the new plant, and the latest plant may have other uses. But one thing is that China is changing its nuclear submarine construction capabilities.

The biggest in the world! Bohai nuclear submarine factory revealed to be able to build 6 ships at the same time​

2017-04-23 20:03 Source: Xinde Maritime

Hong Kong media reported on April 20 that the People's Liberation Army is building a "Big Mac" factory at the Bohai Shipyard to produce the latest nuclear-powered submarines. Internal photos of the factory's submarine assembly workshop have been rarely exposed recently. As U.S. aircraft carriers were intensifying their activities in the Asia-Pacific region and disputes in the South China Sea and East China Sea continued, this move seemed to have ulterior motives.

According to a report by the Hong Kong Economic Daily on April 19, Bohai Shipbuilding Industry, formerly known as Liaoning Bohai Shipyard, is the only factory in China that builds nuclear submarines. Compared with the nuclear submarine production workshop of Russia's Severodvinsk Shipyard, which used to be the largest in the world, the newly invested workshop of Bo Shipbuilding is wider in both span and width. It can be called "the best in the world" and can meet the requirements of building 5 ships at the same time. -6 nuclear submarine requirements.

It is understood that China's nuclear submarines are built in the same way as aircraft carriers, using segmented modules. In addition to the final assembly workshop exposed this time, there is also a pressure-resistant segmented manufacturing workshop in the factory.

In August last year, Bo Shipbuilding Heavy Industry officially confirmed for the first time that the company had installed a new assembly production line, which was considered at the time to be used to build the People's Liberation Army's latest nuclear submarine.

Now, the interior of the indoor berth workshop of the new final assembly production line has been disclosed. According to external analysis, it can carry out the final assembly of two nuclear submarines at the same time. The 095/096 nuclear submarines will be built at the same time, which is an important sign of China's expansion of nuclear submarine production capacity.

The Type 095 is the Chinese Navy's third-generation attack nuclear submarine. It is expected to have an improved hull design and be equipped with a pump jet propulsion system to significantly reduce noise and improve stealth and concealment.

As for the Type 096 submarine, it is a ballistic missile nuclear submarine developed for the People's Liberation Army Navy. At present, Chinese officials have not disclosed its performance parameters. It is speculated that the Type 096 is more similar to Western ballistic missile nuclear submarines in hull design. It is worth noting that China is also developing the Julang-3 submarine-launched missile with a range of 12,000 kilometers. The combination of the two will pose a huge threat to the United States.

A recent report on an American science and technology website also pointed out that China currently has three nuclear submarine production lines and has the ability to build four at the same time. This means that the People's Liberation Army may build 10 to 12 nuclear submarines in three years to build a truly deterrent " "The Great Underwater Wall".

Thanks for sharing this.

I have read many of the reports, and from them, in theory, china is able to have up to 20 boats in some stage of construction at one single time, even if it takes 3-4 years to build a boat and put it through its paces in sea trials, building at least 5 subs a year is possible.

My question was really about the will. Does the CCP have the will to devote probably $10-15 billion a year for 10 years to build up a fleet approaching comparable to the USN.

This talk coming out of China, while not ramping up Virginia Block 5 construction, in this administration, will probably mean the US will go to 2.5-3 Virginia Block 5 production a year before the end of the decade, with what Trump is likely to do.
This is the irreversible trend, and even most hawkish president in the US history cannot change it.

Most American youths wanna rather work as a burger flipper in McDonald than working arduously in a shipyard more than 5 days per week.

The only way is to poach those South Korean/Japanese shipyard workers, but I don't think the current xenophobic blue collar community in the US would welcome it.
Blue collar Americans don’t make the call. If Trump says it many will just accept it as it must be US interests if Trump says so.

Trump is not a typical republican, he is the crystallization of the US unipolar moment and the 80s/90s bubble the rich elite lived in.

Don’t underestimate the power of American optimism, amongst the elite.

Once the war in Ukraine is over, regardless of outcome, will mean money will be freed up to pay contractors to build more shipyards.

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