China's Youth Unemployment Soars to Record 18.8% as Graduates Flood Job Market

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Many of the railway tracks in India are old and outdated, leading to wear and tear that significantly increases the risk of derailments.
The Indian government is taking decisive action to address safety concerns. Our Railway Minister has directed the rapid implementation of the Kavach system across 44,000 km of tracks in the next five years. The upgraded Kavach 4.0 specifically targets communication challenges in various terrains. India is actively investing in modernizing its rail infrastructure and prioritizing passenger safety.
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Well 90 percent of the country still look like what bald and bankrupt had witnessed. All I'm saying is instead of looking down on others try to improve one self.
fake taiwanese news

boy does china live rent free in Indians head. China never even thinks about slumistan but Indians think about China 24/7 obssessed its kinda sad really.
Youth unemployment is not necessarily bad since the priority is education instead of a part time job. They want to make it looks like china is in a crisis. But china nation wide unemployment is only round 5 percent lol.
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China’s revised youth unemployment rate rose to the highest level since the data set was reintroduced last year, as career prospects for young people dimmed amid the ongoing economic downturn.

The jobless rates for the 16-24 age group, excluding students, rose to 18.8 per cent in August, the National Bureau of Statistics said on Friday, up from 17.1 per cent in July.

Meanwhile, the unemployment rate for the 25-29 age group, excluding college students, also rose to 6.9 per cent in August from 6.5 per cent a month earlier.

Beijing introduced the revised method for December having suspended the release of youth unemployment data from July last year.

Under the previous approach, the jobless rate for the 16-24 age group, including students, had peaked at 21.3 per cent in June last year.

August was the first month since the record 11.79 million college graduates entered the job market.

They have scaled back their salary expectations with the economy struggling to find momentum.

Last week, China had confirmed its overall urban unemployment rate for August stood at 5.3 per cent, compared with 5.2 per cent a month earlier.

Finding jobs for China’s youth has been made a high priority by Beijing, as the risk of lower incomes puts pressure on consumer spending.

And with lacklustre job prospects, more fresh graduates are choosing to pursue continued education.

A survey of the 39 top- tier universities from Economic Observer media outlet found most institutions in China had enrolled more postgraduates than undergraduate students.

China’s top Tsinghua University admitted 3,800 undergraduates in September, while the number of postgraduate students reached 9,926, the Shandong-based economic publication found.

The government has urged companies to create jobs and absorb fresh graduates.

And to heed the government call, food delivery giant Meituan revealed its plan to recruit 6000 fresh graduates in 2025, according to an internal letter from chief executive Wang Xing on Tuesday.
Lol, what is the unemployment rate of Indian youth ?

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India also benefited from alot of cheap Russian gas and reselling them to Europe lol India manufacturing output for 2022 was $456.06B, a 0.03% increase from 2021. India manufacturing output 2.9 percent and china is 31.6 percent. India is no different than Bangladesh alot of assembly lines. If u want assembly apple jobs working for pennies than go ahead. China is moving to high end industries and going full domestic anyway lol

1 million people work for Apple's contractors in China. I suppose you would rather wash dishes for pennies in a European country
We don't need validation from anyone to recognize our progress. Our achievements are evident, and they reflect our commitment to development and self-reliance. We’re focused on building a brighter future, regardless of external opinions.

India is still far behind china in term of GDP, even GDP percapita, technology, education, and miltary so no need to be complacent.

Unemployment in China combined with relatively high economic growth could indicate that China still has potential to grow ahead reduce opportunity for India to take over China as manufacturing hub.
An Indian news article, This is no more BS than Epoch Times' or the tabloid in the supermarket stands. Good click bait.
Call centre sc****mer looks like you got a brain aneurysm. Instead of worrying about China or Bangladeshis please stop all these illegal Indians who are scamming the immigration system
In US, UK, Canada etc.

You attacked OP's origin country instead of debating on the article. Then why get butthurt if your fence jumping country is also dragged .
An Indian news article, This is no more BS than Epoch Times' or the tabloid in the supermarket stands. Good click bait.
Thread is from SCMP article. smell the coffee. It will help.
Lol, what is the unemployment rate of Indian youth ?

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India’s youth unemployment rate dropped from 17.8% in 2017 to 10% by 2022, and our technocrats have ripped apart your CMIE report, exposing its biased nonsense. No amount of mental gymnastics or hand-wringing is going to change the facts. Your wannabe 'superpower' China can't handle the truth lol
India’s youth unemployment rate dropped from 17.8% in 2017 to 10% by 2022, and our technocrats have ripped apart your CMIE report, exposing its biased nonsense. No amount of mental gymnastics or hand-wringing is going to change the facts. Your wannabe 'superpower' China can't handle the truth lol
Lol, which self-proclaimed superpower is in self-denial, can't handle the truth ? The number is from Indian source, keep bragging you are a superpower equal to the US now, lol.

The Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy (CMIE) is an independent private limited entity that serves both as an economic think-tank as well as a business information company. CMIE research group has built databases on the Indian economy and private companies. CMIE provides this information in the form of databases and research reports via a subscription-based business model. It is headquartered in Mumbai, with additional offices in India.

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