Chinese foreign ministry says Front-line armies of India, China have "realized disengagement in four areas"

And why would India do that when India is in already big trouble economically bcz of Covid lock down?
Why would India do when it knows it lacks tech advantage over China?
Why would India do when it has already active enemy on its western border?

China has enough reasons to do that and provoke india.

First, China thought it was the best time to take over Taiwan when the world is suffering from covid. So first step was to control its western border where India could make a move to take occupied Akshay Hind. So china did it and failed when India reacted with full deployment of forces. So China dropped the idea to take over Taiwan.

Second, China thought it can divert the attention of the world from the sourse of covid.

Third, Apple had started manufacturing of Iphone in India. China got scared of losing business. So it attacked India to show that India is not safe for business. So Apple can turn its decision.

Mate, I have so many conspiracy theories better than you. You want more.. ? 😄😄😄
So, India has became Taiwan and the world saver from PRC, lol. And, why did India start the 1962 war by invading Chinese territories when China was in a very difficult situation ? You people have a history of aggressions against China and as shown by the often belligerent comments towards China by Indian members on the forum, this is not surprising India wanted to attack China in 2020.
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So, India has became Taiwan and the world saver from PRC, lol. And, why did India start the 1962 war by invading Chinese territories when China was in a very difficult situation ? You people have a history of aggressions against China and as shown by the often belligerent comments towards China by Indian members on the forum, this is not surprising India wanted to attack China in 2020.
The 255-km DSDBO road connecting Leh to DBO has really become a thorn in China's side. DBO is just 9 km from the LAC, and this road is a game changer for India. It lets us manage the border areas near Aksai Chin, Chip Chap River, and Jiwan Nalla way better and speeds up troop deployments, giving India a serious edge in the region. It is located just 9 km from the LAC with China. A branch from the DSDBO road leads to the Galwan Valley, a key hill feature that India is determined to protect because it overlooks the main road. This has sparked tensions, as India wants road access and a stronger presence there, while China objects to any such move. The violent clash in Galwan Valley stemmed from these disagreements, with China opposing India's full use of the DSDBO road, leading to the ongoing confrontations. It's clear that relying solely on the DSDBO road makes it tough to sustain Sub Sector North (SSN) during a long war. That's why the alternative Leh-Sasoma-Saser La road to DBO is nearly complete. This new route will be a game-changer, as the PLA will struggle to cut it off. Built along the reverse slope of a mountain range, it's shielded from artillery, rocket strikes, and armored attacks, making the defense of SSN far more sustainable in the long run.
The 255-km DSDBO road connecting Leh to DBO has really become a thorn in China's side. DBO is just 9 km from the LAC, and this road is a game changer for India. It lets us manage the border areas near Aksai Chin, Chip Chap River, and Jiwan Nalla way better and speeds up troop deployments, giving India a serious edge in the region. It is located just 9 km from the LAC with China. A branch from the DSDBO road leads to the Galwan Valley, a key hill feature that India is determined to protect because it overlooks the main road. This has sparked tensions, as India wants road access and a stronger presence there, while China objects to any such move. The violent clash in Galwan Valley stemmed from these disagreements, with China opposing India's full use of the DSDBO road, leading to the ongoing confrontations. It's clear that relying solely on the DSDBO road makes it tough to sustain Sub Sector North (SSN) during a long war. That's why the alternative Leh-Sasoma-Saser La road to DBO is nearly complete. This new route will be a game-changer, as the PLA will struggle to cut it off. Built along the reverse slope of a mountain range, it's shielded from artillery, rocket strikes, and armored attacks, making the defense of SSN far more sustainable in the long run.
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What I really like is the All round efforts that India made -- The Whole of Nation.approach after 2020 to face China

What we did in 4 years would not have happened even in 20 years

Crisis turned into an opportunity
What I really like is the All round efforts that India made -- The Whole of Nation.approach after 2020 to face China

What we did in 4 years would not have happened even in 20 years

Crisis turned into an opportunity
These infrastructural projects should have been undertaken much earlier, but it's encouraging to see that progress is finally being made.
Funny. How would a border clash with India help to mend reputation damage caused by the covid? This is the weirdest excuse I ever heard. Who would draw their attention from covid to border clash? Do you really think western people care about it? Or you are referring to Chinese people? There is no general president election in China. Xi Jinping doesn't have to play election trick.

August 2019, before the border clash, BJP government passed a law that cancelled Kashmir's autonomous right. Indian central government decided to enforce management and control in Kashmir. Ladakh, the clash region between China and India, is regarded as part of Kashmir by India. This is another reason Indian army entered Ladakh and built infrastrurer there. Which obivously broke the status quo there.

By the way, what China did to Taiwan in 2020?
Chinese Communists are not the smartest bunch.
When they feel cornered, they do weird things.

I mean who would thought Chinese communists will sacrifice hundreds of thousand its own people and attack the world's only nuclear power, risk nuclear annihilation for the sake of North Koreans, but Chinese communist did.

China has been building infrastructure in Aksai Chin for decades, so why shouldn't India build infrastructure in Ladakh.

As I said before China must have come up these plans, after article 370 was scrapped in September 2019 and decided to execute them in summer of 2020.

China clashed Malaysia and Indonesia in the South China Sea almost at same time, when clashes with India were playing out in Himalayas

At the same time China stepped up its incursions into Taiwan's AIDZ.

So please don't give us this song and dance about how innocent China was just sitting back contemplating, feeling ashamed on how it's actions spread COVID through the entire world.

When all its neighbors decided to gang up on it and attack it.

When the world was suffering from Chinese COVID, China was busy hatching schemes to acquire more territory both at land and at sea.
Chinese Communists are not the smartest bunch.
When they feel cornered, they do weird things.

I mean who would thought Chinese communists will sacrifice hundreds of thousand its own people and attack the world's only nuclear power, risk nuclear annihilation for the sake of North Koreans, but Chinese communist did.

China has been building infrastructure in Aksai Chin for decades, so why shouldn't India build infrastructure in Ladakh.

As I said before China must have come up these plans, after article 370 was scrapped in September 2019 and decided to execute them in summer of 2020.

China clashed Malaysia and Indonesia in the South China Sea almost at same time, when clashes with India were playing out in Himalayas

At the same time China stepped up its incursions into Taiwan's AIDZ.

So please don't give us this song and dance about how innocent China was just sitting back contemplating, feeling ashamed on how it's actions spread COVID through the entire world.

When all its neighbors decided to gang up on it and attack it.

When the world was suffering from Chinese COVID, China was busy hatching schemes to acquire more territory both at land and at sea.
You mean Chinese gov should act like smart Indian gov, LMAO. You Indians dont know what is called courage in your dictionary, but only dare to bully the weak and vulnerable eh.
When all its neighbors decided to gang up on it and attack it.
Isn't it always the case in your neighborhood? all your neighbors hate you and gang up against you. you should really reflect on it.
China has 14 land neighbors, almost all of them have very cordial relations with China, India is the only country out of 14 that China has a hostile border with.

China has a long land border and has 14 neighboring countries in total : Afghanistan, Bhutan, India, Kazakhstan, North Korea, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Mongolia, Myanmar (Burma), Nepal, Pakistan, Russia, Tajikistan, and Vietnam.

People who can't agree on the color of shit, should not debate. Just sayin
China has 14 land neighbors, almost all of them have very cordial relations with China, India is the only country out of 14 that China has a hostile border with.

China has a long land border and has 14 neighboring countries in total : Afghanistan, Bhutan, India, Kazakhstan, North Korea, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Mongolia, Myanmar (Burma), Nepal, Pakistan, Russia, Tajikistan, and Vietnam.

China only has land disputes with India. Others are water and islands disputes. Which is very common thing for all counties that have sea territory.
No ..China has territorial disputes with Bhutan, Vietnam, India, Japan , Taiwan.

These are separate from maritime disputes China has with Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia, Taiwan, Brunei , Vietnam.
Well Malaysia and Vietnam both have overlapping claims in the South China Sea involving the continental shelf as well as the islands of the Spratly group. Both Malaysia and Vietnam are two of several countries asserting claims over the islands and waters of the area.
This is not a china vs ASEAN thing just with the Philippines they do deserve spanking anyway.
Meanwhile Vietnam is building more and more artificial reefs. Vietnam might have disputes with china but they learned their lesson in Johnson reef skirmish. They didn't date to try again.

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