Chinese Missile News

Big big doubt in the west about the reality and the real accuracy of such a weapon.
Why? because it needs a seeker, and a ballistic warhead, during the reentry, is over heated and surronded by plasma so no IR seeker possible (heat) and EM seeker not possible with plasma.

Or the warhead is higly braked for the last part of the trajectory to calm the heat and avoid plasma. But it is now a slow moving target, easily tracked by AEGIS radar and SM2 or 6 missiles.

Never forget that a carrier is not so easily targeted in the ocean, run at 20knots and can change of direction between the (possible?) detection and the arrival on target of the missile (loop detection=>fire approval=>real fire=>time of travel=>seeker search and finally target reached)

Except if the missile is fitted with a nuc warhead.... but it's another history.
On 26 August 2020, along with a DF-26B, a DF-21D was launched into an area of the South China Sea between Hainan and the Paracel Islands.

You can check this live-fire target. But, the English-language media's coverage of the live firing seems to be simple. If you know Chinese, you can try to find it in Chinese media, there are very detailed reports.

At the time of the appearance of these two missiles, China did not have the technology to communicate with the black barrier. I can't find you the right information in English on how it works.

At present, China has mastered the black barrier communication technology and applied it in space science and technology.
Big big doubt in the west about the reality and the real accuracy of such a weapon.
Why? because it needs a seeker, and a ballistic warhead, during the reentry, is over heated and surronded by plasma so no IR seeker possible (heat) and EM seeker not possible with plasma.

Or the warhead is higly braked for the last part of the trajectory to calm the heat and avoid plasma. But it is now a slow moving target, easily tracked by AEGIS radar and SM2 or 6 missiles.

Never forget that a carrier is not so easily targeted in the ocean, run at 20knots and can change of direction between the (possible?) detection and the arrival on target of the missile (loop detection=>fire approval=>real fire=>time of travel=>seeker search and finally target reached)

Except if the missile is fitted with a nuc warhead.... but it's another history.
Buddy, you are behind the curve China has the largest constellation of spy satellites numbering 400 satellites altogether just Jilin commercial low orbit satellite number 100s as of now and planned for 200 next year. There is no more place to hide for carriers these days

China has live-tested DF 21D and 26 last year. You are hiding behind a rock not knowing this

China has long ago solved communication black out due to high-speed team claims ‘highly reliable’ communications during hypersonic flight

  • Researchers from space physics laboratory in Beijing say they made ‘breakthrough’ during ‘multiple’ hypersonic weapon tests
  • They say their system on a high-frequency network could overcome the plasma blackout seen at this extreme speed

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Big big doubt in the west about the reality and the real accuracy of such a weapon.
Why? because it needs a seeker, and a ballistic warhead, during the reentry, is over heated and surronded by plasma so no IR seeker possible (heat) and EM seeker not possible with plasma.

Or the warhead is higly braked for the last part of the trajectory to calm the heat and avoid plasma. But it is now a slow moving target, easily tracked by AEGIS radar and SM2 or 6 missiles.

Never forget that a carrier is not so easily targeted in the ocean, run at 20knots and can change of direction between the (possible?) detection and the arrival on target of the missile (loop detection=>fire approval=>real fire=>time of travel=>seeker search and finally target reached)

Except if the missile is fitted with a nuc warhead.... but it's another history.
Lol, even Houthis can hit moving ships with their ballistic missiles.
DF 26 are old news ? Came out 10 years ago in 2015.
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China already have df-27 so yes there are all kind of missiles that can threaten ships operating in the Pacific. Even air launch 2pzd-21 on h-6k and yj-21 asbm with hgv ship launch on type 055.
Big big doubt in the west about the reality and the real accuracy of such a weapon.
Why? because it needs a seeker, and a ballistic warhead, during the reentry, is over heated and surronded by plasma so no IR seeker possible (heat) and EM seeker not possible with plasma.

Or the warhead is higly braked for the last part of the trajectory to calm the heat and avoid plasma. But it is now a slow moving target, easily tracked by AEGIS radar and SM2 or 6 missiles.

Never forget that a carrier is not so easily targeted in the ocean, run at 20knots and can change of direction between the (possible?) detection and the arrival on target of the missile (loop detection=>fire approval=>real fire=>time of travel=>seeker search and finally target reached)

Except if the missile is fitted with a nuc warhead.... but it's another history.

Why restrict yourself to aircraft carriers ? You can sink oil tankers, large cargo vessels

It is more like the CCP does not have a prayer against USN carrier group
Why restrict yourself to aircraft carriers ? You can sink oil tankers, large cargo vessels

It is more like the CCP does not have a prayer against USN carrier group
Why hit oil tankers with your missile. Tf are u on about lmao the only thing the US carriers are Good at is hiding behind other navies in the pacific. They never dared to contest South china sea even when a Filipino sailer got his finger cut off.
China already have df-27 so yes there are all kind of missiles that can threaten ships operating in the Pacific. Even air launch 2pzd-21 on h-6k and yj-21 asbm with hgv ship launch on type 055.
The DF-27 is currently in the midst of a legend. There are no credible official text reports, nor any pictures. Although the credibility is high, we still lack sufficient evidence.

The YJ-21 has been fully revealed. Both the shipborne version and the air-launched version are already being deployed in combat in the PLA. However, the current carrier is still relatively simple. It is expected that the miniaturization of YJ21 will be completed as soon as possible and deployed on more launch platforms.
We don't know much about df-27. The reports were just from us intelligence leaks . All we know so far is that it's a hypersonic glide vehicle with a range of 5000-8000 km can be both conventional and nuclear.
We don't know much about df-27. The reports were just from us intelligence leaks . All we know so far is that it's a hypersonic glide vehicle with a range of 5000-8000 km can be both conventional and nuclear.
Yes. You can think of it as DF-17 + DF-26. An upgraded version of the DF26 in the hypersonic version
What about DF,-45 or df-51 , is it like Chinese fractional orbital bombarment system that was tested back in 2021?
Little is known about DF-51 lol how many dong feng version are there I can't keep up.
It is more like the CCP does not have a prayer against USN carrier group
Lol, why the USN carriers always chicken away from Chinese seas then in recent years ?
Lol, why the USN carriers always chicken away from Chinese seas then in recent years ?
Cause they are scared . They want cannon fodders but the problem is Philippines is too weak even 10 type 022 missile boats are enough to handle them. US has 3 carriers in the Pacific that's not enough to fight china.

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